Discussing Sermons

Started by His Servant

His Servant

Okay, so this is a serious conversation, so please don't interrupt it with silly things. Thanks :)

So, on here, we can discuss our favorite sermons (not music, books, JUST SERMONS!). I made this especially for Nicolas, because I told him about 100 sermons to listen to (okay, only about 15-20) by Paul Washer; but really, anyone can talk if it's about sermons.

@Nicolas – Remember to tell me what you think of them once you're finished listening to them!

@All – If any of you are interested in listening to Paul Washer and haven't before, I'd recommend that you look up "Live for Eternity". It's 3 minutes long. Very powerful. And you'll see if you like how he preaches, for if you want to keep listening to him. He's passionate about the Truth, and I'm grateful for that.

Prepare to be convicted :)


Priscilla K.

Has anyone ever heard evangelist Steve Piggot preach. You would remember if you had, he has an eye patch because he lost his eye to cancer. I will never forget the lesson's that I've learned from his preaching.
Evangelist David Ring, has had a disease that I can't pronounce since he was born, when I heard him preach, I was forever changed. He can hardly walk, or talk clearly, but I will never forget the one statement he made. "God is using me the way I am, even though every one says I'm not normal and handicapped. If I can serve God the way I am, what is your excuse for not serving Him?"


Priscilla K.

True Heart Transformation. I saw it when I was on a Journey To The Heart. I enjoyed it so much that I got myself a copy of it.



Neat. I hope one day I'll be able to meet him. Maybe he'll come to Nationals one time!

That would be so near!!! Maybe you should suggest it…..


His Servant

Oh, my, sister. You dream to big sometimes.

thinks really hard about how badly she wants him to be at nationals, though



Thanks for starting this topic, Bethany! :) I'll be sure to post what I think about the sermons you shared when I listen to them. And yes, if I come across any more from him, I'll be sure to tell you about them. :)

BTW, ahem… you probably meant to say "you dream TOO big sometimes"… ;P And anyway, it certainly would be great if he could come to Nationals one year!! :D



Oh, BTW, if you ever do go to sermonaudio.com, you really should check out Pastor Mike Waters (our pastor). He is an incredible preacher. :)



I just finished watching "10 indictments against the modern church" by Paul Washer. That was a powerful sermon!!!!!


Emily H

Seriously?? My mom was just reading me parts out of his book titled the same! It is powerful…


Emily H

I know! Now I'm like "I so have to read that book." I so like listening to him, he really makes you think about how you're living…



Oh, of the ones that I've heard, I love them!! Oh, wait… I haven't heard any of them… because I've heard a ton of people say he's a false teacher… :P

(I've seen him, though–and does anyone agree with me that his constant smile is really annoying?? :P)


Bethany Meckle

YES!!! Very much so. (I haven't heard any of his "sermons", BTW, just a part of an interview that they were contrasting with Paul Washer on Wretched.)



Oh, BTW, if you ever do go to sermonaudio.com, you really should check out Pastor Mike Waters (our pastor). He is an incredible preacher. :)

I'm listening to him right now. :)



I didn't get to listen to the whole thing but he's was pretty good. :) his vocabulary is complex. Lol he does seen like he'd be up to cracking jokes though. :P :)



Hm. Usually his vocabulary isn't very complex; maybe you just listened to one of the sermons in which it was. :) And yes, he does say a few humorous things every once in a while. Though not very much, really. :)



Is he personable to talk to? I listened to the first half of his sermon on Psalm 23 I liked the parallels he drew from the old testament.



Ok that's really cool. :) I like having that in a pastor, that's the way our pastor is. Lol. R u really that shy in person??



Haha… YES. I'm getting better at talking to people, but I'm still really awkward, especially with new people (or when I'm a new person… :P). Somehow I can just talk better when I'm behind a screen. ;D



I wonder if you laugh out loud in real life as much as on the Internet… ;P JK

(BTW… it's "definitely"… and "too"… :P)



Back on TOPIC here (JK :P), Danielle, have you heard any of Ligon Duncan's sermons? You go to a PCA church right?

Yes sa do. :) lol no I haven't heard of him. :) is he good?


Bethany Meckle

He is AWESOME! :D Actually, he preaches in Jackson, Mississippi, but they are sending our church DVDs of his sermons until we get a pastor. We are teasing my dad about scaring him away from moving here to preach, because Dad posted on Facebook that it was 30 degrees here or something, and Dr. Duncan's reply was, "Yikes!" :D
