Heritage RBC Assemble!

Started by Christian Alexander

Christian Alexander

Well, today we learned that Dr. What is registered for the Bible Bee, and he was soon followed by two other girls from the church. Also, it's pretty much been confirmed that OCTSRIS and ISC will also be participating, most likely. And Wretched Man's whole family (yours truly, SBG, GMOV, WS#3 and WS#4) is registered.

That leaves… Octavius's family! Who thinks that they will cave in to the pressure and join the competition?


Wretched Man

I'd have to say that Detwilerians are obstinate by nature, and tend to non-conform whenever they see others conforming. (Like my sweeping, discriminatory stereotyping?)

Thus, my prediction is that they will NOT cave. They will remain Bible Bee-less.



Yeah, I think they're just too scared. They don't want to take the gigantic load of 100 verses a summer, two verse cards a week, fifteen minutes a day. :P

P.S. All four of the girls in the previously mentioned family have now been signed up! Now Octo and his family will certainly not be joining, according to WM's logic. :D



I am so sorry to inform you all that we will not be participating in the state of un-BibleBee-ness, which you assumed we were going to persist in .
Yup. Just proved you wrong, WM, SBG, and COS.
We're joining.
(I really like that: obstinate by nature; Detwilerian [is that a reference to the Confession Study?]; and all the other slurs you have put on our noble name. Recant them, or I will reciprocate in like manner forever and ever, day and night. [Of course, that just means for a little while.])
BTW, SBG, it's not fifteen minutes a day, it's twenty. REALLY big difference.



I thought you guys would really jump on that. It's been a WHOLE HALF-HOUR and you have maintained strict silence. I guess you're really disappointed that your predictions were incorrect, WM, and you too, COS & SBG.
You can get up off the floor now and start typing a reply….


Christ's Handmaiden

I was hoping we would join, but I honestly did not think we would even be doing Bible Bee this year until today. This morning Mom asked us kids if we wanted to do Bible Bee (after she saw your Mom's email) and we all said we wanted to. Mom then called Dad at work and he said we could! We were all so surprised and excited :-) I'm looking forward to all God will do through this time of studying His word together as a family!


His Servant

OK, two things. First, that's great that more people signed up for the Bible Bee…you'll really like it!

Next, I thought that OCTSRIS and ISC last name was Detwiler? But, now you're saying that Octavius's last name is that. Also, I know that they aren't related, which means they can't have the same last name….

So, if you don't mind telling…whose last name is it???


Hiruko Kagetane

Hello. Depraved Man here. Yes, I have joined, and am looking forward to memorizing Scripture with you guys and others! Bet'cha it wont be long before the Waters' are on Memverse too! By the way, Bethany, its Octopus's last name.


His Servant

And it probably doesn't help to have anyone using different names than their real ones :)

So…ISC's family and Octavius' family there is a Nathan, then? Am I right?


Christian Alexander

No, OCTSRIS and ISC are not Detwilers. But I'm not sure if they'd want me to post their last name here, so I won't. But they have stated in other places that the first initial is W. And yes, there is a Nathan. Nathan is OCTSRIS and Caleb is ISC.

@ Octavius: Sorry for not responding sooner. This is the first time I've been on the Internet since I posted earlier. That's so exciting that you guys are joining, and that the rest of the Waters girls are as well!

I think my dad and SBG were merely saying what they said in order to further motivate you to join, in order to prove them wrong. :P



Are you sure that's what they were doing? I thought they were serious.
Mr. Sarcasm


Hiruko Kagetane

Fine, I'll drop the 'pus' and add a 'per', so Octoper! And anyway, how did you know I'd change my real name if I could? I never told you! And I am not "Dr. Whoever-you-want-to-call-yourself", I am Depraved Man!


Christian Alexander

OCTSRIS, ISC and Mommy's Helper are now signed up for the Bible Bee too! Did I mention I was very excited?

I can't wait to see what God has in store for our church this summer as we all study these verses together!


Hiruko Kagetane

screams like a 5-year-old They joined too? AWESOME!! Wow, I can hardly wait to see what God has in store for all of us in the coming months!


Christian Alexander

screams like a 5-year-old girl I know!! We now have a grand total of 18 kids from our church signed up for the Bible Bee!

Me, SBG, GMOV, WS#3, WS#4, Christ's Handmaiden, Octavius, Detwiler #s 9, 10, and 11, Depraved Teen, OCTSRIS, ISC, Mommy's Helper, and the 4 Waters girls.

Could there possibly be any more? Maybe we should start talking to the Stauffers. ;D



18 kids! :O We can't get our church interested! :( Any tips? We've set up a table, played a video, had it mentioned at our AWANA's award ceremony….any other ideas?


Wretched Man

@ZachBaas: Move to Ohio? It could be a Michigan thing.? :D

@Octo: I have to admit that your first post made me laugh OUT LOUD! That was PRICELESS!!

Yes, "Detwilerian" comes from the Detwilerian Heresy that your two brothers tried to propagate at the one men's study, where Pastor almost jumped across the room and tackled them both with a fatal body check.

However, I recant.

Glad to have you aboard!

(Now, I'm excited and all, but what happens next?)


Emily H

I guess it's a CA "thing" too… (almost) no one at our church is interested. Or really, in our whole town… :(

18 PEOPLE FROM YOUR CHURCH!?!?!?! That's awesome. We barely have 18 people in our WHOLE Bee!


Christian Alexander

@ Zachary B.: Only God can instill a true love for memorizing His Word in people's hearts, so ultimately it's not up to anything we or you do that will get them interested.

That said, we have a pretty small church (75 or so members), so we know almost all of the families there pretty well, and we're very close friends with 4 or 5 of the families, so after two families (ours and Depraved Teen's) had signed up, several of those others were pretty sure to follow.

And it helps that most of the people who've signed up were already on Memverse, so it was pretty natural for them to want to register for the Bible Bee, which so many other Memversers are doing.



Wow, I haven't been on this topic for less than a day… and I missed all this! Congratulations, Detwilers, Ws, Waters, and Depraved Teen/Sparky/Dr. What/Whatever-else-he-comes-up-with for joining the Bible Bee! You won't be disappointed!

P.S. Yes, my first comment was obviously just a motivation. :P I knew that they would join sometime, what with all of them that are on Memverse having already memorized over 100 verses… :D

P.P.S. Congratulations also to Detwilers #9, #10, and #11! Tell them I said… well, I guess I can just tell them myself later. :)


Hiruko Kagetane

Hey, does the Bible Bee site tell you which verses we're going to do, or is that included in the package they send out? Oh yeah, by the way,our friends the Anands signed up for the Bible Bee! Isn't it awesome?


Bethany Meckle (inactive)

A SMALL church!?! I wish our church had that many people! We have around 18 or 20 people currently! :) I guess it is small compared to a lot of other churches though. :)


Christian Alexander

Yeah, our mom told us that this morning! It's so weird that so many people we know are registering, when just last year, we were alone, aside from the people we knew from previous Bible Bees.

Oh, and, no, you don't know what the verses are until you get them in the mail on June 1st. Everyone finds out at the same time, so that it's fair.

@ Rejoicing Always: Well, yeah, your church is much smaller. :P I was calling ours small in relation to most churches these days that will have at least a hundred members. The church we came out from was up to having thousands of attendees every Sunday.


Wretched Man

@COS: I think your Dad refers to that place as a "social club" now, more so than a true church (according to Scripture).



OK. Ii guess that does help. We got several hundred members and we don't know all of them.



Thank you for recanting, WM. Otherwise…
BTW, what part were you laughing at?

DT: I just extrapolated from what you do on here and applied it to real life. I know you probably wouldn't change your real name. It was just a joke, I mean, cummon, didn't you get it?


Christian Alexander

I think WM was laughing at this part:

"Recant them, or I will reciprocate in like manner forever and ever, day and night. [Of course, that just means for a little while.]" :P



Octopi is the plural of octopus, and I am not more than one, let alone an octopus, DT. Just to help you in the future when you reference me, here's a definition of my name:

Octavius = [oc-TAY-VEE-us] 1. A Roman emperor who reigned B.C.;

  1. The first name of a Puritan author who lived in the 17-18 hundred's (I think);
  2. Someone who is a member on Memverse who enjoys the new forum, the theology discussions, who will soon enjoy Bible Bee (hopefully), who loves to pick on a certain other member of Memverse who changes his name WAY too often, and who HATES it [extreme dislike; total disapproval; opp. of love] when that particular member perverts his name.
    Abb. is Octo = [OC-toe].
    [Any more changes to those two acceptable labels for this person (vis.: Octavius and Octo) will be prosecuted by the law of my arm when we meet at church tonight, okay Sam?]

I just had to put it in there, WM.



Who said arm-wrestling? My hatred for name perversion runs much deeper than to be appeased by a mere test of strength.

Bring some band-aids, SBG.


Hiruko Kagetane

What Octomonkey means is that he's scared of arm-wrestling with me 'cuz he's seen my prodigious strength, and doesn't wan to take me on!

-Mr. Sarcastic


Hiruko Kagetane

Wow, like, where are you guys? Even ChiefOfSinners hasn't been here all day. Neither has Wretched Man, or Octo, or any of his various siblings. Did I scare you off?


Christ's Handmaiden

HAPPY 14th Belated BIRTHDAY, SavedByGrace!
May the Lord richly bless you this coming year!

@DT: Since you've been changing my brother's name so much, here's a variation on yours:
Add 'beware' in the front, change the 'a' to an 'i' in depraved, and here's what you get - Beware: Deprived Teen :-)
This describes you very well.


Hiruko Kagetane

Ditto from me SavedByGrace! May God give you wisdom and blessings in this new year of your life!

@Christ's Handmaiden~ I know, I am right? But I only pick on your bro 'cuz he has such a pickonable name!
