New Year's Resolutions

Started by Joy Robb

Joy Robb

What are your New Year's Resolutions?

Mine- (plus times I will finish them)

  1. To memorize a verse a day and stick with my devotional- yearlong
  2. To sing soprano in the church's choir- by summer
  3. To get a standing ovation in any performance- by lifetime
  4. To be able to say I have had singing lessons- by end of year
  5. To read 300 p.a.d.- in productive things- by the end of this month
  6. To type 100 wpm- by this month
  7. To meet 5 new people and talk to them- by this year
  8. To write at least 2,000 w.a.d.- right now
  9. To test perfect pitch and things- soon
  10. To be first violin- next season
  11. To win the band scramble- by next fiddle contest