Social Chatting October-December 2018

Started by Eirene


Thanks! At first I did not even know how to, because I just left scripture typer. They are VERY different! Scripture typer and memverse, I mean.



Because in the good old days like 3 or 4 years ago you could pop on here at any time and have a conversation with multiple people.



Its allowed, but there just aren't enough people around anymore. Everyone who used to be on here grew up and got jobs and went to college and all that lovely stuff associated with adulting.



Yeah, I see what you mean. Every single day there is only like one message, or maybe up to three, but still not very many.


Piece of Peace

I really didn't have anything to say but I didn't want this to be another 2 post day. So I made a post. I guess I could've said something like 'Happy Day!' xP But I wasn't being very creative.


Piece of Peace

No. I didn't. When I was of the age to really be interested in BB my whole family was busy with weddings, babies, graduations and college.


Joshua M

Oh man, I missed Love Your Red Hair Day! But I guess that's every day for me, haha. :P #redhairisthebesthair

Glad to see people are at least sorta here… but it's still not like it was. :(


Joshua M

@Rosie Yep, I have red hair and it's the best. xD Have a couple friends with it too. One family I knew some years ago had about 6 or 8 kids and because both parents were redheads, all the kids were too. XD And it wasn't just red, it was firey carrot red.


Piece of Peace

That's awesome! When I was young I was the only person I knew with red hair. Over the years I have met a few but never a whole family. Mine is what sophisticated people would call 'Auburn.' It changes color depending on its surroundings.


Joshua M

Mine has darkened over the years so it's not quite as bright as it used to be… but when the light hits it a certain way it's still really obvious. Imo all shades of red are nice. :)


Piece of Peace

Mine has been pretty dark ever since I was young. If anything my hair has gotten lighter over the years.

Are you the only redhead in your family?


Joshua M

In my immediate family, yes. I think one of my great grandparents may have had red hair (before it turned to white) before I was born and I know one of my grandmas had it on the other side. It was in several other places in our family tree, hence how I got it.

How about you?


Piece of Peace

As am I. One of my great-uncles had a red beard. Other than that no trace of red hair in the past 8 or 9 generations. But I have Irish and Scottish blood so it is back there somewhere surely.



So, in case anyone couldn't tell, my post on the other thread was a trick for TYFMD. What did y'all think of this year's trick?



Yeah, my tricks get worse every year. I almost forgot yesterday, and that was the best I could think of in one minute. Some year I'll stop vainly trying to recapture the glory of 2016 and abandon the tradition entirely…
