John 13-15 Discussion and Sharing

Started by M27


This is the place to discuss the meaning of verses in John 13-15, as well as share all that God has been teaching us through the study.

Hope to see lots of activity on this thread! :)


Joshua S

I think I'd choose verse 1, but verse 14 and verse 20 are also key verses. It's often so hard to pick just one.

Deleted user

I chose John 13:14-15 since that was the key verse in the Primary DJ. :)


Joshua S

I thought it was interesting doing a study of how the word "know" is used throughout John 13-21. The disciples confusion about what Jesus was saying keeps coming up. In John 15, Jesus said that His disciples were His friends because they understood what He had told them from the Father. In John 17, Jesus says that eternal life is knowing the Father and the Son. It's really amazing how Jesus took the time in John 13-16 to explain as much as He could to His disciples, even though they had so much trouble understanding Him. By giving them His words, He was effectively cleaning them (John 13), giving them a relationship with God (John 15), and ultimately giving them life (John 17). As we study God's Word, we have that same privilege.



What does the Primary study say are the key verses for the other chapters? :) (We can't access the Primary study…)


Joshua S

Key verses for John 13:1-20 are 14-15.
Key verse for John 13:21-38 is 35.
Key verses for John 14:1-14 are 1-4.
Key verses for John 14:15-31 are 14-16 or 16-17?
Key verses for John 15:1-17 are 4-5.
Key verses for John 15:18-27 are 18-19.


Joshua S

Does anyone have any ideas about why Jesus all of a sudden referred back to His discussion about cleanliness in the middle of His discussion about abiding in the vine in John 15:3?


Emily H

I might know why… I was looking at some of the Greek in John 15, and in John 15:2, the Greek word for "purgeth/prunes" is (2508) kathairo, then in the next verse Jesus says "Now ye are (2513) katharos…"


Joshua S

Wow, that is interesting. It looks like katharos can be used to mean cleared or pruned. That would kind of give a new meaning to verse 2.


Joshua S

Okay, question #2: Why did Jesus talk about receiving people in 13:20 in the middle of His conversation about His betrayal?


Cory(being a fool is not cool, but God is a precious redeeming jewel)

Well, I'm no expert, but I can think of two reasons why He would say this. 1) He knew that Judas will betray Him and thus, hadn't received the Father also, and 2) the Upper Room discussion is Jesus giving His disciples the tools they need as He will soon go to the cross. Speaking of His betrayal probably reminded Him that they will soon be sent out (also see 15:18-20 and following). I hope my thinking out loud helps you :D


Joshua S

I think your first guess might have hit on something. I have been studying the theme of unity in John 13-15. and 13:20 fits in really well to that. Judas' betrayal of Jesus demonstrates the opposite: disunity. Besides the clarifying note in 14:22, I don't think Judas is mentioned again after he left until chapter 18 where it states explicitly in verse 5 that he was with "them." You're either with the world or with Jesus.



I was just flipping through a little notebook/prayer journal of mine, and I saw a verse that I wrote in there back in the Spring. It corresponds well to the study, in my opinion:).

"A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his master."
Luke 6:40



Why does the greatest kind of love die for friends rather than enemies? I've been thinking about that recently, and I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts.


Joshua S

I guess if you die for someone, that person is your friend, even if you are not their friend.



Hmm…that makes some sense, especially considering that the Greek word can also be translated as love. But, I keep on thinking about Romans 5:7 (I think that that's the reference), which says that Christ died for us while we were still enemies. I guess that my human logic can't fully comprehend God's truths :). But God's Word is always true, even if I don't understand some things.
