Memverse chat room?

Started by ZachB

God's Maiden of Virtue

Oh, I knew how to get there, sorry! I misunderstood you! :} So, are you on there? Because, if you are… can add yourself as a speaker….and then we can talk! :)
EDIT: I've already added myself as a speaker, so I don't know, maybe if you go there, you'll be able to see me (?)



It's because you can only have four people on at a time :( But I'm still on here so if you want to talk on here :) Sorry :(


His Servant

Would 3 pm (my time) work for you? That'd be 2 your time.

Yes, i think that would work. Would you like to call? Do you have my moms phone number?


2 Corinthians 5:17

Okay! :) I may have it, why don't you email it to me just to be sure :) Or, you could call me, if that works better.
Looking forward to it!
