
Started by Bethany Meckle

Emily H

It's awkward and I'm introverted :P

Haha, I agree on both points. xP I would have never done it but someone drug me in the first year, and then the second year too. :P


God's Maiden of Virtue

It's awkward and I'm introverted :P
Haha, I agree on both points. xP I would have never done it but someone drug me in the first year, and then the second year too. :P

Really? You don't seem very introverted. Maybe I haven't been around you enough. :)


Everett C.

It's awkward and I'm introverted :P
Haha, I agree on both points. xP I would have never done it but someone drug me in the first year, and then the second year too. :P

I've been "forced" into ballroom dancing which is even more awkward. And I don't like dancing in general.


Emily H

It's awkward and I'm introverted :P
Haha, I agree on both points. xP I would have never done it but someone drug me in the first year, and then the second year too. :P
Really? You don't seem very introverted. Maybe I haven't been around you enough. :)

Well, I'm not very bad and I try hard to talk to people at Nats xD And when I'm excited I usually talk a lot, so that helps. xP


Emily H

It's awkward and I'm introverted :P
Haha, I agree on both points. xP I would have never done it but someone drug me in the first year, and then the second year too. :P
I've been "forced" into ballroom dancing which is even more awkward. And I don't like dancing in general.

Ahh, I would not do ballroom dancing. :P


Emily H

There's these classes near here that you can take on ballroom dancing and I was like "uhh, yeah, no way." xP My dad would never do that, and I don't think my brother would either and I would definitely not going with someone else even if I was wanting to learn. xP


Everett C.

It's awkward and I'm introverted :P
Haha, I agree on both points. xP I would have never done it but someone drug me in the first year, and then the second year too. :P
I've been "forced" into ballroom dancing which is even more awkward. And I don't like dancing in general.
Ahh, I would _not_ do ballroom dancing. :P

I would so not do it if I had the choice.


Emily H

Okay! I think I had 520 something last time I counted… How about you? I know it's really hard to get it done when you are so busy and have so little time. :-/


Emily H

It's awkward and I'm introverted :P
Haha, I agree on both points. xP I would have never done it but someone drug me in the first year, and then the second year too. :P
I've been "forced" into ballroom dancing which is even more awkward. And I don't like dancing in general.
Ahh, I would _not_ do ballroom dancing. :P
I would so not do it if I had the choice.

Yeah. :-/


Luke Purkey

You guys should give dancing a try! It's a very fun old-fashioned activity! And it doesn't have to be awkward at all! We do homeschool balls all the time where I live with a couple hundred people.


God's Maiden of Virtue

I repeat: Wowww. That is fantastic, Emily!!! :D I feel like I'm going so slow now. ;)
I'm about half-way through my verses. And yes, it is very difficult to get it all done with everything so busy for me every day…the Lord has been so gracious though. =)


Emily H

Haha, no! Don't feel like that! :D Everyone can do it at a pace that works for them and their time schedule. I have quite a bit of time this year and I like finishing early and having time to go over things a lot. Other people might not like that or don't have time, or lots of reasons!! That's the nice thing about BB, you can do as much or little as your want in as much time as you want!! And the point isn't getting everything finished real fast or getting a high ranking…it's about learning more about God and bringing glory to Him, and I know you're doing that!! =D And half-way is super great!! =D


Everett C.

As I like to put it: Invasion of my personal space. :P

Totally why I go for the "practice position" while doing it rather than the formal one. That one's um.. A little close :P


God's Maiden of Virtue

You are absolutely right. It is a struggle when life gets so busy and restless, but I must continue to remember that I will get as much done as the Lord wants me to. And if I am seeking wholeheartedly to give Him my best and glorify His name, He is pleased, because that is all He asks of us.
Thank you for the kind reminder, Emily. :)

I must head off to bed now. I have a busy day tomorrow with soccer, chores, and memorization!
Blessings to you both! Keep seeking and serving Christ!


God's Maiden of Virtue

As I like to put it: Invasion of my personal space. :P
Totally why I go for the "practice position" while doing it rather than the formal one. That one's um.. A little close :P

My sentiments exactly.


Emily H

I totally know how that is :-/ Love you girl, you are such an encouragement to me :)

Good night! Happy studying! Press on =D
