Dreams :)

Started by Dani(elle)


My worst dreams are about Bible Bee. I always get the dreams where I don't study at all and then it's the day of locals and I just fail everything.

I had a dream like that a week or so ago!!!! It was terrible! :) lol


God's Maiden of Virtue

Last night, I dreamed that the Phillips family (from Vision Forum) came to our house and spent the evening with us! It was actually pretty cool, and as always, I thought that it was real (in my dream of course). :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Oh neat! :)

Once, I had a dream that went something like this:

David (from the Bible) called all his children together, and they gathered in their front yard. They got several stones and put them in this wooden bowl. Then, David sprinkled blood all over the stones and bowl. He then placed it on a burning altar and they all stood there watching it. Eventually, David removed the bowl from the altar, and the blood and stones had all been burned up. Nothing was left….all of the sudden, there was a shrill ringing, and David pulled his cell phone out of his pocket! He answered it and it was this young lady who was at the airport, and she wanted David's daughter to come pick her up on their donkey! So, his daughter started out…picked up the lady, and some things happened while they were at the airport that I don't exactly remember.


Ian R.2

I have really bad dreams where I go to camp, and I forget one or two very important things. For instance an entire suitcase full of the stuff I need!



Lol I just had a dream last night that I was Pippen and we were on our way to rivendale and we got attacked by uri-ki :P :) my sword was way too small to kill them without much difficulty. :) LOL


Ian R.2

Yeah, those dreams are pretty bad, and I usually get them a couple of days before I go to camp. The worst dreams I ever have though are ones where I'm at a public place (e.g. Kennywood, the grocery store, church), and I have nothing but my pajamas on!



Uh… No comment. Lol JK that's terrible.
I scariest dream I ever had was when I was younger and (Sam might be the only one that knows what i'm talking about but) these lego droids like the ones with like the really flat skinny heads ya know what here a link the minifigure in the midde :) lol


Anyhow those thing where chaseing me trying to kill me and I was like running up a hill and I couldn't move and at one point I fell into a thing of quicksand/mud in the middle of this muddy forest and one of them like walked over it like looking for me and sauraman just random showed up. :P don't ask I had the same dream twice and was terrorized for like 2 weeks. Keep in mind I was like 6 or 7. :) anyway….. This is getting depressing. :) anyone have any good or funny dreams?? :) LOL


2 Corinthians 5:17

I had a dream last night that we moved into this apartment (In Michigan) with some other people and my parents LOVED it, I hated it. They said they liked it because of the big back yard. I really wanted to move back home, but they wouldn't!



Lol that don't sound like a good dream. :) isn't it funny how we remember the bad ones but not the good ones???
I had a dream when I was little that I found a puppy in our yard but then it got flushed down the toilet!! LOL! I was sooooooooooo sad!! :'(
Lol! :)



when I was little, wanted a fishing rod, and I dreamed that I had one and it seemed so real, but when I woke up I was disappointed, just a dream.

@Astroleah, You should have told someone about that getting the Biblebee box dream. But I only say that in retrospect, I wouldn't have told about a dream like that unless it happened, like in your case.

Sometimes in either a dream, or while I am awake, I am suddenly going, "hasn't this happened before?, like exactly this same way, and I don't know if it was in a dream or what but then I try to figure out what happened or is going to happen, and then do something different. I think it might have happened while I was at camp this last week, I have never been there before though, so it might have been a dream, but I think it is just my brain playing tricks.


Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

I once had a dream where I kept floating up off the ground and had to grab onto things to keep from flying away! Of course, if I could have that dream again, I'd like to see how high I could go before I woke up. LOL



I had a dream that I had cats and kittens running all over my house and it seemed so real I went looking for them when I woke up. :P :)



I had a dream a couple weeks ago that Brickmaster 2.0 came to like and we were chasing Sam on underwater jet skis. Lol



Lol it was like an underwater jet ski and we were in like a huge swimming pool. Lol facepalm I was before u showed up so is was Carissa, SBG, and me. :)



Well, it's probably mainly just because I hardly ever remember any of my dreams. :)

I never remember my dreams either…but what I want to know…does everybody have dreams every night and then some just forget theirs?



Are they good dreams? When I dream about Nationals (when I have dreams which is very rare) they are always bad!


His Servant

I'm glad they are good dreams for you, Leah! The majority of my dreams are more like night-mares….almost every BB dream I've ever had was about finding piles of verse cards in the van on the way to locals/nationals and realizing that I hadn't memorized them yet! Or, another one that I've had is forgetting all my verses on the way to competition : I really don't like those at all…. :(