Recitation Habits

Started by Joy Robb

Joy Robb

I tend to rock back and forth, keep some sort of rhythm, look at the floor to concentrate and/or sorta nod my head while reciting. Does anyone else have cool habits or methods of reciting without getting nervous and blanking?


Anna the Older

I used to recite with my eyes closed for concentration. But that's not very interesting for either your listener or an audience, so now I focus on speaking God's Word with excellence and inflection. I want to convey the emotion that was there when it was written, and bring it to life. I try to focus on the meaning of the words themselves, rather than on either myself or the audience. Making eye contact is good, but if that's too distracting for you, try looking over people's heads. As a Bible Bee alumna, though, I don't have the pressure of being graded anymore! :)
