Dreams :)

Started by Dani(elle)


Aw! :) Too bad it wasn't true ;). And you better bury that bag of potato chips; I might eat them if I visit you! Jk :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Had a fun dream last night. xD My dad, mom, and I went back in time to Nationals 2010, and we were trying to locate the kid versions of all my friends today. xD I think I found Katrina, but I don't remember finding anyone else.


2 Corinthians 5:17

xD Uh, sorry…? xD Let's see… I couldn't have exactly called you a teenager, because, um, you still are a teenager. xP I guess I could have said adolescent ^(I don't exactly like that term tho xP)^ or youth boy, or just Junior contestant. Or maybe I should ask , what would you like to be called? =P


2 Corinthians 5:17

…that annoying moment when your dad wakes up you up from a dream right when someone was going to tell you something important. xP xD Now I want to know what this person was gonna tell me! Lol


Matthew Minica

That moment when you dream in detail about someone's entire response to a long email, and then start looking for it in your inbox… only to see they haven't really responded yet. xP



Yes! I have that happen so often! Or the time when you have conversations with people in your dreams where the other person is talking exactly like what the other person would say in real life!



I had a dream, that we were driving from AZ to MI (to visit my aunt, Zach! :p) and we drove through KC, and I meet Elizabeth L for the first time!!! xP It was a weird dream…. xP

Hopefully she sees this, but probably not. :p :p



One dream I had this summer was all mixed up with National BB, some friends of ours (not BB), Six Flags (entertainment park), and the Spelling Bee. xP


Piece of Peace

At least I'm pretty sure it was y'all. Matthew looked like Matthew and he said his name was Matthew and you said your name was Brianna. So…


Mommy's Helper

I had an awesome dream last night where we went to Greece and met Gloria!! We had to set traps for bad guys together. I can't remember what the bad guys were trying to do though.
Oh, and I was taller than Gloria in the dream!!
(BTW, how tall are you, Gloria? I'm like 4'10" or something… can't remember exactly.)



Wow! That's cool! :D :p lol Sounds like fun… :p
lolol I'm like 5'2" xP
Now we just need it to come true! at least, the part of y'all coming. ;)


2 Corinthians 5:17

…when you dream one of your friends wins 2nd place in the Juniors, and you are talking with all your dear Bible Bee friends, and it all seems sooo real…and then you wake up. xP



^ THAT! These past two nights I have had dreams about being with Bible Bee friends again! Waking up is the worst thing ever. xP


Emily H

You think y'all are being gloomy? The other day I was dreaming that one of my BB friends died. =P That's when you're glad when you wake up. (I do have good BB dreams too though, like when, we got to visit some friends and I'm guessing, either we or they moved close by, because we were at their house, then drove with them past our house in just a couple minutes! :P)



@"Emily H" Actually, I'm going to write a book titled All My Friends Are Dying, because I knew way too many people graduating from Bible Bee this year.

wonders if anyone will even remember this and get the joke



Oops! I looked it up, and it's actually My Friends Are Dying! It's a book by Ray Comfort, and he mentioned it in one of the rounds :). But really, looking at pictures from the alumni meeting is so depressing!


Emily H

Haha! I don't remember that at all, but I didn't watch very many of the rounds, and the ones I did, I probably didn't listen to the commentators… :-} :P Yeah…It kinda is…



once i was running away in my dream and a lady was still catching up to me and caught me by the garbage bag that had garbage in it.



Once i had a dream that, i was riding on a motorcycle so fast that i lost control, i thought this was for real life, but then when i crashed i woke up making a big bang against the wall. It really hurt i got a bruise from it.



I had a really weird dream last night…something about Rachel C leaving G+, and that I took some of the little kids from church on a canoe trip :).



I don't know. I read your Google+ post in my dream, but I don't remember what you said – just something about how you had enjoyed getting to know people better through it :).
