Favorite Languages

Started by OksanaP


I am just interested in the languages you speak and enjoy.
For example I love to try to read french. But i usually speak English and Russian mixed in with Ukrainian. :P


Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

I speak English (fluently), Korean (haltingly), Koine Greek (very poorly), and the tiniest bit of Elvish. On top of getting better at all of those, I would also like to learn Gaelic, Old English (like, the reeeeaaally old kind), German, Turkish, Latin, and maybe French and Spanish. X-P



I speak English and the tiniest bit of Spaniah…and pig latin. :P I would love to learn to speak Spanish fluently though.


Rachel the Alaskan

I speak English and am learning modern Hebrew with my family. I used to know how to respond to police instructions in Spanish (my dad was a police officer in Los Angeles when I was little) and I can count to ten and give a couple of colors in Spanish. :P I can read old Greek and would love to learn Elvish. French would be really cool to learn, too. :D



I speak English and some Spanish - our pastor's wife used to teach us Spanish in exchange for Mama and then Matthew teaching her kids piano, but God called them away from our church a while back, so I'm not doing anything with it right now. I might like to pick it up again sometime, though. But unless God calls me as a missionary to somewhere where they don't speak English or Spanish, I'll probably never learn any other languages except maybe for bits and pieces here and there. x)



English, Greek, some Latin, a tiny bit of Italian, even less of German, and fluent in sarcasm, song lyrics, and tv shows/movies/book quotes.
