Mathematical Pi talk

Started by Isaac


Uh… what to talk about? Unless someone wants to explain in detail the formula for calculating pi, there doesn't seem to be much to talk about… :D But I'm sure we'll figure something out. :)



Uh… I'm not sure if the Memverse server could take that… :D I'm sure you were joking, right? :P

I'm assuming you haven't memorized the first 100,000 digits of pi, but is there a place online where you've found them? I'd like to see that sometime if there is. :)



So, I found a Christmas ornament in a catalog that has the first 1,000 (I think) digits of pi on it. Would anyone be interested? ;-)


Mommy's Helper

I know I probably sound really dumb, but what is pi, even???
I haven't gotten to that part of math right now, I'm learning fractions. (which I already know, they're just teaching me again)


Bethany Meckle

Well, since Sammy over there won't tell you, I'll tell you what I know. :) Pi is a Greek letter that mathematicians use for approximately 3.14. Pi is used to figure out the area and circumference of circles. Probably some other stuff too, but that's about all I know. :)


Hannah B.

Here's what I have memorized so far… 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971692884. I think I should get back to memorizing more someday.


Hannah B.

46 decimal digits if I'm not mistaken. 47 if you count the 3, although most people just count the decimal digits.


Hannah B.

Thanks. BTW, did you know that the second is defined as 9,192,631,770 orbits of the outermost electron of the cesium-133 atom? This definition was given in 1960. Before that the second was defined as a fractional part of the year… probably where the term "I'll be back in a second" came from.
