Star Wars

Started by Hiruko Kagetane

Hiruko Kagetane

The last SW topic wasn't clearly defined, so I'm opening this one. This is open to all types of discussion about Star Wars, from the Original Trilogy, the Prequel Trilogy, the Clone Wars, and even the Extended Universe.




@Sam's new username–So do I. :P

@Star Wars topic–What's your favorite movie? As with most people (I'm guessing), my favorite is movie 3, since it was the best made with regards to animation and since it revealed so many secrets that were previously shadowed. :)


Christian Alexander

Do you mean it was the best with regards to special effects? I don't think there was much, if any animation in the movie…

My favorite was #2 for a while. But I haven't seen it in a long time, and my dad seems to want to disown me every time I say that, so I've been reconsidering. ;)



Sorry, yes, that's what I meant. Also, was #2 your favorite of the movies even after you saw #3? If so, I want to make sure that everyone knows that you are not really my brother. :P


Hiruko Kagetane

Really? That's news to me. I haven't seen all of any of the movies, just a bunch of clips, but I will be getting them from my library soon. But I do like Ep. 3, I mean cummon, who doesn't like an epic fight between Master and Apprentice? But the whole hulabaloo about Anakin being Vader, to me, if you've seen the original trilogy and Episode 1, you'd know it was Anakin. I mean cummon, you find out Vader is Luke Skywalker's dad in Episode 5, and in Episode 1 there's this cool kid named Anakin Skywalker!

I do like the Clone Wars though, especially as they introduced Ahsoka, who has to be my new favorite character…….besides Galen Marek, Vader's Apprentice. And the fact that you find out that Darth Maul didn't die, but has robotic legs! Now THAT'S cool! Oh, and the fact that he has a brother. That's sweet!


Jackie Chase

Really??? Darth Maul didn't die? That's cool! He's probably one of the only reasons I enjoy seeing Episode 1-it's a shame he had to die so soon. He was one of my favorite bad guys in the whole series-well, except for Episode 3 because I haven't seen it yet. It's too dark.


Christian Alexander

Well if you watch the movies in chronological order, you wouldn't have any idea that Anakin would turn bad. But yes, of course, if you watch Ep.5 before Ep.1, you'll figure it out quickly.

Ahsoka's your new favorite character? o.O



Let's see… "Skywalker" and "Skywalker," along with "I am your father," Obi-Wan saying "I fought with your father in the Clone Wars," Anakin's rebelliousness to Jedi rules in Episode 2, etc., etc…. :P


Jackie Chase

My dad says it's too dark-I suppose he means the concepts are darker and some things happen that he wouldn't want me to see. Those things tend to affect me more than some people.



My parents are like that too. However my Dad wants me and my older brother to see it soon.
P.S. Jackie, are you doing the Bible Bee this year? If so, which local bee are you going to? I saw on your profile that you are from NC. I am from NC too. Instead of replying here you can reply on the Lexington Bible Bee group page under memorizations groups.



I didn't know "Shield" stood for something. What does it stand for?

(Also, I think Sam just guessed that you were a Marvel fan from your last comment about Nick Fury not being a sergeant.)


Hiruko Kagetane

Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate. S.H.I.E.L.D. And Nick USED to be the head of S.H.I.E.L.D, it was infiltrated by HYDRA( a terrorist organization) and dismantled. It was later reformed with Maria Hill as the director and head of the Avengers. And the Howling Commandos are also the team Nick uses now to protect the USA now that he isn't part of S.H.I.E.L.D anymore.

Wow, maybe we should start a Marvel topic?


Jackie Chase

Actually, I'm not doing the Bible Bee-I don't think anyone I know personally is doing it. But if I did do it at any point, I would be in a group in/near Raleigh, most likely.



@Sam's NEWER username–Whoa! Do you know Thor or Loki??? :P

@Former "SoulWinner"–salutes Hello, Captain America!

P.S. Yes, I think we should create a Marvel topic! Specifically about the Avengers. :P


Hiruko Kagetane

No, I'm the lost son of the Scarlet Witch, she was an Avenger. And the first Avenger was Nick Fury, explained by my last post, with Howling Commandos.

And, the Captain America in the Avengers movie isn't the first Cap, just so you know, he's the second one.


Hiruko Kagetane

The movie is WRONG! Movies always get things mixed up. Although he DIID fight alongside Nick Fury…….maybe I should look into that a bit more and come back to you on the whole "first avenger" thing.



I think the makers of the movie (one of which was the creator of the comic books…) would be more knowledgeable about it than you. :P



True… :)

P.S. I really think that we should start a Marvel topic–half of these comments are about it instead of Star Wars! I'll create one now…


Hiruko Kagetane

Yeah, I saw that. Okay, who would win in a duel, Darth Maul, or General Greivous? Your call guys, post your answers!



Ooh… Two lightsabers or four… robot or creature… Sith apprentice or one simply trained in lightsaber fighting… I guess I'd have to say Darth Maul.

But if you asked if either of them could beat Obi-Wan Kenobi, I'd have to say no–he defeated both of them! :)



well, In Episode I, Obi-Wan was a lot younger when he killed Maul. But he seemed to have more trouble in both the Clone Wars (animated series) and Episode III in the battle there, so I would say that due to the power of Grevious being able to almost best Kenobi, that he would most likely beat Darth Maul. :)


Hiruko Kagetane

Since no one's been here for a while, time to spice things up with a bit of a cross-over: Who would win in a fight, Emperor Palpatine, or Gandalf?


Ian R.2

If it were Emperor Palpatine vs. Gandalf the Grey, Emperor Palpatine would win. But if it were Emperor Palpatine vs. Gandalf the White, Gandalf would win.




And how about this duel: Hulk vs. AT-AT?

EDIT–Come to think of it, that's too easy. Hulk would win easily. But it would still be really cool to see. :)
How about this one: Hulk vs. the Rancor?



So I just found out that Disney bought LucasFilms and is making new Star Wars movies :/ I'm not too excited about it because Disney doesn't seem like it can make a good Star Wars moviebeing a family friendly franchise. And they said they are making Princess Leia a Disney Princess. Imagine that! Princess Leia who shoots guns and dresses up as bounty hunters being a disney princess! There was even a rumor that Zac Efron would return as Luke Skywalker. What is he gonna bust out with some storm troopers in a musical about the force? I hope not. (For those of you who don't know who Zac Efron is he is the Justin Beiber equivalent of the hollywood industry, meaning he is extremely annoying) I really hope Disney doesn't ruin Star Wars or I will never watch another episode. Oh yea and the Clone Wars TV series is getting cancelled. Bummer.

P.S. I'm just kinda mad right now that's why I'm rambling :)



I found a really funny picture of her in the Disney Princess lineup. Just look up Princess Leia Disney Princess :D And was that all you were worried about? Princess Leia? lol


Ian R.2

I knew Disney had bought Lucasfilm a while ago, but I had no idea they are going to make Princess Leia a Disney Princess! That is so wrong!
