Hannah's Book

Started by Mommy's Helper

Mommy's Helper

I think I have another thread somewhere with this title, with chapters of a book I was writing, but hopefully this one I'll finish. I'm only done with the first chapter so far, but you can read that. I haven't decided on the book's name yet.


“Ah, what a day!” Brown-haired, green-eyed Pixie sighed happily as she leaned back and rested her feet on the seat in front of her.
Shannon, who was driving the tan convertible, laughed and opened the windows to let in the refreshing evening air. “It was wonderful,” she agreed. The two sisters were returning from the county fair, where they had looked at Pixie's fair entries, gone on rides, and eaten fair food.
“Wonderful – but painful!” Pixie groaned dramatically and clutched her stomach.
“I told you not to eat that sixth donut,” Shannon said, shaking her head. “But at least you got lots of ribbons!”
Pixie brightened up a bit at that. “First place for my brownies, ice box cookies, cutout cookies, peanut butter cookies, and apple pie. Second for my cherry pie, vanilla cake, chocolate cake, chocolate cookies, and chocolate chip cookies. And best of all, best of show for my decorated cake! It's just too bad that they made me give them four whole cookies or brownies for each entry! I wish I could have eaten them.”
Shannon stifled a laugh. Pixie had eaten most of the rest of the batches of cookies, and a quarter of each pie, all in two weeks.
“What's so funny?” Pixie demanded.
Shannon's blue eyes, which complemented her jet-black hair, sparkled.“I was just thinking it's no wonder you weigh almost twice as much as I do.” Although not fat, Shannon was a muscular girl, and Pixie was quite embarrassed about weighing twice as much as that, though she didn't care to do anything about it.
“Humph!” Pixie snorted as they turned down a narrow alley with tall buildings that blocked the gorgeous view of the pink and purple sunset.
Suddenly an ear-splitting gunshot rang through the air, and immediately a cry of pain came from an apartment building across from where the bullet had seemed to come. Pixie shrieked, and Shannon hastily parked the car on the side of the street and jumped out. “What are you doing?” Pixie cried.
“I'm going to make sure everything is okay,” Shannon replied. “You can come in, or you can stay out here.”
Pixie's teeth chattered from fright. “It's not safe,” she whispered. “Let's go home.”
“No,” Shannon said firmly. “This could be a life-threatening emergency for that poor person! Anyway, it's not like I'm going into the apartment building with the murderer. Come on!” she urged.
Pixie hesitantly climbed out of the car, deciding that it would be safer to stick with Shannon. As they walked toward the apartment building, they heard sounds of music from inside. Shannon knocked on the door, and it was instantly opened by a young man. “Hello,” he said pleasantly. “Come to the dance?” Before Shannon could answer, she was whisked away into a large open room, with chairs and tables pushed off to the sides. As another dance tune started, Shannon soon found herself partners with the young man.
Looking around, Shannon saw that Pixie had also been claimed, for though she was plump, she was also quite attractive. Shannon noticed that drops of sweat had broken out on Pixie's forehead, and she was having a hard time doing all the dance moves. Shannon turned back to her partner and tried to explain, but he just shook his head and shouted over the noise of the music, “Can't hear, music's too loud. Just dance!”
Shannon gave up and finished the dance. Immediately when it was over, she grabbed Pixie and cried, “Let's get out of here!” Before Pixie could reply, another man came up to Shannon and asked her to dance. Shannon tried to protest, but saw that it was no use. Rolling her eyes at Pixie, she spun around and began dancing.
Soon after the music started, Shannon realized that she didn't know this dance, and she and her partner sat down. Immediately Shannon explained what had happened. “Did you hear the gunshot?” she finished.
The man looked amazed. “No, and my guess would be no one else here did either, because the music was so loud. But I'll check around.”
The man walked over to the radio that was playing music and turned it off. Everyone stopped dancing and stared at him angrily. “I have an announcement to make, everyone. Has anyone heard a gunshot or a scream in the past fifteen minutes?”
Everyone now looked surprised, although Shannon thought a few of them looked a little too surprised. But then, she reminded herself, that was not a normal question to ask a group of people at a dancing party. When everyone was silent, the man shrugged at Shannon and turned the radio back on. Everyone immediately began dancing again. Shannon thought it best not to leave until the dance was over, in case anyone who happened to know of it who was not willing to confess might become suspicious. But of course, they must already be. Hopefully they didn't know that it was her fault that the man turned off the radio and asked the surprise question, although she hadn't quite meant for her question to have that effect. During the dance, several lone young men came to ask Shannon and Pixie, but they both declined because they didn't know that dance. Once the dance was over, they tried to leave once more, but were surrounded by admiring young men. Shannon rolled her eyes again at Pixie and decided not to arouse suspicion, and accepted. Pixie refused, since she was very tired. She plopped into a chair and promptly fell to sleep. As Shannon twirled past Pixie's chair, she heard a loud snore, and giggled.
Finally the dance was over, and Shannon awakened Pixie. It took a while, but the other dancers realized what she was doing and did not pester her to dance until Pixie was awake. But as soon as Pixie sat up with a loud but sleepy “Go away!” they crowded around Shannon, this time leaving Pixie alone. Shannon, determined this time to actually leave, firmly declined all requests and finally succeeded in getting Pixie fully awake and ready to leave. But just as they reached the door, a strong, rough hand seized Shannon's arm. She gasped sharply and turned around into the face of a large, muscular man with a large frown on his face.


Hannah B.

It sure is captivating; when will you finish chapter 2?
I hope you don't mind me bringing it up after about 1 1/2 years…


Mommy's Helper

Oh dear, I completely forgot about this XDDD I think I actually did finish chapter two, but I stopped shortly afterwards. XDD I can try to find the second chapter…
And yes, I've given up on it. XD


Mommy's Helper

I found it!!! Oh goodness, this is absolutely ridiculous. XDDDDDD

Chapter 2
Frightening Incidents

Before Shannon could scream, Pixie gave the man a hard kick in the stomach. The impact knocked the man to the floor, and Pixie also lost her balance and toppled down. The man quickly got up and began to laugh uproariously. Shannon hastily helped Pixie up and began to run out the door, when the man grabbed her again, this time with a huge, toothless smile. “Going so soon?” he asked.
Shannon looked around at the surprised dancers. Most of the men had backed away from Pixie cautiously, while a few impressed ones asked her to dance. The women merely stared in stupefied shock. Shannon grabbed Pixie and dashed outside, never stopping until they had reached the car and jumped inside. She started the motor and zoomed away, leaving the dancers wondering what happened.
“I told you it wasn't safe,” Pixie said gloatingly, leaning back and resting her feet on top of the seat again.
Shannon smiled, but did not say anything until they were safely out of the narrow alleyway and on the highway. “Well, that was weird,” she said simply.
Pixie nodded in agreement, and there was silence for a while, until Shannon heard a muffled snore. Amused, she looked back at Pixie, who was wide awake and looking very scared! “Wh-what was that?” she faltered.
Shannon was grinning. “You probably woke yourself up by snoring!”
“I did not!” Pixie demanded. “I was wide awake this whole time. I was trying to find Orion in the stars.” By now, the sun had gone below the horizon and the stars were shining brightly in the dark, cloudless sky.
Shannon was not convinced. “Okay, where is Orion, then?”
Pixie stammered, “I haven't found it yet... but I promise you, I did not fall asleep!” As if to confirm this emphatic declaration, another faint snore reached the girls' ears.
Shannon tried to reassure Pixie and herself that everything was fine. “Hah, good one. I'm sure you did that just to prove your point! Well, let me tell you something: You haven't proved anything except that you're a very noisy sleeper!”
Just as Pixie was about to retort, yet another snore was heard. This time there was no mistaking: the snore had come from the trunk. “What the – what in the world?” Shannon hastily parked the car on the side of the road and began to rummage around in the glove compartment. When she had found the small flashlight which was always in there for emergency situations, she flicked it on and got out of the car. “Brace yourself,” she told Pixie.
She put the key in the lock and unlocked the trunk. It sprang open and Shannon gasped in horror. Pixie let out a shrill, ear-piercing shriek. There in the trunk of the car lay the sleeping form of the young man who had danced with Shannon! Pixie continued to scream loudly, attracting the attention of several homeowners who lived on that street. Several people came out, most of them in bathrobes and slippers. To Shannon's surprise, the man was not disturbed by Pixie's cries and continued to sleep soundly. “What is the meaning of this?” an angry old man strode toward them.
As Shannon explained, many gasps came from the small crowd. One old lady with curlers in her silver hair began to giggle. Another woman named Agatha whom Shannon happened to know began to recite a quote from a Shakespearean play. “But where unbruised youth with unstuff’d brain doth couch his limbs, there golden sleep doth reign.”
Shannon suppressed a giggle. Miss Agatha was always reciting poetry, whether or not it was relevant. It was a very deep sleep, she admitted, as the young man let out another obnoxious snore. But a car trunk was not the best place to couch one's limbs! The lady's neighbors rolled their eyes.
After several moments of awkward silence broken by nothing but the man's regular snoring, one man asked, “Shall I call the police?”
Shannon agreed that that was the best idea. The man got out his cellphone and called 911. He handed the cellphone to Shannon, who explained the situation. Soon a police car arrived. The policemen carried large, bright flashlights, and Shannon turned off hers. After getting more details about the incident, they decided to wake up the man and ask him what his story was. It took a while, but finally they succeeded in awakening him. The man sat up sleepily and asked, “What's for breakfast?”
The old lady who had been giggling before now cackled obnoxiously. “Poor old fellow!” she chortled. “I'll fix you up some nice toast and eggs!”
“That won't be necessary, ma'am,” a policeman said. “I would like all of you to stay here for some questioning.”
Most of them agreed, except for the annoying old lady. “If you stay out here any longer, you'll catch your death of cold for sure! How about you all coming into my house for a little chat and some hot cocoa?” She looked pityingly at the young man.
The policemen looked around at the little group. Some people seemed hesitant, but most looked as if they didn't care either way. Pixie, however, was nodding her head vigorously. Shannon smiled. Pixie loved hot chocolate!
The policemen agreed, and

….Aaaaand that's where I stopped. :P (And no, I don't plan on continuing. XDDDD)
