2 John + 3 John + Jude

Started by Mommy's Helper

Mommy's Helper

This is sort of a challenge for anyone who didn't make Nationals or isn't going:

memorize 2 John, 3 John and Jude before Nationals!

I'm trying to do it, I started yesterday, but I've only memorized 5 verses. :P


Emily H

How's your memorizing going!? I memorized 2 and 3 John a while ago (though I really need to review them :P), but I haven't done all of Jude yet. They're great books! :D

Your picture is really cute although I don't know what Templeton is. :P


Matthew Minica

I can't see the picture, but the only Templetons I know are either a twentieth-century preacher-turned-agnostic or a bad-mannered rat character from Charlotte's Web. From your description, it's probably the latter. xP


2 Corinthians 5:17

...or a bad-mannered rat character from _Charlotte's Web_. From your description, it's probably the latter. xP

remembers watching the cartoon version of that movie when I was little I was always sad when the spider died, Lol. xP xD


Emily H

My mom read the book to me when I was about that age too, and I know I was extremely sad. Don't remember if I cried though… xP Kinda creepy how they can play with your emotions enough that you're actually mourning the demise of your archenemy.


Matthew Minica

Haha, if you're asking if that's what I'm laughing at, no. I'm used to that from her. :P I was laughing because of what she said about her archenemy. xP


Mommy's Helper

Wait so this topic turned into discussing the rat in Charlotte's Web?!?! :P

Emily: Ummm… it's not going so well. :P I've still only memorized 5 verses. :P
