All Things Bible Bee: Questions, Chat, and more!

Started by Emily


Hello! This is just a place for people to chat with one anther, quiz one another… etc. Enjoy!



My studying is going good! A normal day of studying…..
–Read through a week of Sword Study
–Review Verses
–Study Cross References
–Study Greek Words
–Read through 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, John and Revelation
–Make lot of review sheets on the computer
–Read Commentaries
–And extra studying I can think of

Is anyone nervous yet?


2 Corinthians 5:17

For me, I try to do all these in a "normal" study day (if I can find one of those! =D )
–Sword Study - do the day's study and Review SS
–Review Verses - recite some to someone or to recorder
–Read through/study Master Sheet of Cross References
–Review Greek words offline and on Quizlet
–Overviews of 1 Jn. / Questions
–Computer study (such as Memverse, Quizlet, make sheets on Microsoft, etc.

I think that's all :) I am doing a few other things, in preparation for Locals.

Carissa: I'm a little nervous :)


Rachel the Alaskan

That is an awesome schedule! My mom wants me to just go on with the regular days and do one day a day, so I will be done the day before BB or so. I have been trying to study Greek words, and reciting my verses or practicing on Memverse.


Matthew Minica

Some of the Junior pics are messed up too. Arianna Edwards, Sarah Frisk, Hannah Leary, and Ben Watt are all messed up.

And why does it say that Michael Galitz won 1st in Primaries?? That makes no sense… Laura Gosz and Josiah Jaster are also mixed up on that page.


Emily H

Wow. Just wow. :P It looks kind of like they took the pictures from 2011 and 2012 and mixed them together and put them with random names :P


Emily H

That's really cool! =D Congrats!! :) Out of how many Seniors? There were only two including me, so yeah. :P


Emily H

Oh wow, that's great!!!! =D

Um, no :P Unless the scores are a LOT lower than last year. :) Do you think you'll qualify?


Matthew Minica

Oh wow, that's great!!!! =D Um, no :P Unless the scores are a LOT lower than last year. :) Do you think you'll qualify?

They will be a lot lower. :) Exactly how much lower we have yet to see, but take my word for it, they'll be lower. This is because of the difficulty of the test and the increased pool of qualifiers.


Sir Walter (Jimmy)

You all should make predictions for cut-off scores. :) Here are mine:

Primary : 560

Junior: 620 (maybe lower, maybe higher. This one is the most difficult to guess on.)

Senior: 695

Last year, the scores did not drop nearly as much as we thought, so I guess we will have to see. :)



Though they might only use the first part of revelation when God is giving his words to the seven churches.



They could but I think it more likely that they will either do 2 and 3 john or 2 and 3 John and a passage in the Gospel of John. Second and Third John kind of have the same type of message as First John so I'm not sure that they would use a long passage out of the Gospel. But you never know.
