Mustard Seed Faith Media

Started by Nathan Wright: Impersonator Hunter


Just listened to your newest episode. I think you dealt with the issue well. Looking forward to more.


Hiruko Kagetane

Just heard it! I need a new microphone. And I need to speak clearer. :P

And you cut out my "I'm an Elder Scrolls man myself." line! :( :P

@Ian ~ He's too awesome. He just kinda affects me. :P

@Abigail ~ Love you too! :)

@Sauroc ~ Whoa. I've impressed you? #DayMade


Roy Phillips

Comity at its best! Thanks Nathan! Most pictures of David and Goliath also replace the mountains with palm trees and sand duns. But of course there are endless other examples. Do you plan on doing a part2 some time?


Nathan Wright: Impersonator Hunter

If I can get six more significant misrepresentations of the Bible, then I'd be happy to do a second one! I'll try to think of some, and if anyone has any ideas, post them and I'll credit you if I use them. Thanks, Roy!


Roy Phillips

A land "flowing with milk and honey" as a baron desert. ^or is it supposed to be a beach…?^ a lot of things don't make sense if you think of it as the Sahara.

Jesus being beaten till he was barely recognizable as human.


Nathan Wright: Impersonator Hunter

Hmmm… I don't normally see the Promised Land as looking like a wasteland; I see the path they traveled to get there looking like that. And I don't think I'd mention that about Jesus, because I understand why people wouldn't want to put horrific, gory images in children's books… you make a good point there, though. Sorry to turn those down; I appreciate your help, though!


Bethany Meckle

I haven't seen the last one, but if you didn't do Jesus' supposedly long hair… the difference between a NazarITE and a NazarENE!


2 Corinthians 5:17

Why wouldn't it be?

In Jerusalem, there is a very small gate called the "Eye of a needle". In order for a camel to go through this gate the owner has to take everything off the back of the camel and the camel has to stoop very low. If the camel doesn't lay aside his load, he can't enter through the gate. Just like us, we can't go through the "eye of the needle", enter into the kingdom of heaven unless we lay aside self.
Hope that makes sense :)


2 Corinthians 5:17

OH! Thanks! I've never heard that...

You're most welcome! :) Actually, I had never heard of it either until Daddy came home from a trip to Israel and told us XD He saw the gate too.


Sarah B.

Why wouldn't it be?
In Jerusalem, there is a very small gate called the "Eye of a needle". In order for a camel to go through this gate the owner has to take everything off the back of the camel and the camel has to stoop very low. If the camel doesn't lay aside his load, he can't enter through the gate. Just like us, we can't go through the "eye of the needle", enter into the kingdom of heaven unless we lay aside self. Hope that makes sense :)

That's right! :) Thanks Rachel!


Bethany Meckle

That's the last one on the episode. :-D

Heh heh… I watched it and saw that right after I posted the idea, but I didn't get a chance to get back on Memverse until now. Anyway, great job! You handled those really well.

If you did a sequel, I like the idea about the camel thing… another thing is maybe, if you wanted to touch on angels again, how often they're represented as girls or women, but the only angels named in the Bible are men.


Sarah B.

I think our Bible study teacher told me… he always likes to point out random interesting facts to me because I like random information! :D


Ian R.2

Are you sure it's the real thing? There are a lot of tourist stuff in the Holy Land that people say that "Jesus did this here." or "He was talking about this here." when they really don't know. I also think my ESV study Bible study notes sum this up well.

"There is no evidence for the popular interpretation that there was a gate in Jerusalem called "the eye of the needle", which camels had to stoop to their knees to enter. Such an interpretation would miss the point: it is not merely difficult for the wealthy to be saved; without God's grace it is impossible."


His Servant

@Ian and Rachel - I hope you don't mind me jumping into this conversation quickly. Regarding the topic of the "eye of the needle" I've heard both views that have been presented (the actual needle and the gate) What I'm going to say, isn't in defense of either… I honestly don't know what it is, but @Ian, I think it's interesting that the ESV study Bible (assuming we have the same one) actual denies the flooding of the whole world. Since our family found that out, we try not to use it that much because our family strongly holds to a world-wide flood. Now, in light of that, we don't completely write off the notes in it, but we do take it case by case. (JSYK, the note that shows this is the one on Genesis 6:17)

So, all this to say, I don't necessarily think that the ESV Study Bible Notes are wrong in this (or, right, I honestly don't know, haven't studied it), but I thought I'd let you know that about the notes. :P Our family was very sad when we found that out about the flood… =/ (And thinking about this… this was kinda off-topic, in some way, since it's just info on ESV Study Bible Notes. Oh, well.)

But I should study this sometime… would be interesting, I'm sure! Ian, just for clarification, do you think that the verse is referring to an actual needle, or do you have any thoughts on it?

Interesting discussion, everyone!


Ian R.2

I just checked my Bible and it does seem that we have the same one. It still doesn't mean the other note on the eye of the needle is wrong. It also makes more sense for it to be the eye of a needle, and not a gate. It gives a better analogy in that it's impossible, not difficult, to enter heaven without God's grace. Also there is no archaeological evidence for the "eye of the needle" gate. And yes I do believe that it means the eye of a needle and not the gate. :)


His Servant

Okay. =) No, and I wanted that to be clear in my last comment that it doesn't mean that that note was wrong. I hope it didn't come across that way. You do have a good point on it being impossible vs. difficult. And Albert Barnes, which is a commentator I enjoy reading, says that it is referring to an actual needle. Not saying that he has the authority on the subject, because I have things that I disagree with him on too. ;) Just interesting, that he holds to that…


Ian R.2

Thanks, and sorry for not seeming to see what you emphasized. I also wanted to emphasize it, and I might have overdone it a little. :P
