Social Chatting November 2017

Started by Eirene


I feel like saying the same thing I did last month - It can't be November already…can it??????????? I mean, it's not really November…the weather just feels like it, the calendars say it, and Bible Bee is in 14 days(which I don't believe either). Nothing much…right?


Sarah B.

I just want to say a big thank you to the kind and loving people who responded to my invite - whether busy, or not. I really was thankful to know that people out there are still my friends! You guys are really neat. God bless you.


Sarah B.

So I got an old laptop from a friend and it runs well… but theres a hole in the back from when someone opened it on a candle. hehe.
"There's a hole in my laptop, dear Liza, dear Liza. There's a hole in my laptop, dear Liza. A hole!"


Sarah B.

okay. back now.
I will be here for the next few minutes, and trying to check every half hour until 10:00pm


Sarah B.

I was thinking a lot today about how Jesus spoke out against the rules and ideas of men who (self-righteously) believed they knew what God was pleased by. Jesus was seen as a fool, and a sinner. He became as a fool so we would see how foolish our ideas of righteousness are.


Sarah B.

"By faith one was commended for the sacrifice he made. Another out of holy fear built an ark the world to save. Another left his homeland and as a stranger he'd reside. But none received the promise then and so, in faith, they died.

Others conquered kingdoms, quenched the fury of the flames. Some made strong in battle, some were raised to life again. But many more were martyred midst the crowds loud clamoring. By faith they would not bow the knee, nor kiss the emperor's ring.

Being sure of what we hope for, seeing what is yet unseen. A universe from nothingness. New life where none had been. The known made from unknowable, and hope for the comfortless who hear and hold on firmly to the faith that they possess

So fix your eyes upon the Champion as you seek to run the race. Understanding that He cheers you on as you long for His embrace. So hold on and do not grow weary of the faith that you profess, remembering that you are ringed around by this cloud of witnesses" - BY FAITH by Michael Card


Sarah B.

I'm sorry… I hope I don't miss anything… I have to type what I want to say and then leave the page to get it to post. It's a pain and slow. BUT I"M SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!!!!


Sarah B.

Well, whew! Glad it's not just me. lol

So Rosie, dear. tell me about yourself! Where are you from? Do you do BB?



Hi and bye. xP Srry…I have to go get sisters in bed. x) I might be on a little bit later, but I do have to study.


Sarah B.

Oh cool! What is the weather like in Alabama right now? I live in Ohio atm (that could change at any time now). It is rainy cold here.

I love the BB too! I did it a few years back, but never made it to Nats. But this year for the first time I am going to go!!! Super excited!


Sarah B.

Random question: Have you ever heard of Restoration Youth Academy, or Reclamation Ranch?( whispers if you haven't you can say a prayer of thanks…)


Sarah B.

Oh I am so glad some people showed up for my party!!! So happy!
Thor: How are you doing? I miss Alaska…


Sarah B.

Today I got to ride a horse for the first time in awhile. it was my fist time sitting in an English saddle. My friend was giving me a lesson in how a relationship with God is like our relationship with a horse. It was pretty amazing!


Sarah B.

I want to warn you about a certain kind of ranch… it is the kind that is swallowed up in legalism and spiritual abuse. they claim to be helping troubled children, but in reality they do the very opposite. It is so sad!


Sarah B.

That's a pretty cool dream! My dream is to study journalism and then travel the US and make reports on these places of spiritual abuse, and bring them to light. Hopefully rescue some of the children.



i have a couple friends who do NaNoWriMo, but i seriously have problems writing 600 word essays already. So i do not write unless i have too… :p
