National Qualifiers Checklist

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Corinthians 5:17

Hi All!

I have a question for all of you that made it to the 2011 National Bible bee….(or have a studied a book in-depth without a sword study)

What materials, supplies, etc did you use for studying for the National qualifiers study book? Any books or study resources you used? Please tell us!

Also, any hints on memorizing quickly and efficiently I would be very grateful for!!

Thank you so much!!!



Matthew Minica

I used a spiral notebook for my Sword Study for 2 Peter and followed much the same pattern as the Sword Study for 1 Peter did. I took three weeks to study each chapter (there are three chapters). For Streetview, I asked myself detailed questions about each verse. I did make myself a copy of 2 Peter. For Under The Rug, I chose several key words to study, looked them up, and found as many cross-references as I could about them. At the end of each chapter's study, I made myself a summary page (kind of like the Day 10 Diagram, but without the diagram) of the chapter.
For study of Greek words, I would highly recommend The Complete Word Study Dictionary New Testament, edited by Spiros Zodhiates and published by AMG International, Inc. This is a great resource for both learning what certain Greek words mean and finding cross-references for them. It is much more detailed than simply Strong's.
We also found some free study guides on the Internet for 2 Peter, and I am sure that there exists some free study guides for all books of the Bible.


Matthew Minica

Balancing the Sword might help a little, but I don't really think it's that in-depth - I believe it targets only every 2.7 verses on average or something like that. It was a really good resource for studying in 2009, when contestants had six long books to study (Genesis, 1 & 2 Samuel, Matthew, Acts, Romans), but I don't think it's that great for the kind of studying that we need to do these years.


Thomas Youngman

@Rachel, I used a free download software called Online Bible. It has cross references, commentaries, Greek words, and such like. Another contemporary of Online Bible is e-Sword. It is also free for download, although I have not used it much, so I don't know much about it.


Everett H

Last year for Nationals we used Precept upon Precepts Study's. And for memorizing verses Cross Quiz (It is on the Bible Bee e-store).



Logos is really helpful. I print off the book. One chapter per page then I find the greek words, cross references, etc… and put them on the sheet with the chapter. Then I will make an outline and put that on the sheet. And study it phrase by phrase. I also like to make a "commentary" on the book.
