Accuracy Tests Argh!

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Deleted user

I'm relatively new here. I just memorized my first verse this past week. I like the program a lot, but I am really floundering when it comes to the accuracy tests!

And these first ten verses are verses I've had memorized for over 30 years.

Here is an example of a verse I got "wrong." I'm wondering if someone could help me figure out what I'm doing wrong.

1- But Godgod demonstrates Hishis own love toward us,us in this that while we were still sinners,sinners Christchrist died for

I copied and pasted from the final page of the test. The first word in the double word set is crossed out, and the second word in the set is underlined.

My guess is that punctuation and capital letters count against us in the accuracy tests. Can anyone confirm or deny this?!?

Thanks much!



Alex Watt

Hello Melissa,

We're planning to re-code the accuracy test to fix some bugs. Currently, it gets marked wrong if something is spelled incorrectly (punctuation and capitalization actually don't count in determining if it is correct or not). Then, at the end of the test, we use a different tool to calculate the differences between what you typed and what was correct. At this point, some things show up as differences that aren't necessarily counted against you….

Hope this helps. We're glad you've been enjoying Memverse.

Just for your future support, please go to the "Help" page and type in your question. If the answer doesn't pop up, you can submit it to us and since we get notified via email of requests through the Help/Feedback site, we generally respond faster.



I have experienced problems with the new Accuracy Test (as I've been on here for a while, I've seen changes), and so I have not recently done them. Thankfully, I achieved 100% on the previous Accuracy Test.
