GMOV's Book Topic ;-)

Started by God's Maiden of Virtue

God's Maiden of Virtue

That title seems so silly, but I couldn't come up with a title much better than that…so anyway.

This topic will be for posting my book (however much I decide to show you all that is…), and for things regarding it - such as well, what we were doing on the "Odd Thoughts" topic. :) But this will at least keep from us hogging up other topics.
So I will re-post what I've written so far here.


God's Maiden of Virtue

Chapter One ~ A Narrow Escape Her eyes opened quickly in alarm. Something had awakened her. Then she heard it again, this time hearing a host of other noises as well. Desperate screams, clanging swords, flying arrows. All of a sudden, her door flew open. She jumped out of bed, nearly falling to the ground. She then sighed with relief, though only slightly. It was her mother. “What is going on?” she cried. “Are we being attacked?” “Yes,” her mother quickly replied, rummaging through her wardrobe. “The Dvorians have invaded the harbor,” she explained, “and are plundering and destroying homes, stores, farms – everything.” She turned toward Eryana with clothes draped over her arm. “They will be here soon; you must leave straight away,” she said, handing her the garments. “Moriak is saddling your horse.” But Eryana resisted, saying, “No, I will not leave these people to suffer and perish! I will stay and fight!” “The Dvorians are strong and fierce warriors, Eryana, much stronger than you; you would surely be killed.” “What about you? Am I to leave you to die yourself?” “Do not worry about me. Your father saw it safer for me to escape on a…different route than you,” her mother said carefully. “You must get changed – quickly now!” Eryana rushed to change her clothes. As she dressed, her mother hurriedly packed a shoulder bag. “I’m packing a map in this bag for where you are to go after you get out of the castle,” she explained. “Stick to the map, it will guide you to someone who will know what to do. He will help you and protect you.” Eryana then appeared from behind the divider. She wore a plain, dull blue dress that hung slightly above the floor. The upper arms of the dress each had a silver band around them, and the sleeves were wide and open, with tight sleeves reaching to the wrist beneath them. Her mother braided her hair down to her neck, and then pulled it and the rest of her hair back. As Eryana went to get the shoulder bag, her mother went over to a trunk in a corner of the room. The trunk was made of fine oak wood, and had intricate carving on the outside. She opened its lid, and carefully lifted what was inside. It was a bow, made of smooth, ivory wood, with small carving along it. She also lifted out a quiver of arrows – sharp and well-made, arrows which had never been used. She turned, and brought them to Eryana. Eryana took them carefully. “They’re beautiful,” she said slowly, looking them over, “but, Mo-” “Eryana,” her mother said quickly, cutting off her daughter’s words, and placing a hand on her shoulder, “there is something I must tell you.” She sighed. The king – Eryana’s father – was not planning on telling her yet, but neither was he expecting to be invaded by the Dvorians. At least, not at such an unexpected moment. She looked deeply into Eryana’s eyes and then spoke. “The Dvorians are after you; that is why they have invaded. And that is also why you and I must go separate ways to escape. You see, when you were bor-” She stopped midsentence. She cautiously looked out the window; they both heard men yelling outside the castle gates from the window. They were here. The next moment they could hear the clanging of swords – the guards were attempting to stop the ferocious warriors from entering the castle. “Thank you, God,” Eryana’s mother thought, “perhaps this will buy us time. I need to get Eryana out of here.” She turned back to Eryana. “No time to explain now. You must go! The guards won’t be able to hold all of those warriors for long. Take the bow and arrows, and use them as you have been trained, use them wisely. Use them to protect yourself, and others as needed. But most of all, my daughter,” Eryana gave her mother her fullest attention at that, “trust God with all of your heart, and lean not upon your own understanding. No, but in all of your ways, acknowledge Him, and truly, He will make your paths straight. He is your ultimate Protection.” “I will, Mother,” she replied. The wise queen smiled, then went to get her daughter’s cloak. She placed it on Eryana’s shoulders, then turning her, she also placed a necklace around her neck, and hid it under the neckline of Eryana’s dress. “That you may always remember me, no matter what happens.” Those words, although comforting, filled Eryana with sorrow, as she realized, that she might never see her mother again on this earth. Her thoughts flooded with fears and ‘what ifs’. She knew she ought to trust the Lord, instead of worrying and dwelling upon fears, but, what if… It was only when her ears reminded her of the battle raging outside the castle walls, that she looked up to see her mother standing at the door waiting for her. “Come, dear,” she said softly, “time is short. We must go.” Eryana lifted the strap of the bag over her head; and putting the bow in the quiver, she lifted that over her head as well. Then gathering her skirts, she ran to catch up with her mother, who was already making her way down the hallway. [Now, I must comment on something quickly. The name Eryana came from my creation of this, not the RP.]

This is only the first part of the chapter, btw, for those of you who didn't see on "Odd Thoughts".


His Servant

So excited about this topic, Rosie =) I'll be checking it often and cheering you on in your book writing!! Keep it up! =)


God's Maiden of Virtue

No, that is not a silly question at all! I didn't know what it was until a few months ago. :)
When I say "freestyling" I mean that I am writing down things that I want/might want in the book. So I'm just jotting down ideas for the book, in any random order - so nothing formal, it's just helping me figure out my plot to it. Does that make any sense?

EDIT: Gotta go now. :)


God's Maiden of Virtue

Haha, yeah…it's funny because it didn't seem suspenseful to me - but that's because I wrote it :) (Btw, that's not the whole chapter at all…just the very beginning of it. :)



Well, I didn't get to this when I thought I would, but that cannot now be helped. :P
Masc.: Dirkalrom, Gorver, Althatas, Modaren, Gverod, Aloener, Tfarmog, Vandiur, Hernion, Beldal, Drekiu, Linagyas, Kalamir, Heldakus, Gaelov.
Fem.: Avaera, Kthilyen, Aënwain, Gildira, Hrasien, Rilwín, Sílith, Nerlias, Beluiel, Anelïe, Ithlen, Gvolia, Elgrieth, Erarla, Hyalithia.
Place / thing names: Tévildir, Alfinor, Karmial, Marilad, Engorbor, Reinelath, Oglindum, Gveliadan, Heryos, Uilion, Ongwiria, Kforyath, Geliundi, Nyekion, Lelaigum.
(Initial clusters like 'kth' or 'gv' were based upon the Dvorians.) I will likely post more names in the future…


God's Maiden of Virtue

Wow… those are very creative names; I never would've been able to come up with those. :)
Two things: Do you mind adding pronunciation for the names? I'm planning on having a pronunciation guide in the back, because most people would very likely not know how to pronounce half the names in the book if I did not. :) And two, are any of the place/thing names meant to fit a specific group (mountains, cities, etc.), or would any of them work fine for whatever I think fits best? These names are very good!

@jimmy: Thank you!



Thanks. A pronunciation guide? Alright! If I made one of those, I'd be able to get even more creative with the names. About the place / thing names, I happen to think that ones ending in '-th' would make very fine mountains, and those in '-r' or '-d' sound like good names for general regions. The others seem to fit just about anything.
I'll start working on a pronunciation guide. By the way, do you think you'd like to replace all the K's with C's? Most people seem to think C looks nicer, but it might cause confusion when it is before an E or an I.


God's Maiden of Virtue

Um, I think you're names are quite creative already cough cough but it you want to, go ahead. :) I'm just writing all of the names you come up with in my notebook under "Name Ideas"; so I may or may not use all of the names, but likely most.
Great - that will help me organize place/thing names a lot more easily.
And about the names with K's - I would only change the names with K's to C's that come before E or I. The other ones look good the way they are, I think (like Kalamir, for example).


His Servant

I really like your dress in the picture - it's really pretty and modest, too! Which is rare for ballet :(

Thanks ;) You're to sweet, Rosie! =)



I just finished "Version 1.0" of the pronunciation guide. Do you think I should I post it here, or maybe on my website? (It takes up a lot of lines, even if it isn't very long.)


God's Maiden of Virtue

It looks good! Personally, I liked how it was fairly simple to understand. :) There is one thing that I was thinking…what do you think about just having a pronunciation for the names themselves? Meaning you would write the name, and then maybe in parentheses put the pronunciation for it. I'm just thinking it might be a bit easier for readers. Does that make sense?


God's Maiden of Virtue

Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking - thank you, I just pasted it onto my word document. :)

That's completely fine; I haven't had much time to work on the book anyway.



As a "birthday present", the best I have to offer is another string of names. Perhaps I should have made fourteen words in each category, but I picked a rather irregular seventeen. Oh well. Happy fourteenth birthday!! :D

Masculine: Boliant, Ternaru, Madolon, Ksartog, Pthaliom, Íomos, Megraia, Narpoen, Gdholauk, Konyoro, Írgovarn, Hwethrom, Lodoeb, Arugwar, Dhaevúon, Vailodo, Ruborak
Feminine: Kurderya, Moenwen, Raudhëa, Íhwelied, Nilaire, Efelesya, Khinvúel, Alweldye, Arbíve, Nidgvíel, Tielmen, Leralík, Pkholía, Tihlore, Faelwen, Kanvoiel, Sulinerya
Place / Thing names: Dhoronum, Kumplaind, Eisrimbu, Ofonthud, Thlídorin, Psamyud, Otsolg, Ableret, Elaspsor, Dralkod, Kulsúom, Aubyonk, Grinrulgur, Iutnore, Isnyelrum, Fwaría, Lensevar

And the pronunciations: .
