Memverse's 6th Birthday Party!

Started by Matthew Minica

Ian R.2

Oh! It was yesterday, but they arrived at night. :P It went well. I think he liked us. He didn't run out of the house screaming. :P It was more of trial run though. They went over to his house and will stay there until Wednesday, and then we get them for the rest of the week until Sunday. Then they go back up to college. :)


Emily H

Yesss! =D

Esther: Yep! It snows a couple times a year, typically. :) We're not close to the beach or anything.


His Servant

Haha! Okay! Yes, I'm here. :) You can tell her sorry about messing up on her name… I wasn't reading very carefully. And tell her hello for me!!



Haha! Okay! Yes, I'm here. :) You can tell her sorry about messing up on her name... I wasn't reading very carefully. And tell her hello for me!!

That's fine! :) OK. How are you?


Ian R.2

xD I can tell you, that never, ever happens here. xP It's usually all melted by the next day.

Ah. Do you live in southern CA?


Ian R.2

Can we officially decide which forum we're going to talk on? Because this is getting confusing. :P

agrees with a nod :P


Matthew Minica

Can we officially decide which forum we're going to talk on? Because this is getting confusing. :P

I, as the host of the Memverse 6th birthday party, name THIS ROOM as our party room! If it gets too crowded some people can always go over to the other one and have their little conversations! But the official party is here! :P


Emily H

xD I can tell you, that never, ever happens here. xP It's usually all melted by the next day.
Ah. Do you live in southern CA?

