
Started by Grace Mieczkowski

Grace Mieczkowski

I know this was mentioned in the Social Chatting topic, but I thought I would go ahead, jump out, and start a post about… well… goals, resolutions, challenges, or whatever other term you may use!

So, first question: Who has made a practice of setting some sort of goals or challenges for yourself, whether it be at the start of the year, or your birthday, or sometime else?

How have you found it to be helpful?

I've set personal goals at the turn of the year for several years now, and have found them a great way to set a long-term direction for the next year, should God grant it to us.

What are the greatest difficulties you face as you make resolutions or set goals?

I think we would all agree that it is no easy thing to follow through on the changes we hope to make. Hard work, clarity of purpose, and accountability are necessary. I have found that accountability is the most lacking in my own experience - I know what direction I should be going and why, and I do work at it…. a portion of the time….

I would be interested to see if anyone has any ideas on how accountability can be worked into our goals. I think that being held accountable is a key function of edification between the members of Christ's body, and one that our individualistic and pride-filled society shuns.

Here are a few articles on goal-setting/new year's resolutions that I have found helpful:



Definitely take a look at Jonathan Edwards' Resolutions - and remember that he was a teenager when he wrote them!

I'll share some of my goals/resolutions soon….

Let's press on for Christ!



Wow… after seeing AstroLeah's goals, I'm starting to feel inferior! ;) JK I guess I just don't press myself hard enough to do things that I think are too hard for me to complete… I guess I need to trust God a lot more! :)

I'll post the challenges here that I posted earlier, though now (especially after seeing Jonathan Edwards' goals!) I feel that they aren't nearly as challenging as I thought… :P

  1. Memorize five consecutive chapters of a book of the Bible.

  2. Don't miss five days of Bible reading in the whole year.

  3. Participate in the 2013 National Bible Bee… and qualify for Nationals. :)

  4. Witness one-on-one with at least five people (yes, earlier I said "two," but seeing AstroLeah's "fifty" inspired me to boost the number a bit…).

As for accountability, I have recently found that it can be very helpful. For example, I have been reading my Bible much more consistently now because of the new forum "Bible Reading Accountability." I agree with Grace that "being held accountable is a key function of edification between the members of Christ's body."



I actually chose a bible verse though I also have goals. My verse is 1 chronicles 16:8-9, Oh give thanks to the Lord call upon him name make know his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him sing praises to him tell of all his wondrous works!

I need to go now but I'll be back with my face shoved in my laptop soon;)


God's Maiden of Virtue

Here are a few of my goals/challenges for 2013:

  1. Memorize at least my 1,400th verse

  2. Pass out at least 500 tracts (Wow, 10,000 tracts is a LOT)

  3. Don't miss a day of my Bible reading the whole year (no, Nicolas, I am not trying to outdo you :))

  4. Witness one-on-one with at least 5 people (maybe I'll get more opportunities this year)

  5. Qualify for the National Bible Bee


His Servant

Here are some of my goals for 2013:

  1. Don't miss five days of Bible reading in the whole year.

  2. Every day, pray for the person/missionary/group of people listed in the VOM prayer calender.

  3. Memorize Matthew 1-12 and Galatians.

  4. Participate in the Bible Bee and qualify for Nationals.

  5. Encourage one believer every day.

I'm sure I'll come up with more, I have a few more in mind, but they are not ready to be written out/shared yet :) Looking forward to a new year, and seeing what the Lord has in store for us all!

For God's Glory!



Hmm.. Interesting to think about,

  1. Increase my walk with God
  2. Increase my time in prayer/which is very lacking. :(
  3. Try to see what God wants me to do in the future scope I know "this is the will of God even your sanctification."
  4. My memory goals:
    John, Romans, Psalm 119,
  5. Complete my Chinese preliminary learning, and move on to Malay/Indonesian. :)
  6. Keep an eye open for ways to help believers.

His Servant

I even came up with some goals for my Memverse use! :)

  1. Memorize 3,200 verses on my main account
  2. Refer 7-10 new people, and try to get my inactive users to go active! (I have about 15-16, if I remember correctly!)
  3. Earn the Matthew 5-7 badge
  4. Earn the Gold consistency badge (I'm still confused about what a "year" is classified as, for that. For gold you have to have completed 350 sessions for the year…is that based off the calendar year, or when I joined?)
  5. Not to comment on the forums, unless I've completed the day's session :)


Well, I've been doing well with my Bible reading, and I'm definitely planning on participating in the Bible Bee, but I haven't yet started on my other goals. :)


Grace Mieczkowski

By God's grace, well! The goal that I'm really focusing on right now is Bible reading - I just struggled with that during the past year. But now, with the help of God, I haven't missed a single day.

Here are a few of my goals:

Read one day worth of Prof. Horner's reading plan every single day
Read 24 non-fiction books
Drink at least 54 oz. of water a day
Keep a prayer journal
Various exercise/workout goals :)

I'm still working on setting Bible memorization goals…..


Grace Mieczkowski

Something else I have also been attempting to do is write resolutions, and not just goals. These have been very helpful in clarifying some of the overall direction that my goals need to have, and are good tools to keep the big picture in mind. For example, a resolution about reading/studying the Bible could go something like:

"Resolved, to take advantage of every day I am given to grow in the knowledge of the Word of God; this, regardless of whether my feelings impel me or not, but simply due to the fact that the Word is powerful in and of itself to discern the thoughts and intentions of my heart."

While this is certainly not an original idea, I just though I would share that it had been helpful!



Okay, so how does everyone come up with their goals/resolutions/challenges?

And does anyone have a life verse? If so, what is it?


Emily H

That shouldn't be too hard for me…..considering there's only two Seniors signed up at our bee. =D


Emily H

Yeah, it is. :( But there's a whole lot of Juniors and Primaries (we're in a smaller Bee, so not a whole lot, but a lot more than in Seniors:). And there's always been only two Seniors that actually came to locals sense '09. Funny thing is, it's always different kids. :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

The first year I participated (2011) our bee was SO small! 3 Seniors, 1 Junior (which was me) and about 5 Primaries. And last year, we had 5 Seniors (I was in this group :) ) 5 Juniors, and 5 Primaries! I liked that amount, because everyone placed in the top 5! :D


Matthew Minica

I hope to be able to do that as well. The only person I'm really "worried" about is Sarah Johnston, who beat me last year. :)

@Emily: What? Wait, what about the Andersons? Isn't Luke still competing?


Emily H

@Rachel, that's so cool you had 5 kids in each age group!! =D

Yes, both Luke and Phillip will be Seniors, but they're hosting their own Bee this year. :'(


Emily H

I know!! :) I just hope they hang in with it. :)
I already know all the Seniors, and most of the other contestants too!!


2 Corinthians 5:17

In 2011 and 2012 we went to different bees - this year, we'll most likely go to the same one we did in '12. (Nancy M.) my dad was thinking of hosting, but we're just too busy.



I think almost 200 contestants signed up today. This seems crazy to me, as I am so not a last minute person. I signed up within a week of the registrations opening. :)


Emily H

Yeah, it seems crazy to me too! We signed up the first day. :) I can't imagine waiting till today to sign up.


2 Corinthians 5:17

I've been thinking about my goals and challenges for the coming year, and here are some of the ones I have thought of so far. :) I'm still thinking, so this is just a partial list.
-Use my time efficiently and for the glory of God.
-Be more consistent with my Harp practice. Also, learn more of hymn arranging.
-Participate in the Local Bible Bee, and qualify for Nationals. (One of my harder ones, I think :) )


Child of God

My goals are to:

1: Increase my walk with the Lord.
2: Read my Bible every day.

  1. Personally witness to five people.
    4: Memorize up to my 500th verse.
  2. Get a consistency badge.
  3. Participate and qualify for the National Bible bee. :)
    7: Read the Bible at least two times all the way through.
    8: Pass out at least 100 tracts.

I'm sure I'll think of more but that's all for now.

Anyone else? ;D


Place first in my local 2014 Guild piano festival.
Receive a 3.7 GPA. :)
