A Testimony and a Word to Finalists

Started by ServantOfTheKing


In past years, the Bible Bee has been all about the competition for me. Of course, I dedicated my time to the Lord and left the results in His hands—or at least, I said I did. With my mouth I honored Him, but my actions were a different matter. I focused on stuffing as much facts and statistics into my brain as possible. I really wanted to make it to nationals, and although I didn’t claim to have that goal, necessarily, my actions displayed otherwise. My focus was on the observation, not the interpretation or application. I zoned in on the small details that would be important for the test instead of looking at the big picture and seeing what the Lord might be teaching me. I didn’t seek to grow in my relationship with the Lord (at least, my habits displayed this mindset) rather I wanted desperately to make it to nationals. Don’t get me wrong, I learned and grew a ton! But my heart wasn’t in the right place. I had other loves above my Savior. And, for two years in a row, I was the cut off line. I am thankful that the Lord gave me peace about this decision during the time and I realize now that my heart wasn’t ready to go onward to nationals. I would have focused too heavily on the things that have no lasting value—the trophies.

But this year, I decided to do something different. I completely surrendered my time to the Lord. Instead of focusing on the Greek Words, I spent time digging deep into the passages. I did extra study on my own that would deepen my [heart] knowledge of the Word, not things that would add to my factual knowledge. My goal was to learn more about my Savior, and I approached the study each day with that goal in mind. I participated in the entire study and enjoyed every minute of it, although some days it took about two hours to complete. Just being with my Savior was reward enough for me. In the past, application was one of the farthest things from my mind—after all, it wouldn’t be on the test. This year though, something changed. I focused more on what I could learn from the Scriptures and what I could apply to my life. And as a result, I was richly blessed! My knowledge of and love for my Savior increased dramatically! No, I didn’t memorize all the Greek words, but I did have a greater knowledge of the evangelistic principles and ideas that Jesus and His followers displayed in John 1-6.

I approached the test not caring what the outcome was. I said this with my words, and this year, I meant it with my heart. I believe this was the work of the Holy Spirit, for I prayed many times that the Lord would use this study to change me and that my heart would be right before Him. And in His rich mercy, He abundantly answered my prayers above all that I could ask or imagine.

I took the test, enjoyed it immensely, and left it behind. When Saturday evening came, I was excited to look at the scores, but I put no eternal value in what they said. But amazingly (and only by God’s grace), I placed 68th. I can guarantee I did not earn such a position on my own. It was nothing that I did. I didn’t have all the facts and statistics down to a tee, I didn’t even know the verses perfectly and quickly (confession). But the Lord, in His great mercy, saw fit to bless me abundantly.

I wonder why the Lord gave me such an undue reward. I certainly didn’t deserve it. I most definitely didn’t earn it. Yet, the Lord saw fit to push me to the next level. I am over my head in school work this next year, yet the Lord chose to send me in this direction. He wants me to spend more time with Him. He longs for my company. And I believe He has a purpose. He wouldn’t have added something else to my schedule unless He wanted to use it to glorify His name and draw me closer to Himself.

So as I approach the nationals preparations, I desire to keep this goal in mind. It’s [very] tempting to allow myself to become competitive at this stage and start focusing only on the test. Rather, I must daily remind myself that the Lord has chosen me for a purpose. He wants to draw me closer to Himself. It would be shameful for me to waste this opportunity.

I share these things for several reasons. I want to give glory to the name of Jesus! He alone deserves it, for it is by His grace alone that He has brought me into the national competition this year. I also want to challenge and invite you nationalists to join me on this journey. To really and truly give the results up to God and focus on deepening your relationship with Him. He has you here for a purpose. I exhort you to find it and live it! To the praise of His glory!


Febah M.

Thank you for sharing, ServantOfTheKing! That blessed me. I can certainly relate! It was when I submitted the outcome to Him, knowing that I couldn't do it on my own, that He truly blessed my labor. And the years when I took matters into my own hands, He gently reminded me of my dependence on Him. God bless you as you seek Him through the study of His Word!



This is wonderful! I did not make it to nationals this year and this is my first year in the bible bee. But this is a wonderful help to me and this will help me keep my focase on Him and not other things! It's been alot of fun. Thanks for a great reminder of really how and why we do this!


Matthew Minica

Wow, thanks so much for sharing this, Allison. I think pride is something that all of us Bible Bee-ers (especially Nationalists) struggle with. You just cannot get away from it! But, when we give the outcome to God, He will bless us - not necessarily with a high score or with a trophy, but most certainly he will bless us with the intimate knowledge of Him, which is much more precious.

By the way, congratulations on making Nationals! I'm so happy for you! =) Praise God for what He has done!

Deleted user

Thank you so much for the testimony and encouragement you shared! I was super blessed to read this, and was challenged and inspired! You have a great mindset. For if the sole reason we do Bible Bee is to score really well on a test, then we've failed. I pray that we would all keep our eyes on Jesus and seek Him and His kingdom above all else! Also, congratulations on qualifying for Nationals! I hope I can meet you! :)


Everett C.

Allison, you've been a great encouragement and example to me through all your posts/chats. I can tell that your heart is truly in the right place, that your sole purpose in all things is to glorify the One who deserves all praise and honor. Thank you for this great reminder; it is so easy for us to boast in all the work that we did to qualify for Nationals and forget Him who is in control of all things. Congratulations on qualifying for Nationals and I hope to see you in San Antonio soon!

Psalm 51:17 - The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.



Thanks for sharing, Allison! I had a similar experience the day before the test this year. I realized that I didn't know it all, so I had to lean on His understanding, instead of mine. I agree with Matthew; pride is something that many BB-ers struggle with, especially me. ^I know, you probably wouldn't expect someone to struggle with pride AND feeling insecure, but both are big struggles for me.^ But the grace of the Lord overflowed for me. I didn't deserve it, but He allowed me to rank much higher than I had imagined. He does great things when we can do nothing!

BTW, I don't think that it's bad to have the goal of qualifying for Nationals. I think that the problem is when we place it ahead of our relationship with Christ, our family, our Church family, and other important things.


Happy Holly

Wow, what a blessing to hear your testimony! I love hearing how people have learned great things through studying God's word! You are very right in that all the glory goes to Him! And deepening ones relationship with Him is what it is all about! I have a similar testimony as well and like you for the first time this year, have made it to Nationals. Although I am excited about going to Nationals, I am more excited on what the Lord will teach me through this next phase! :) Congratulations on making it to Nationals!
Thanks so much for sharing!



As I think back over this past week of the National Bible Bee competition, I am honestly overwhelmed by my precious Savior. He taught me so many things about the value of His Word, His supremacy and trustworthiness, and my own need to be completely dependent upon Him. I heard God’s Word praised over and over again during those five days—we sang about God’s Word, we heard speakers talk about God’s Word, we listened to young people recite God’s Word, and we talked amongst ourselves about God’s Word. It was beautiful to behold. Honestly, one could not spend a week in that environment without falling in love anew with the precious Word of God. The Lord revealed to my heart that although I had been saying God’s Word was treasured above my necessary food, I wasn’t living that way. I saw those around me whose hearts were completely focused on the Word of the Lord, and I was encouraged and inspired by their example. Truly God’s Word is more valuable that precious silver and more costly than gold and we must allow our every spare moment to be spent in its pursuit!

As I conversed with others and sought to spend my time in a God honoring way during my week at nationals, I learned a very important lesson and had a chance to see it implemented time and time again. God is in supreme control over all the events of my life. From the most minute details about what time you wake up and when your headache goes away, to the big things like who makes it to semi-finals and who wins the 1st place prize. I watched in awe as God wove circumstances together to paint a beautiful picture that no artisan could ever compare. I remember wanting to talk with one certain friend Friday night, but I couldn’t find her. Another friend told me that she was going to be leaving soon, and I was discouraged to think that I probably wouldn’t get to say goodbye. Well, I pulled out of a room where the majority of the people congregated to snap a picture with some friends. After the picture was taken, my friend that I had so desired to see one last time came up to me and we embraced before she had to leave. I thought later about how, if I was not pulled away to take a picture that I hadn’t really wanted to take, I would not have been able to see my friend. God really worked the details out in such a perfect way! This is just one small example, but it gave me comfort in knowing that God was in control—especially over my friendships. There were people that I really wanted to talk to but didn’t have a chance, and some were thrown across my path (not in a literal way, of course), that I was able to really get to know. The Lord gave me peace of mind about this, knowing that He was in control. He also gave me peace about my test score results. Although I did not succeed by the world’s standards, I know that the placing I received was directly oriented by my gracious heavenly Father.

Finally, I learned once again of my own dependence upon the Lord. I am so desperately in need of His guidance and strength for each day. There was so much prayer that went into the competition and, indeed, the whole week. Without the Lord, I would have been a miserable heap. But the Lord was so gracious to provide for my every need and abundantly bless me with His presence. I felt Him near as I took the written test, as I recited my verses, as I worshiped Him, and as I spent time in His presence. But the times when I tried to live life on my own and go my own way, I failed miserably. These moments taught me to lean more and more upon my heavenly Prince and allow Him to carry me close to His heart, much like a Shepherd would carry a weak, little lamb.

Overall, I could not have asked for a greater week. My Lord was so faithful, my friends so kind, and my joy so overflowing. The Good Shepherd has brought me through this journey, and I praise the Lord! He has been my ever-faithful Companion and sustaining Strength, even when I could not walk (spiritually speaking) on my own. To Him belongs all the glory, the power, and the honor! Let us praise His dear name together!

As we praise God together, I ask you, what did God teach you? What did He do in your life that you want to thank Him for?



Thank you for sharing!

I am so amazed at the grace of God through it all. I really didn't deserve it, but God was so gracious to allow me to be in semis. All glory to Him! He is completely in control of everything, and no amount of studying can get us in semis or finals or anything; only God can. God has really taught me this year that He delights to give good gifts to His children. We may or may not necessarily recognize them as good, but they are still good. God did what was best for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. I prayed before semis that God would be glorified and that His will would be done, and it was. He was glorified and that's what matters.

Deleted user

Thank you so much for this encouragement! These are things I needed to hear! Through the Bible Bee this year, God has been teaching me to trust Him and His plan even when circumstances don't go as I would like. He is in complete control and always has our best interest in mind. He sees the big picture and works all things together for our good, even the disappointments in life. What a blessing it is to have a loving Heavenly Father who cares so much for us, His children! I was so excited to meet you at Nationals this year and am thankful for how you encourage others to follow wholeheartedly after Jesus!
