
Started by God's Maiden of Virtue

God's Maiden of Virtue

So, our family (well, Dad and I) got the idea to do a garden this year, but, we are getting started pretty late and have to get it done before Memorial Day (and so far, we have only measured how big the garden will be, and have a compost pile waiting). :/
This is our first time to do a garden, and I will be doing a lot of the planning and planting, and most of the watering, weeding, recording, etc. So I would really appreciate any advice, tips, or, really anything else that would be helpful. :)


His Servant

That's exciting that you're gardening this year, Rosie! You'll have to keep me updated on how it goes, what you're planting, etc.! My mom has several gardens this year (3 vegetable gardens, and 3 flower gardens). Since I really enjoy gardening, but don't have any land to do it on, my mom says that she'll let me use all her pots!! So this morning, I was working on picking out which flowers I would use. Maybe I'll tell you more about it in my letter (which, btw, I am working on!)

Oh, and it snowed yesterday over here, so it's a good thing we hadn't planted anything yet - or they might not have made it.


Emily H

It always snows really late in the year here, so we can't plant anything till like June. :-/


God's Maiden of Virtue

Yeah, I'm excited to do a garden, but am also under a bit of stress. :) Dad got the garden a bit more prepared today- I'll tell you what I mean by that if we talk today.
We are hoping to plant a few flowers as well :-)
Wow- yeah, it really is a good thing you haven't started planting anything yet. =)



I'm growing all kinds of flower cause I grew Zinias and marigold last year and it was really fun. :)


God's Maiden of Virtue

Our tomatoes have gotten pretty big too – we just had to put the stakes in a few days ago because when it rained, the plant just partially laid on the ground because it was so heavy. :)



D you have any little green tomatoes starting yet? We don't but have at least 8 yellow flowers.


God's Maiden of Virtue

Well, we have a bunch of yellow flowers, so we're getting there. :) We also have a bunch of yellow flowers all over our squash plants, and one white flower on almost every pepper plant. :)



Our neighbor gave us 3 tomato plants, one is from Belgium, and one is from Italy and I forget where the third is from. :) they r way bigger than our other tomato plants though. :)


Proclaimer of the Good News

Hi Rosie!
i'm new to this whole "forum" thing and when I saw you had one on gardening I got really excited!! I just started an herb garden and am having lots of fun with it. I am in a little bit of a stand-still because I am afraid to harvest them…I know that sounds silly but the herbs looks so nice and I feel bad chopping them all up! :) If any of y'all have any advice for herb gardening I would love to hear your ideas!


Proclaimer of the Good News

We have a fig tree that is about 10 or 11 feet high! Right now it has TONS of figs on it! My Mom is hoping to make strawberry fig jelly if the june bugs don't get to it first.


God's Maiden of Virtue

Wow! That's great! I've actually never had figs before. :)

I found two real peppers growing on our pepper plants!! And three real squash on our squash plants!! I am SO excited to see real vegetables growing in our garden :D :D We also now have some flowers on our cucumber plants – good sign! :)


Proclaimer of the Good News

I feel the same way about our plants!!! I have some cayenne peppers in my herb garden that are growing and in my family's garden we have some bell peppers growing and TONS of bush beans!! We picked our first batch of beans last week….they were not quite fully ready to eat but everyone ate them anyway!


God's Maiden of Virtue

Wow! Yeah, so far, the two peppers I've seen that are pretty big growth wise are jalapeno peppers.
That's funny :D We would probably do the same thing - because we're all pretty excited about getting vegetables (well, some of us :).


Proclaimer of the Good News

Yeah! I'm not a big veggie lover but I feel more motivated to eat them if they are coming out of our garden. :) I personally like vegetables better when they are dipped in ranch dressing…..but we have stopped buying it because of all the MSG although, thankfully, we just started making our own so it is easier for me to get my veggies down now! :D My favorite vegetable is a carrot. What is your favorite vegetable?


Emily H

I personally like vegetables better when they are dipped in ranch dressing.....but we have stopped buying it because of all the MSG although, thankfully, we just started making our own

Exactly the same thing here! How do you make your Ranch Dressing, if you don't mind? :)


Priscilla K.

We live on a farm, so naturally, we do a lot of gardening. We also plant petunia's for our town. If you ever visit us, and you stop in town, you will see that the highway is lined with petunia plants. We also weed them. I guess you could say that after planting a mile and a half of petunia's on my knees, I don't like them that much any more:(


God's Maiden of Virtue

@Proclaimer of the Good News: Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. We make our own ranch dressing too – though not with the same recipe as you. :) Personally, I like vegetables best by themselves, but I will put ranch dressing on carrots sometimes. And favorite vegetable….oh, that is a hard choice for me, since I like pretty much every vegetable I've had. :) But let's see….I guess cucumbers would be my favorite – according to my brother, I eat them like chips :D
All right, I better go, my internet time is about to go out.


Proclaimer of the Good News

That's so neat that you live on a farm!! I would love to live on a farm…but for now I am content with just living in the country. :) What kind of petunias do y'all plant? My family had Mexican Petunias when we lived in Fl. We do not have any now though. They are terribly invasive if I remember correctly….so that highway must look REALLY pretty!


Proclaimer of the Good News

That is so great that you love vegetables! My parents wish I liked vegetables more, but I can't help it. :( What kind of recipe does your family use for making ranch dressing? I would love to know so I can test it and see which everyone in my family likes best.
You must really like cucumbers! :D


Priscilla K.

There are a lot of colors. White, yellow, pink, hula hoop blue, blue star, and a few other names that I can't remember.


God's Maiden of Virtue

Lol Yeah, I'm the only one in my family (besides my dad) who really likes vegetables. :)
I actually don't know what recipe we use for our ranch dressing, since my older brother makes it :}, but I can find out and let you know maybe later today.
Yes, I do! I don't know why, they just taste so good! :D


God's Maiden of Virtue

Oh….my brother just told me that we don't really make our own ranch dressing…..we buy a mix and add water and milk….sorry, I thought we made our own. I feel silly….:}
