
Started by Random Narnian Warrior (Tarva/Abi)

Hiruko Kagetane

I did, for a bit. Too bad it closed though. I heard they're making a LEGO Minifugres game that's similar to LU, so we'll see.

But I do think Star Citizen will trump both of them. Did you manage to see any of the videos on their Kickstarter page when I gave you the link?


Hiruko Kagetane

Honestly, I think Star Citizen already is everything I'd want in a game. I know, I'm harping on this, but it has:

() A HUGE open world
() Amazing graphics
() You can customize your character
() It's both first and third person
() The economy is player-controlled. If I create a missile factory, I set the prices. If pirates begin stealing a component I use to create the missiles, prices go up, to compensate.
() I can do "multiplayer" by myself, or with friends
() You can customize your vehicles in more ways that just paint job and weapons. You can change thruster, engines, and other crucial components.
() Vehicle damage is realistic. If you're in a space dogfight, and one of your thrusters is damaged, it will affect the way you fly!
() You can become part of the story of the game. If there is an uncharted region of space in the open world, and you map it, that area of space can be named after your character in the game.

And that's only some of the things they've released! Even more will be coming as they near the release date!

So yeah, I think that's what I'd do. :P


BREAKING NEWS! It's...ah...nobody important. nevermind.

Sam please read this from wikipedia

Both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are set in a 30th-century Milky Way centered around the fictional UEE (United Empire of Earth), an analogue of the late Roman Empire.

Sound familiar? Like the antichrist's empire? One-world govment? ROMAN EMPIRE? Both of those are connected to the last days. Isn't that weird?



That was SUCH a fun game! I wish they didn't get rid of it!

IKR?!!! I loved how u could mess up the graphics and walk through walls n stuff. My fav was probably jumping on the cars though. We always laughed at the fact that when u put the uniform or whatever on to get whats-his-faces pistol and u r like on top of a building in the middle of the town. facepalm then there was the guy that always told u to leave him alone cause he was getting his tan. facepalm


Hiruko Kagetane

Did they say how much it's going to be when it comes out? And, you'd need to have a REALLY good computer to play it. They are trying to bring back high-end PC gaming. I understand what you mean about too litle time though, by the time it comes out, I'l be almost 17! But I might be able to play it. I'll definitely play it with my family though, it would be great! If you can, you should try to keep up with it. The official site is

EDIT: New teaser trailer!



COOLNESS! begins to do an extremely happy dance as well, but then remembers that he has recently told many people that he thinks dancing is awkward, so he stops :P
