Google group for BB?

Started by Esther Grace

Esther Grace

So some of us were thinking that we should make a group for BB-ers, mainly to share photos. A Google email group is an option, however it doesn't look like it has a "File" section where we can upload pictures - we'd have to send them through email to all the members. There is also the option of a Google Community (anyone can join, not just G+ people), however the way posts are shown is kind of confusing, and the pictures can't be categorized into albums at all.

Do you think a Google group would work? Anyone have any other ideas?


Esther Grace

Would dropbox mean making a Yahoo group?

Nevermind, didn't realize Dropbox and Yahoo were separate.

Maybe we could do both - the group for sharing the photos in Dropbox. Would each person need an account on Dropbox, though, to upload pictures there?


Esther Grace

Alrighty guys, I made a Google group!!forum/bible-bee-nationals

I've sent invitations to those of you who replied (and who had their email on their MV profile), but it would be easiest if y'all asked to join.

Btw, any ideas for clever names for the group are very welcome. I'm not as good in coming up with that sort of thing.

I will look into dropbox, but I figured I should make this first. I'm not sure how many people will make another online account to share their pictures - but it's definitely a good thought. We'll see.


Hannah Allison

So the way a google group works is everyone who joins receives all the emails that are sent through the group. You don't have to be on Google+ or even have a gmail address. Any email address works.
