Are you ready for the Nationals?

Started by Joshua S

Joshua S

Are you ready for the Nationals. Take this test to find out. And please no one comment on how I should have been studying instead of making up corny test questions.

  1. How many chapters are in John 1-12?
    a. 12
    b. 11 (twelve minus one equals eleven, right?)
    c. 0 (that would make for an interesting study)
    d. 1000

  2. Traditionally, who wrote the Gospel of John?
    a. Fred
    b. Bill
    c. Joe
    d. John

  3. What type of literature is the Gospel of John?
    a magazine
    b. a cookbook
    c. an opera
    d. a gospel

  4. Who is the Gospel of John about?
    a. John (no, it's not that easy)
    b. Nicodemus
    c. The Samaritan Woman's fourth husband
    d. Jesus

  5. Where did Jesus meet the Woman at the Well?
    a. New Jersey
    b. at a well

  6. What physical handicap did the blind man have in John 9?
    a. blindness
    b. lameness
    c. muteness
    d. stupidity (and I would suggest you get diagnosed if you get this question wrong)

  7. What socially-unacceptable activity did Jesus condone in John 6?
    a. talking while one's mouth is full
    b. forgetting to say "please"
    c. interrupting another's conversation
    d. practicing cannibalism

  8. Which of the following are disputed by scholars?
    a. the author of the book of John
    b. the date of the writing of John
    c. the actual locations of events in John
    d. everything

  9. What book may have been inspired by John 6:53?
    a. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
    b. "Charlotte's Web"
    c. "The Origin of Species"
    d. "Dracula" (remember, "he who… drinks my blood")

  10. According to Colossians 1:17, what is Christ before? (remember, read through all the answers thoroughly)
    a. the world
    b. the heavens
    c. mankind
    d. flowers, plants, trees, tigers, people, beds, houses, stars, iguanas, galaxies,
    chairs, potatoes chips, chicken, statues, libraries, pianos, horses, lamps,
    refrigerators, sandwiches, backpacks, chains, powers, clouds, desks, letters,
    numbers, pens, water, lines, air, land, pages, countries, schools, cities,
    seas, children, paper, books, fish, mountains, dogs, cats, rats, songs, doors,
    vines, ships, rocks, apples, balls, bears, bells, bones, bread, portraits,
    magnesium, time, and everything else

  11. Where was Jesus from?
    a. Bethlehem
    b. Nazareth
    c. heaven
    (good luck)

  12. What does the cross reference Hezekiah 3:5 reveal about the Gospel of John?
    a. you're turning in your Bible trying to find Hezekiah
    b. you're tired of hearing this joke

  13. What popular game did the priests and Levites play with John the Baptist in John 1?
    a. hide-and-go-seek
    b. Simon says
    c. freeze tag
    d. charades

Answers (and if you need these you're in trouble)

  1. a 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. d 8. d 9. d 10. d 11. whatever answer you choose, another one is right 12. your choice 13. d

Matthew Minica

Lol! I got all but the last one right away… the last one took me a minute, but when I looked up John 1 and saw it I laughed out loud. xP Good ones!


Joshua S

You had to look that one up! Oh, no! You'd better keep studying. I seem to recall they asked questions like that in previous years. Well, okay, maybe mine was a little harder. You might still do okay on the test. As long as you got the one about the blind man right you'll be fine.


Kayley N.

We should totally play John charades at Nationals! Thanks for the laughter; it's hard to remember that this isn't worth stressing over.
