Becoming Inactive

Started by Isaac


I was wondering, what happens when you become inactive? Does it do anything to your account?


Matthew Minica

Here's what happens when you become inactive, as I remember:

  1. You are taken from the leaderboard.
  2. Your number of memorized verses is taken away from your country, state, church, and group. Although the number of users listed on the leaderboard remains the same.
  3. Your number of memorized verses is NOT taken from the cumulative total of memorized verses all across Memverse.
  4. Your referrer loses one referral point.
    If you ever get back on to Memverse, nothing will have happened to your account. It will be exactly the way you left it. Nothing will be unmemorized, although you will have a lot of verses due for review. :)


No, the reason I was asking is that one of my friends who I reffered to memverse has now gone inactive and I am trying to figure out what that does so I can tell him that.
