Super Senior Bible Bee

Started by Ruth Smith

Ruth Smith

Ok so I've been thinking about this for……well…..since I've been older than 18!!!!
What about doing a Super Senior Bible Bee (there's probably a better name, but that's all I can think of right now:) for Bible Bee Alumni ages 19-25?

What do you think?

What rules would we have?

How could it combine but not interfere with the normal aged Bible Bee?

I'm eager to hear your thoughts!!!! Let's brainstorm about this and see if we couldn't come up with a brilliant idea to send to Headquarters!!!!! Who knows….. Maybe we could even get it in the works by the start of next year's contest!!!!!!!!


2 Corinthians 5:17

I love this idea! If it would actually go through, then I wouldn't be as sad about turning 18 in 2 years ;-) ;-)

Maybe for the "Alumni Division" there could be the same study book, but less verses than Seniors. Just an idea :)


Seth W.

I would be really excited if there was a "Super Senior Bible Bee". My biggest regret about turning 18 was certainly that I wouldn't be able to do the Bible Bee any more. I don't have any brilliant ideas right now, but I'll certainly think about it and post any thoughts or ideas I have. Just personal thoughts off the top of my head, though;

1) I would think that is should be smaller scale than the normal Senior division. Whether that means having no cash prizes or some other way, the regular Senior division should still be the primary highlight of the Bible Bee.

2) Should it be open only to Bible Bee alumni, family of contests, or anyone? My personal thoughts right now would be to keep it to Alumni and maybe siblings as well, but I don't have any particularly outstanding reasons. That's somthing that Headquarters would decide anyway, but we should certainly keep it in mind.

3) We older contestants likely vary more drastically than the other divisions, not only in phases of life but also in memorization and bible knowlege. It may require a slightly different approach in order to keep it from becoming an exclusive club that is only for those who have thousands of verses memorized, not to mention those biblical studies majors in college who are fluent in Koine Greek and can give a detailed historical background of every book in the Bible:). I don't have any ideas right now, but maybe someone else can come up with something.


Seth W.

So open it up to all immediate family members of past and/or present Bible Bee contestants? That could be interesting:) And fun. It may get more of the family involved, which is something SKF seems to be pushing….hmm. That may be a really good idea, make a unique 'division' that incorporates parents and siblings of contestants, which could really make the summer study time keep the whole family more involved. That's something that I'm sure SKF would like. It would probably be a less formal, more relaxed type of competition, but I get the idea that many previous contestants would like to compete just to see friends and be a part of the Bible Bee again, even if there wasn't any monetary reward.

Good idea Priscilla.:)


Mommy's Helper

Whoa! You think it might actually work? I know some people that definitely would do it though :). If you didn't cut it off at 25, my dad might do it too!


Bethany Meckle

2) Should it be open only to Bible Bee alumni, family of contests, or anyone? My personal thoughts right now would be to keep it to Alumni and maybe siblings as well, but I don't have any particularly outstanding reasons. That's somthing that Headquarters would decide anyway, but we should certainly keep it in mind.

They have the regular Sword Studies available to non-BB contestants. They might do that for this, too.


Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

Well, I waited a couple days before posting on here. Because, I think I'm bringing in a dissenting opinion. I never thought I'd say this, but I think it is good that the Bible Bee ends at 18. I have a couple major reasons:

  1. My mother. I'm the oldest daughter in our house, and it is very hard on mom to have me (and my next oldest sister this year) studying like crazy for three solid months (plus a lot in the summer) instead of helping with the little kids, ironing, washing dishes etc. It was definitely worth the sacrifice for these last years, but it can't go on forever. I need to be available to help around the house more than I have been.
  2. Spiritual growth. This sounds counter intuitive. Isn't that what the Bible Bee is all about? Yes, it is. But, it's far too easy to get caught up in studying just for the competition, and forget to study beyond that. Without the Bible Bee, there is no "guaranteed" priority. We've (speaking to the alumni) spent up to five years making the Bible a major priority in our lives, now can we continue without the competition for motivation?
    Now, with that said, I am planning on getting my own copy of the Senior SS next year, and working through it over the summer, and memorizing the verses with my siblings. I'm just not sure that being part of the actual competition at the end of August is a good idea.

Jedidiah Diligence Breckinridge III

To add to what I said last night, what I think would be perfect would be the equivalent of the Timothy Track that they did in 2010 and 2011. A reasonable amount of verses, the same sword study, and the ability to compete at locals without the pressure of Nats. Only since it's alumni, we should call it the Barnabas Track. (credit for the name goes to Margaret. We were talking about it together.)



I agree with Sarah. The Bible Bee is for kids. And having another division would make all the Alumni win, anyway :) after you're 18, you should be focusing on other things, like possibly going to college or getting married, stuff like that. I wouldn't mind if the adults compete together at the local bee for the fun of it. But I don't really see the point in making another competition to distract adults from responsibilities. You can learn just as much by doing the SS without competing.


Ruth Smith

O.K. So I see your points, and I guess they're well taken. Maybe this is just a desire of mine that will never come to pass. I guess I just have to be content participating in the Bible Bee via the Sword Study, Memory, & volunteering….and leave the competition to the youth…..sniff……it's just that since I'm not planning on going to college, or getting married (any time soon) I wish I could compete just one more year……. oh well, I must learn to be content, and praise God for the 2 years I had in the Bible Bee. They changed my life SO dramatically, and I will be forever grateful.

Anyhow, thanks everyone for your thoughts, and ideas about this topic. It was good to get other people's perspectives.
I guess I will leave this idea and focus on committing my life to applying the Scritpure I've stidued!


Emily H

I really like the idea of having a "Barnabas Track". Make it even more obvious than the rest of Bible Bee is, that it's about studying the Bible than participating in a contest. You'd have the accountability of an upcoming "reckoning day" but (hopefully) wouldn't have the stress and pressure of the competition. Focus it really on doing as much what you can, fitting it to your schedule, instead of fitting your schedule around it. Maybe we could even do something for those people who are going to volunteer/go with family/etc. to Nationals.
I don't know. But I think it would be really cool to do something like this. If for nothing else, do it for the accountability…


Emily H

I would absolutely _love_ the idea of having a BB for 19-25. If it would someday actually happen, I'd be thrilled.

Me too :) Even if it's not quite the same or doesn't have a Nationals or whatever :) :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

I would absolutely _love_ the idea of having a BB for 19-25. If it would someday actually happen, I'd be thrilled.
Me too :) Even if it's not quite the same or doesn't have a Nationals or whatever :) :)

2 Corinthians 5:17

For our Bee (and several others that we've spent time with) we came up with doing an adult version of the BB this year, with the kids judging :)

