Local Contest!!!!

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17


I'm feeling like I'll be prepared when locals is here :) My favorite memories? I have so many!!! One of them is after the written test meeting for the first time my really good friend!


Emily H

Uh, no. :D I'll feel almost prepared when Locals comes around. I don't think I've ever felt completely prepared, but each year I fell a little more prepared!! :P :D Ummm, lol, probably in 2011 when I finished the written test with 15 minutes still left (because I had got the idea that it was impossible to finish the test in an hour :P) and I was so, so, sooo excited that I was about to jump up and leave the room to tell my mom, and then I thought "Hmm, you're probably not supposed to do that…" :P :D


Matthew Minica

@Emily: LOL!

No, I'm definitely not ready yet, but I think I will be pretty ready when Locals comes. My favorite memory from Locals… hmm. Maybe in 2010, when the finalists were being announced, I was sooo surprised that I was called up as 2nd!! The irony about it is, I actually was not second in score, Sarah Johnston was. Apparently our scores got mixed up somehow. :-\ <And no, I don't usually put noses on emoticons, but that one doesn't look right without one! :P


Priscilla K.

Are you kidding? Ready? I've never been ready for the locals, until about noon the day after:) But even so, I love the local day. My favorite memory is from last year, because the first three years when I was waiting to be called for my oral test round, I just paced back and forth, but last year, there was this awesome guy, that made us all play a game, it felt so good to sit on the ground like a little kid and play a game. He kept us talking until we went in for our tests, and it was so much fun. I also had a ton of fun on stage at locals last year, my cousin and I were the only ones left on stage, and we both went through all the passages word perfect, so she won because her score was higher, but we had so much fun doing that together!


Emily H

Are you kidding? Ready? I've never been ready for the locals, until about noon the day after:)

Exactly!!! lol :)

@Matthew, I know those ones look terrible with out a -
Oh yeah, I used to think all sorts of weird things. Like that if you memorized too many verses there wouldn't be enough "room" and the first ones you did would get "lost" to make room for the new ones. (I was so shocked in 2010 when I was actually able to memorize and keep memorized 34 verses in one week!!!! :P :P). So you could never memorize ALL the verses, so just pick out the ones you like. And that you had to be supper smart and do nothing but study to qualify for Nationals. Oh, and that the cross references were boring so I usually didn't do those.



When I'm nervous I always pace back and forth…and that's what I have always done. But I hear that the seniors are more "exciting" while they wait then the juniors :) So we'll see what happens this year :)


Bethany Meckle

@Priscilla - I was at Duluth last year!! Yeah, the Junior/Senior commander guy was so much fun - he definitely helped me relax! :) You and Rachel did awesome at the mock finals. That was pretty cool that you tied on stage. :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Last year when I was waiting for my oral round, some friends and I were hitting a ballon around :D :P I didn't have to wait long to go to my Orals, since my last name is closer to the beginning of the Alphabet =D after my Orals though, I was kind of lonely in Family Fun room 2 until a sweet young lady in the Juniors came and we visited =D



We are always near the end :( So I'm pacing back and forth while waiting and then we hardly ever get to be long in the family fun room :(


2 Corinthians 5:17

Wouldn't it be fun if we went to the same contest?! :D it was fun in the FFR, I was in there the longest :) it was pretty quite, and then it got NOISY!!!!!!!!! =D



Yes, that would be SO much fun!! To bad we live so far away :( It's always extremely noisy when I get there! :D


2 Corinthians 5:17

Maybe I should convince Daddy to do it some year =D ask him if we could go on a trip then, and plan it so we'd be in your town on the day =D at least, we might be able to compete together at Nationals!!!! hopes, hopes, HOPES



LOL :D :D That would be neat though!! Oh, yes, I really want to compete together at Nationals!!!!!!!!!! To bad though that our names are so far apart :(


Ian R.2

Um…. No! I don't feel prepared. I probably won't feel prepared until the minute after the written test is done. At least that's what I felt last year. :)
My favorite memory has to be in 2011 when I stood up on stage, and they were naming off the winners of the Junior Timothy track. They had just named the 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd place winners, and my name was not mentioned . In that moment I remembered that one of the women who was there told me I had done really well. I was wondering exactly what that meant when they announced that I was the winner of the Junior Timothy track! That was my favorite memory. :)


Bethany Meckle

My favorite memory has to be in 2011 when I stood up on stage, and they were naming off the winners of the Junior Timothy track. They had just named the 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd place winners, and my name was not mentioned . In that moment I remembered that one of the women who was there told me I had done really well. I was wondering exactly what that meant when they announced that I was the winner of the Junior Timothy track! That was my favorite memory. :)

I had the exact same thing happen to me last year except there was no Timothy track, just the regular Juniors.


2 Corinthians 5:17

Um.... No! I don't feel prepared. I probably won't feel prepared until the minute after the written test is done. At least that's what I felt last year. :) My favorite memory has to be in 2011 when I stood up on stage, and they were naming off the winners of the Junior Timothy track. They had just named the 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd place winners, and my name was not mentioned . In that moment I remembered that one of the women who was there told me I had done really well. I was wondering exactly what that meant when they announced that I was the winner of the Junior Timothy track! That was my favorite memory. :)

That's what happened to me last year, and I was shocked! :)


Rachel the Alaskan

This is my first year in Junior's, so I'm not sure what it will be like…after the oral they always talk about really random things, like washing dishes :P, but this year we will be testing in Thayne, WY. (I think that's how you spell it!) (We live in AK, but are in the lower 48 raising financial support to go back as missionaries…we've been gone since October 30th…) Best memories??????????? Well, I suppose being at home for it! "There's no place like home", right???


Christine Daaé (Dani the Older)

We don't do our waiting list in alphabetical order- since my Mom's a host, I put the names in a hat, and draw them in a random order. If we have a sibling pair, when we draw the first one, we just put the other one back to back with it.



What's one of your favorite memories from a past Local contest?

I think probably playing spoons. Madeline H. at www.flameinthedarkness.com lives in our area, and every year, she organizes a game of spoons while we wait for our oral rounds. Last year, we had to set up a "spoon police" because certain people (I'm not going to mention their names) kept throwing spoons into the pile, so that everybody got one. Sadly, the regulation effort kind of broke up when I went into my orals.


Bethany Meckle

How far do you all have to travel for your locals? We live in Fargo, ND, and we're going to Minot, so we have about a four hour drive.



We have about a five hour drive. Last year we left our house at about two-thirty in the morning.



Priscilla K.

Yea, it's tough. I can sleep in the car though, and that's nice, only last year, we were car pooling with some of my cousins, so we talked the whole way there.
