Earth, Earth, Earth

Started by Abigail Rose



Being myself a literalist, I suppose I can't put up a fuss, but I hope lots of other people do.
No, forget that. I never said people should make one of these threads, only wondered why they weren't crazy enough to have done so. Well, apparently, I was wrong. People really are that crazy. Makes me sick. (Just kidding… maybe.)


Sarah B.

Sadly I'm not from earth :P

I have not a drop of earth blood in me. :P (Whatever that's supposed to mean!)


Roy Phillips

I've been looking at globes and maps for hour's and I don't see a single chunk of land marked Earth.
Was this Earth nation over run or something?


Abigail Rose

We havent never been on this "earth" weve only seen it in the sky at night, We are from mars! Where they have great wifi signal! :P


Roy Phillips

oh…it's a star! no wonder I wasn't able to find it on the map.
kinda hard to imagine a place without wifi. earth must have a small population.


Roy Phillips

over the radio this is the new commander of the ground to air missile base. now, I like bossing people around but tell you what…I'll let you chose your command, either surrender the ship to me or crash-land. there is no third option. crackle click


Roy Phillips

hay camouflage DeadPool, are you on the falcon? I have a few things I need to clean up here at the missile base and then I'll need a ride out. I'm thinking if a ship crash landed I could announce a level 10 emergency mass evacuation, then in midst of all the cause hi-jack myself a ride out (destination undisclosed).
