Marvel and The Avengers

Started by SavedByGrace

Hiruko Kagetane

No, what'd they do? Pretend to give him a fully functional Iron Man suit? If they did that to me, I'd sue 'em for emotional damage!



No! Lol they told everyone that he was officially leaving 'The Avengers' because of there tight budget and he wasn't going to participate in Avengers 2! Lol my brother told me that and I was like 'no way!!! Is this some sort of sick joke?!!!??!!'


Hiruko Kagetane

LOL! I would have said the same thing!

Did you see the April Fools joke the Mods played on us on the LMBs? WhiteAlligator(our top Mod), made a duplicate Moderator account, PurpleAlligator, claiming it was her little brother! She told us it was a joke today though.



Oh lol I didn't see that. :) that's funny, I did see something about purple aligaters on ur activity feed. Lol


Hiruko Kagetane

And, why? And anyway, the they'd use the Force to know where each bolt would strike, so they could dodge. At least the Jedi would. The Sith would just blast back lightning of their own. Or Force Choke him.


Hiruko Kagetane

Don't kid yourself. Also, Sith can compress your internal organs 'till you die. Never underestimate the power of the Dark Side!



I beg to differ. The Hulk will destroy the Sith when they least expect it! :P They can't crush the Hulk's internal organs; everything about him is far too strong for even a Sith to crush!


Hiruko Kagetane

You can't stop something crushing you from the inside. Or, the Sith could just make the Hulk go mad, and use him to crush their enemies.



Yes you can, if you're the Hulk! If anything tried to crush him from the inside, it just wouldn't work! And also, I don't think Sith mind tricks would work on the Hulk. Well… maybe… I mean, Loke's thing pretty much did that… (Wait, have you seen the Avengers yet? I forget if you said whether you did or not.)


Hiruko Kagetane

Who hasn't seen the Avengers? And, just because you're uber-strong, that doesn't mean you're not susceptible to mind tricks. Hulk himself is a result of gamma radiation and a split personality disorder that Bruce Banner had due to abusive parents. So yes, the Sith can take down Hulk any day!



Still disagree. :P They wouldn't even have time to mind trick him; he'd just crush 'em before they had the chance. :P



Y'know, Sam, I might agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. :P In a one-on-one, Iron Man would totally pound Maul! How many different guns and rockets does the guy have packed into that suit?? Not even a Sith could deflect everything Iron Man could fire at 'em!



When did Darth Maul ever use the Force anyway? :P He'd probably depend more on his lightsaber and get blown away. :P


Hiruko Kagetane

He's the Emperor's Apprentice! Of course he does! Just because he didn't use the Force in the movie, doesn't mean he didn't use it at all. Novels and Comics are most of the canon these days.



Ah, whatever. But here's another question: what do you think would happen if the four main Avengers (Hulk, Thor, Cap America, and Iron Man) all ganged up on one Sith? Who would win?


Hiruko Kagetane

Depends on who the Sith is. Perhaps one of the Sith from the Old Republic, when there was a LOT more competition between them, so they'd be stronger. Sidious was good too, after all, he DID take out Mace Windu. He only had Ani finish the job.



He didn't take out Windu; like you said, it was all because of Anakin! Mace totally had Sidious until Ani ruined it all. But… that's beside the point. :D


Hiruko Kagetane

Oh yeah, that's true, Ani DID chop off his arm, and THEN Sid fried him. My bad! But still, like I said, depends on the Sith. I'm still researching my Sith though, so I'll tell you what I find out.


Hiruko Kagetane

Wow, this thing just sorta died out. Well might as well bring it back with a new question: Who's Your Favorite Superhero(es)?

My all-time favorite would be Spider-Man.


Ian R.2

That's a first. :D

Sam- I think my favorite would either be Captain america or Hawkeye. I think I already said this before though.

Noah Cassidy- What's wrong with a British accent?


Hiruko Kagetane

I like the comic book Thor better than the movie Thor. In the comics, he's actually wearing Norse armor, and the typeface they use for his voice makes you assume he has a Norse accent. Which is cool for me! I also like the comic book Spidey better than any and all Hollywood adaptations of him. 'Nuff said.
