The Like Button Quotes

Started by Rebeka B.

Rebeka B.

Here you can quote the funniest Memverse Chat Memories to save forever! :P

For example:

Sarah F.: "Memverse needs a like button!"
Sam: "If it did, Noah and I would permanently be at the top of the 'Like' Leaderboards. :P"
Sarah F.: major facedesk


Sam one day: "It is the duty of every man to uphold the dignity of every woman."
Sam after having his "quote" quoted at him several times: "Bleck! I now know what you guys go through. My words don't taste very good…"



Finally. A new topic we actually _need_.

Quotes from SC#4 (P1-P80)

Danielle: face turns purple
Ian: Uh-oh! You made Danielle mad!
Noah: What is she gonna do? Sue me?
Sam: almost dies of laughter
Danielle: Yep!
Noah: Remember, I have friends in low places. Like Sam.

Danielle: Anyone on?
Sam: Hey.
Danielle: You didn't say YO!? grabs thermometer Are you sick? LOL JK

Ian: What sounds is everyone hearing right now?
Sam: I'm hearing the sound of my brain frying.
Rachel: Is it sizzling? JK
Sam: It's on fire.

Noah: Hello Madhi.
Madi: Ummm…hi?
Noah: Since when is saying "hi" weird?
Sam: When Madi says it

Carissa: Hey Rachel! sends hugs
Rachel: receives husbands and sends some back
Noah: Did you mean HUGS?
Rachel: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! blushes and screams i HATE spell checks on mobile devices!!!!!! :P SOOOOOO sorry, Carissa, I didn't even see that!!!!!!!!!! sends a HUG
Sam: Don't send any more husbands, Rachel.
Rachel: blushes PLEASE!!!! covers face with hands
Sam: Pulls hands off face Peekaboo

JJ: Hey Everyone!
Rachel: Hey JJ…what's up in your world?
JJ: What? Am I not in the same world as you are?

(to be continued)


Matthew Minica

Quotes from Social Chatting 1

Christian: Alright, here you go. This is a picture of me. Now…my hand is in front of the camera, so as to obstruct the view of my face…but it's still a picture of me! :D

Rosie: InSoloChristo- Congratulations on memorizing your 1,300 verse!
Matthew: Yes, in theory. :P
(ISC had been changing his name to "InSoloChristo has (in theory)" in order to have the home page say "InSoloChristo has (in theory) memorized his 1,300th verse".)

ZachB in response to Rosie: "Like"
Rosie: I've been sitting here for 3 minutes trying to figure out what you mean by "like". :)
Sam: If I'm right, he means "Facebook". I said it out loud as "Faceboooooooook", but I don't know how he said it.
ZachB: But I'm NOT on FaceBook……………….
Rosie: Um, what does "Facebook" have to do "Like"?

Nicolas: Wow, we just used up a whole page of this forum in 40 minutes! :P

Nicolas: Wow… I think this forum has more pages than any other forum! :)
(This quote was at the bottom of the 16th page.)

Hannah (Leah's sister): My Dad talks sometimes in his sleep, and a few weeks ago he was staying at work overnight, and he called us on his phone in his sleep! He said "Tomorrow I'm scheduled to play tennis." (when really he wasn't)
My Mom said, "You're scheduled to play tennis??"
My Dad: "Yes, with Legs."
"With who?"
"With Legs. L-E-G-S."

Matthew: Wow, this topic has gotten seriously long since the last time I was on here. Anything interesting that I missed?
(Page 35)

ZachB: wow…
Sam: "wow" as in the Google Glass, Zach? Just wondering, for clarification.
ZachB: … as in the debate that is going on …
Sam: Not my fault! Just sayin'! :-P
ZachB: … sayin' …
Sam: …sayin'……what?
ZachB: What?
Sam: Suh-suh-suh- say wha'?
ZachB: Oh?
Sam: Oh? What, did Danielle do something? J/K!
ZachB: Really? What?
Sam: I don't know! That's why I'm asking you!
ZachB: IDKE!
Danielle: Lol nice try Sam.

Nicolas: Wow, this is probably the longest forum yet! And to think that it hasn't even been a year yet… shivers to think of how it will look in five years
Sam: We'll do it this way, when it hits 100 pages, we'll open "Social Chatting 2", and we won't use this one anymore. That way, we won't have, like, a billion pages by the time we all have kids who are on here, and we can go back and see our previous conversations.
Nicolas: Haha, good idea. You're really thinking ahead, huh? :P
(Page 59. Now I know who came up with that idea!)

Rachel C: I'm making carrot cake, chocolate cake, and"Memversing" :D
Bethany P: And I am making cookies, Memversing and listening to really nice music :D
Sam: Heh, the girls seem to like eating today…..
Bethany: No! I'm not eating the cookies…they are for my parents and sister when they go out of town tomorrow for a conference!
Rachel: Sam- lol! But it's not all for Me :D
Sam: Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Rachel: Now I'm confused. I thought eating is one of a boy's favorite activities! (j/K!)

Rachel C: Am I the only Memverser online?! :(
Matthew: I'm here! :D
Bethany P: So am I :P
I kind of know at what time each user gets on at during the day :)
Rachel: Hi you two! :D
Same here Bethany!
Bethany: I think Matthew might be gone, but I have no idea :P
There I go again — being contradictory!
Matthew: I was gone for a few minutes, but I'm back now. :)
Bethany: So now. I was working on some plans for a book that Carissa and I are writing with our neighbors. We'll see if it works :)
Rachel: May I ask, what's your book about? :)
[End of conversation]
(Page 64. This was the first time we started calling each other out to have as close to real-time conversation as possible, which is now the norm on the SC threads. Not much of a conversation took place the first time. :P)

Ian: Hey SBG, Where's Sam? He hasn't been on all day.
Nicolas: I dunno… I know about as much as you do. :D
Danielle: Yeah? Were is he??
Danielle: I'll check the LMB!! BRB!
Danielle later on: He was on the LMB 2day so at least he's alive. Lol :) :P jk

Sam: strolls in and sees no one around
Should I? Nah! But no one's here. Maybe……
turns on tobyMac CD and starts doing the Robot
Bethany F: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE!! HUH?
Sam: jumps up and screams
AHHHH! Don't. DO! That! Couldn't you see I was busy?
Bethany: noblares up Matt Redman CD.

Sam: Can you guys believe it, it's been a year since the Forums started!
Rachel C: mouth hits floor Really?!
Sam: pushes your mouth back up
Yeah! Check out the date on Zach's first post!
Rachel: rubs chin thanks! Maybe it would have been better if my eyes got as big as saucers…. :P
(Page 72. I wonder how many pages we will have gone through once we hit 2 years… :P)

Sam: For those of you wondering……
Sam: I don't normally 'post' to myself…..
Sam: But this is what happens when……
(Rachel was the culprit.)

Matthew: Sam, you have at least two other "friends" on Memverse that I can think of who are fifteen as well, including myself. So you can add me to the list now. :)
does the happy ninja dance
WOO! WOO! WOO! It's been so long! Almost like Zach, the dude started this thread and hasn't been here in forever! How've you been?
Matthew: LOL You're funny. Well, I won't be online for much longer. :)
(I still don't quite understand why he acted like that. :P)

Sam: runs out, runs back in with a smoke bomb, throws it down, and runs out snickering
Danielle: Ah! Sam!! :) grabs gandalf's staff off the wall and creates a window and all the smoke flows out makes window disappear again :) there all better. :P lol :)
Nicolas: We can't begin something like that here! That's for Sam's forum!! :P
Danielle: Lol :) points finger like a 2 year old. He started it!!! :) lol jk!! :)
Sam: tuns back in, and yells like 5-year-old
Carissa: /Please/ don't start that here :D
Danielle: Lol yeah we won't. :) lol

Jordan: Could be wrong, but I think I might have just struck a deal on our Taurus! I think it might be practically sold! And I should make a good profit on it!
That was quick!
Sam: And of course you'll donate some of the profits to the Fund for Lego-Loving Ninja, won't you?
Nicolas: Yeah, I'm sure he'll be happy to send a cent or two your way, Sam… :P
Jordan: @Sam: sure… I'll send a stipend your way… If you'll return it with interest! ;)
Sam: Um, what if I'm not that "interested" in returning it?
Jordan: THen you don't get it…. PERIOD!!!!!
Sam: Okay, what if I decide to think about returning some with interest?
[Jordan never answers]

Rachel C: Wow! This SC page has over 2100 comments on it now! O_O
Sam: Yup! And most of the crazy ones are mine!

Rachel C: Excited because tomorrow will be 31 days till June 1st! :D
Ian: eyes widen then bonks head I still have to sign up!
(Uhh, Ian, the correct terminology is "facepalm" :P)

Carissa: Wow! We have almost reached 100 pages!!
Madi: Yahoo!!!
Madi: now
Madi: what
Madi: do
Madi: we
Madi: do?? (is this cheating?? :P)
Madi: maybe I need to separate each letter…so we can get to 94… :P
Sam: Yes, it IS cheating!
gavel strikes down
You are hereby sentenced to 5 minutes of jumping jacks!
Jordan: Ah! We need to get this on film. I want to see Madi do five minutes of jumping jacks! Either that or 50 lashes with a wet noodle. :P

Nicolas: Hey, I could just delete all the comments I ever made, and we'd be back down to, like, 93!! :P JK Goodbye, Social Chatting 1! :)
Madi: lol…you might have to if we keep going…we're going to end up with social chatting 101 :P


Rebeka B.

Quotes from Social Chatting 5

Carissa:Howdy! Yo is not a word in my vocabulary…just so you know.
Sam: Then write it in your dictionary!
Carissa: I don't think I want to! It's a… bites tongue
Sam: pushes on both your chin and the top of your head Does that help?
Carissa: stands up abruptly and pushes your hands away No!! goes to look at my tongue in a mirror I think you made me bite off the end of my tongue!!
Sam: holds up the end of your tongue You mean this?
Carissa: Ummm…yeah…. Oh, my poor tongue!! Look what you did to me, Sam!!
Sam: Oops. Oh well. It'll grow back.

All these funny quotes came from a time when Sarah E. came up with the idea of having bizarre Bible names tacked into our usernames for a week…this is what ensued:

JJ: I tried to use Hebrew and it didn't work :D :P ;( EDIT: And it said they were notified……… oops………
Rachel: oooppppsss……! :P

Carissa: With all due respect I would like to acquaint you with the fact that around here facepalms are very unacceptable. And if you continue to persist in doing it you will very likely have a big bruise on your face.
Rachel: holds out hand Grace and peace be multiplied to thee. (Oh dear… facepalm) You find me in good spirits! How art thou? chokes a laugh Much gratefulness for your words of wisdom.

Rachel: Ty….whatever thy name is…I will have to call thee 'Ty' as long as thy keep thy current name. Also, we are not playing Quakers meeting.
Carissa: And dost thou perhaps know that calling an acquaintance of thine by any name other than theirs is very improper?
Rachel: I do not quite understand what thou hast just told me.
Carissa: I will endeavor to explain again to thee then. To call an acquaintance, particularly gentlemen, is very improper.
Rachel: So thou art calling thyself a gentleman?! Dear follower of Christ, I believe you need to examine yourself! :P :D JKJKJKJKJKJK!!!!!
Carissa:I thank thee for that encouragement. I will definitely do so. One always needs to be examining oneself. And there is always room for improvement in oneself.

Carissa asks why she is being so silly but know one knows.
Carissa: Okay :) :) I don't even know myself…unless it's been from being on my bed the entire day….
Emaily: I am very sorry that thou hast been lying upon thy bed for the entirety of the day. :( and I thought it was Trophimus that was ill….
Carissa: I thank thee for thy thoughtfulness of me. And just because my Greek friend Trophimus becomes ill does not mean that I myself does not also become ill at times as well.

Emily: uhhhh….. no problemeth
Carissa: "problemeth" May I ask what kind a word is that?
Emily: it's the kjv version of problem. JK!!!!! :P

Matthew (Buz): Y'all are getting ridiculously hilarious!! LOL! :D
Emaily: Don't say your laughing though, cuz "our brother Tychicus" shall banish thee from the forums, never to return again, if thou doest.
Rachel: Welcome into our midst, Buz. May I ask who didst thou inherit thy name from? <blockquote>"our brother Tychicus" .</blockquote> I laughed so hard no noise came out :P
Matthew: is laughing so hard he can't answer any of your posts at the moment :D
Carissa: clenches teeth Lady Azenath and Sir Buz. I must ask thee to stop thy laughter or leave the room. We cannot carry on a decent conversation with you two laughing in the background!
Rachel: SIR BUZ?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!! laughs laughs laughs
Carissa: rolls eyes There is no way we can have any conversation with you three all laughing. Thou must learn to control their laughter!
Emily: Well, our dearly beloved Tychicus, may I remind thee, that thou thyself were just a moment ago confessing to laughing as well? :P

Matthew (Buz): Y'all are getting ridiculously hilarious!! LOL! :D
Emaily: Don't say your laughing though, cuz "our brother Tychicus" shall banish thee from the forums, never to return again, if thou doest.
Rachel: Welcome into our midst, Buz. May I ask who didst thou inherit thy name from?
Nicolas: LOL (Yes, my dear brother Tychicus, I did ignore your warning and laughed anyway. :P)

Carissa: Stop it!!!! strangled look I will not, I must not!!!! breathes deeply for a few minutes composed look My dear sister, Lady Azenath. I would have thee know that thou art tempting me to sin…by laughing!

Emaily: gets down on knees Oh my dear brother! I do beg thine forgiveness! I most certainly intended not to tempt thee in this manor!!!

Carissa: breathes deeply and clenches teeth No!!!!! Stop!!!!!! breathes deeply and regains composure I find it highly amusing to be called by you 'my dear brother Tychicus'!

Carissa: Tych?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! My dear brother, my name is not Tych!!!!! It is Tychicus!!!!!!!
S.: I pare or lengthen names as I see fit. As you well know.
Carissa: Well, I will thank thee, my dear sir, that I do not like my name lengthened or pared! JK JK JK :) :) I really don't care if you do :)
Emily: Welcome to the party, thou son of Issachar!
:P :P :P
Nicolas: raises eyebrow Really? I feel bad for that guy. JK! JK! :D
S.: Guys- this is annoying, and somewhat weird. Don't mind me though, just keep on like your doing!

Sam: Goodbye my dear brother Tychicus!
Carissa: ROFLROFLROFL!!! It's so hilarious being called 'my dear brother Tychicus'

This was from SC#5 on the last two pages when S. and LE pretended to "rebel" and take over the SC!
Ian: Is this the official last page?
Lady Elusive:That’s what Sam and Carissa would say! snigger
Carissa: And this is officially closed! SAM!!!!!!!! I need your help!!!!!
Lady Elusive: For once Carissa and Sam agree on something!!! LOL! (JK)


Rebeka B.

Matthew: BTW, why'd you change your username back so fast?
Emily: Because every time I'd reply I'd look at my username and go who on earth is that?? :P lol


Barachel the Buzzite of the Kindred of Ram

when we didn't know how to "in reply to —– and —–" , Noah said this to Christian. (And, no, we don't condone keeping secrets from ourself)

"chiefofchristian you can tell me, I'll keeps it a secret, heaven, I won't even tell deadpool!"

I'm so sorry! I can't believe DP did this! I would never suppose myself to be funny, and to promote ourself above others in humor!


Rebeka B.

Sorry Knowa, there is nobody here to facedesk for you in the proper manner to do justice to what you/DP said!!!! :P jk


Rebeka B.

Carissa: pounds head against wall
Sam: I feel bad for the wall….
Carissa: For THE WALL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Sam: What, you're not damaged, are you?
Carissa: I'm more damaged then the wall is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam: Well, I have noticed you seem 'damaged'. :P
(Pg.613 of SC#8)


Hiruko Kagetane

SC #6

Carissa: looks sternly at you and Thordragon You two! You need to respect the rules more about Social Chatting #5! JK JK JK :)
LE: Oh, you must have read about our triumph on SC#5!!!! :D grinning
Carissa: clenches teeth
LE: still grinning as she vanishes from this page in to thin air
Sauroc: laughing Well, uh, everyone left the place so we just made up our own rules! Want to join us?

Rachel: hums
Sam: pinches your lips You sound like a bee! Quit it!
Rachel: yells OWWWW!!!! jerks away That hurt! starts crying
Carissa: SAMUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO…………………………………..
Sam: rolls eyes Stop blubbing! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
Ian: facepalm
Carissa: facepalm SAMUEL!!!!
Rachel: covers face with hands
Sam (replying Carissa): You bellowed?
Carissa: Bellowed?? Of course not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LE: There may be a rebellion in SC#5…. but #6 is a war zone! Yikes! JK!!!!
Sam: Sure did. turns to Rachel You done?
Rachel: wipes tears Sh…she was just defending me…. bursts into tears again :P
Carissa: I did not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEVER bellow!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rachel: puts on straight face Uh…yes sir. sniffs
Sam: Does the crying somehow help you cope? Just wondering since it seems kinda pointless.
Carissa: facedesk SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sauroc: HMM?
Sam: HMM?
LE: Is there something wrong with your keyboard? Maybe you don’t keep pens at your place???
Sam: HMM?
Sam: HMM?
Sauroc: I think yer ki bord is stuk on the HMM button? Who besides me is editing their posts?
Sam: HMM?
LE: Dose HMM mean something???
Carissa: Hey all!
Sam: HMM?

LE: Are you homeschooled????
Sam: It's the only way I can be this crazy.

Margaret Eddy: Ian was the only one in danger of exploding. The rest of us were just pouring gasoline on to help cool him down.

Sauroc: Lol. Right after the BB scores are released, all the qualifiers are bragging that they get to go… One and a half months later all the non-qualifiers start bragging that they don't have to study.

Sam: I agree with Thordragon. One and a half months after Locals, the non-qualifiers begin bragging that they don't have to study. Like moi.
Ian: What happens if you make it?
Sam: You alternate between bragging and crying, doing either on each week.

LE: <blockquote>

Memverse wouldn’t be the same with out you Sam! What do you think your post will look like in four-six years? (I probably wont be here anymore… but I can't image memverse with out you guys!)

Funny/Crazy. Perhaps embarrassing, remembering how weird I am now. </blockquote>

And I’m sure by that time some of us will have very black and blue faces from slamming them into the desks all the time…. Carissa’s throat will be vary sore from screaming at you. LOL!


Rebeka B.

From SC#8

LE (a.k.a. the Queen of Delete): Thank you Elizabeth!
Lizzy: Thanks for what?
LE: For deleting your post! Not something I normally encourage.
S.: I bet.



laughing really hard All gasp these gasp quotes are gasp HILARIOUS!!!!!! Brings gasp so many gasp memories!!


Matthew Minica

Quotes from Social Chatting 2

Sam: No it doesn't! We already established it, we only make a new one every 100 pages! Otherwise we have new ones too soon! Look at Social Chatting #1, it took us a whole YEAR to get to 100 pages! If we post at roughly the same rate, it'll take us a year to finish this one too!
Nicolas, several days later: Hey, Sam… I think your estimations might prove wrong. We've already got 8 pages!!! :P

Bethany F: Bye, silly peoples………………………………………………

One of the Strangs: Hey… I just found a really good picture of you! :):)
Emily: Really, where? :)
Strang: Emily's gettn' nervous now………..
Emily: Haha, only if it's not from Bible Bee. =D
Strang: well…what do ya know….
Emily: I'm not sure, I forgot. :P jk =D
Emily: Btw, all the pictures of me that I've seen of me on the internet are NOT really good pictures. :P

Emily: Yikes, we already have 6 pages of SC2…!!! :) EDIT: Make that 7 :P =D

Caleb W: 8:54 am in OR and still no Strangs! Ok, I really should be going to bed now. :) Goodnight everyone!
Bethany S: Someone said my last name? ;) (Well, one of them.)
Caleb: Goodmorning! I would stay and chat if it wasn't 2:18. :)

ZachB: ?????????/ why did we have 2 make a new one?????
Eden: Hey Zach… nice to see you back around!
Emily: I don't know. :P Someone decided that 100 pages was enough. :P :P

Sam: Is this what it's come to? Talking about singing? sighs It was a beautiful idea…..continuing the Social Chatting…..but instead, I've created a monster…….

One of the Strangs: 11:08 am in Australia and no Wongs! ;)

Esther W: that moment when you post something
and think, "Wow! My bro posted just now!"
and then, "Wha…?! He said the same thing as me!"
and then… "Oh, whoops!"
*deletes the post super quick and signs into her own account

Madi: Something happened to me yesterday that was very abnormal. :P If you don't know me I guess you wouldn't know quite how abnormal…but it was. My mom actually had to shush me in a store. :O This never happens!!! (Okay, only when my goofy side comes out…which is usually when I'm around children.) I wasn't around children, but I was in a toy story….with puppets. I guess that's my weakness. I love puppets! (It's so funny how kids always think they are real! :P) So, I found this cowgirl puppet, and I started singing Home on the Range with her. (I thought it was pretty good! ;) then my sister grabbed a nurse puppet and started singing along…we were laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. I have no idea what struck us so funny, but my mom told us she could hear us all the way at the other end of the store. (It was okay, 'cause nobody was in it but us and the workers…and the store was quite small.)
So for those of you who have meet me personally….can you picture me doing this? :P

Bethany F: What have you (Leah as well) been doing lately??
Carissa: Right now I am working on writing a story :D
Sam: Studying, and being a general geek. Why do you ask?
Bethany: That was NOT directed at you!!! It was for Leah and Carissa.
Sam: What is this, discrimination against awesomeness?!?
Bethany: I'd say "what does that even mean??

Carissa: Have you done those jumping jacks yet?
Sam: no, I haven't done any jumping jacks.
Bethany F: Do them NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam: I'd rather not, as I'm in my dad's office. Plus, I seem to derive an inane pleasure from not doing what you tell me. ;)
Carissa: Well, when you get home you need to do those jumping jacks.
Sam: Perhaps. If I'm not too busy reading……
Carissa: You absolutely have to!
[Later on]
Carissa: Anyone on??
Sam: Nope! So I'm not going to ask ho you are!
Carissa: LOL When should you get home from your dad's work?
Sam: ………I dunno. 8ish, maybe? It depends, and fluctuates from day to day, depending on how busy my mom is.
Carissa: Okay…because once you get home you have got work to do :D
Rachel C: Sam- have you done your jumping jacks yet? looks at you sternly
Sam: No I DON'T! And I don't get a cyber-hug?
Nicolas: No.
Carissa: Why not, you had us all do them so now you have got to :D:D You want me to send you a cyber hug? :D Sure, gives you a cyber hug
Sam: receives cyber-hug, and smiles smugly at SBG You were saying?
And MAYBE I'll be busy when I get home. 'kay?
Nicolas: Well, at least you're not gettin' one from ME. ;P
Rachel: You can shake hands. (J/K!)
Carissa: @Sam: Well, I complied with your request of giving you a cyber hug now you have to comply with my request and do those jumping jacks, agreed? :D
Sam: It depends on the hug. I give guys either "man hugs" ( the high five followed by back pat, or a real hug. I don't give guys side hugs. Those are for girls, along with real hugs. All of my sisters know this.
And my being busy when I got home was my way of complying with your jumping-jack request. Happy now?
rolls eyes Just do the jumping jacks!!
Sam: And why dost thou rollest thine eyes, sir Nicolas?
Rachel: PLEASE do the jumping jacks, Mr. Sam!
Sam: Yes ma'am.
Nicolas: Sorry, you'll have to repeat that. I live in the twenty-first century, not the fifteenth! :P

Nicolas: Here's a tip for y'all: If you ever meet Sam, DON'T HANDSHAKE HIM. He'll crush your bones! On purpose! :P
Sam: I don't CRUSH your bones! I just…… your doctor out a little!
Carissa: I SO wish we could go to OH and meet you all and I really want to see the F. family again!!! He wouldn't do it me, would he?? pitiful face
Carissa: How does that help a doctor out??
Nicolas: Hmm… Maybe not… I guess it depends. Or maybe he just likes doing it to me. :P
Sam: eyes widen No, no please! Not the pitiful girl face! My one weakness! Okay, okay, I won't hurt you, 'kay?
Carissa: Thank you :D Now, I won't dread meeting you :D jkjk
Ahhh, I've found out your weakness :D lol
Rachel C: You mean helping the doctor out by adding a bit more to his paycheck? :P
Nicolas: Exactly. :P Fortunately, it's never been THAT bad…
Sam: Yeah, the same sister who smacked me around with a backpack( which was the product of my ignoring her) found that out too. Fortunately she doesn't use it often.
Carissa: Mmmm…so are you wanting me to use it more? jk
Sam: AHH! No, PLEASE! And I'm serious, it actually is my one weakness! I just can't say no to a girl who does that face!
Carissa: I was joking…I actually don't do pitiful faces…unless you were going to do a really hard handshake and someone (won't mention any names) won't do their jumping jacks :D
Sam: Okay, thanks! And I wouldn't do that to you!
Carissa: Your Welcome. And thank you! Is there any possibility any of you on memverse are coming to MO soon?? Please??
Sam: Um, sorry, I'm not good with state abbreviations. MO is….Montana?
Nicolas: Missouri, bro! They live in Kansas City!
Nicolas: Gleep! Did I just call you bro??
Sam: You did. Hm, I don;t think we'll be going down there anytime soon, sorry Carissa!
Carissa: MO stands for Missouri. Please!!!!!!! Well, then you have to go to nationals!
Carissa: @Sam, Nicolas, Ian, and Rachel: So I was reading through all these comments and that was such a weird, awkward, and hilarious conversation!!!
Rachel: My thoughts exactly! :P
Sam: Awkward in what part?
Nicolas: Totally! It's been really fun! :)
Carissa: You ask what was awkward!!!???

Carissa: Do you know where Sam is?
Danielle: No! I wish I did. :( lol his presence is always g8ly missed!
Nicolas: No kidding! Where are you, Sam?!? :D (Wow, 39 pages in 10 days?? I think SC#3 will be coming soon!)
Sam: Hello peeps! I'm back! Try not to miss me too much next time, that's what Mojo Jojo's for! How's everyone been?
Danielle: cough cough lol. Don't let it go to ur head! :) lol I'm good. :) lol have u done ur jumping jacks yet???
Sam: mumbles Mods forgive me, I've started an obsession.
Danielle: With what? I'm so confused! :) lol DID U DO THE JUMPING JACKS?
Carissa: Now you need to stay back. Have you done your jumping jacks yet?
Bethany F: Everyone, try not to think about purple gorillas or fuzzy penguins.
Sam: How about fuzzy gorillas and purple penguins?
Madi: I thought it was purple elephants… :P
(In case you're wondering, Sam never answered the girls' question that time.)

Sam: Tell the others I said "HEY!", willya? :P
Nicolas: Sure, minus the exclamation point. :P
Sam: What good's a "HEY!" without the exclamation point?
Sam: What good's a "HEY!" without the exclamation point?
Nicolas: And what good's a comment if it's not posted twice?
Sam: Ooops. Accident. BTW, did you hear about the woman in NC, that called the police on her son for taking her Pop-Tarts without asking?
Rosie: "HEY!!" Does that make you feel better? I used two exclamation points. :P
Nicolas: Uh… seriously??
Sam: @Rosie~ Thanks!
@SBG~ Seriously! The police took him to juvenile court, and said he took possession of food items worth $5! They're still deciding what they're going to do with him!
Nicolas: facepalm Where would we be if parents called the police on kids for EVERYTHING they did wrong?? :P
Sam: I'd have gone to jail a LONG time ago!
Nicolas: LOL I bet! :P Of course, it would probably be the same with me. :P
Sam: IKR? Like, "You spilled my coffee!" "Sorry dad! It was an-" "Nope, not this time! Police? My son spilled $4 worth of a caffeinated beverage all over the floor! Come and get him!" Wow, that'd just be horrible!
Nicolas: TTLY! :D Of course, if the police were called every time something like that happened, they'd probably just start ignoring those calls. :P
Sam: Yeah, but then the parents might sue, and then there'd be some big legal battle, which would become a political battle, and end in a new set of laws for kids who do things that annoy their parents. American justice at it's finest! :P
(The first recorded facepalm on the SC threads! :D)

Matthew: Okay, I have to go now. Nice chatting with you!
Emily: Okay bye! Nice talking with you too! Well, I'll be working hard to memorize some more verses. jk. =D
Rachel C: Hi Emily!
Emily: Oh hi Rachel!!
Rachel: I can't talk for long, got to get ready for bed :)
Emily: at 6:44!??? Jk. =D okay. :)
Rachel: Haha! Nope, at 9:48 :D I'm doing well! And you? Did you have a nice Sunday?
EDIT: got to go now! :( have a nice Week! :)
Emily: Yes I did! Did you? We just went to church, then came home. :) Now I'm just trying to memorize more verses than Matthew. hehe, not really. :) (well, kinda… =D)
(I guess I had recently passed up Emily in memorized verses. I didn't remember that our rivalry went back so far. :P)

Rachel C: Everyone who is doing BB: What is your favorite passage so far? :)
Caleb W: I've been doing BB!
Rachel: Really?! That's great! :) Are you competing?
Caleb: Whooops. I was joking. :D I meant I am fixing my dad's "B" lack "B" erry phone.
Caleb: I would if I was closer to US though. :)

Carissa: Anyone on?
Danielle: Me sorta. ;P
Carissa: What's that supposed to mean?
Danielle: Lol I was switching tabs off and on. I g2g now :)
(Funny, Carissa says that all the time now… :P)

Carissa: Well, the sky is up.
(Carissa came up with that??? Or rather, she was the first one to post it?? I'm learning a lot of new things by going through this. :P)

Rachel C: Whispers Do it Carissa…do it!!! :D
Carissa: whispers back Do what?
Rachel: Really quietly Get him to do the Jumping jacks! :D (Lol, J/K!)
Carissa: @Sam: Now, don't leave just 'cause I ask you this. Have you done your jumping jacks? And because you probably haven't I have to resort to this. Please do your jumping jacks for me pitiful face
Rachel: big grin
Carissa: smiles He had better do them now. Because I remember that awkward (and fun) conversation and how he said that he couldn't refuse a pitiful face from a girl :D
Sam: blinks That might have worked Carissa……had you kept your original Gravatar of your face. Since it's not there anymore, and I can't actively imagine your "pitiful face", then I am under NO obligation to do any such jacks! So there! Anyhooler, we were in Sugarcreek.
Rachel: Haha! I sure do remember! :D :P that was just too funny :-)
I need to go now! Got some BB studying to do! ;) sends you a cyber hug
And Sam, don't forget! shakes finger at you
Edit: Carissa: go put a picture up of you doing a pitiful face!! J/K!!!! :D
Carissa: @Rachel: Bye. sends you a hug back (hopes not to hear the awkward question from Sam) I Hope your BB studying goes well.
@Sam: Just a sec…
Carissa: It won't work…just wait a sec, Sam, and then you will have to do those jumping jacks.
Rachel: (I can't leave….I have to see this…. :D )
Carissa: See me get Sam to do the jumping jacks?
Carissa: Rachel, I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't get my picture to change.
Carissa: @Sam: There you can't say that any more. Please do your jumping jacks for me pitiful face
Carissa: Now, Sam…you have to do those jumping jacks pitiful face
Rachel: claps wildly yay!! :D pats Carissa on the back you did it!!
Rachel: It's been over 5 minutes since Sam last posted…….you think he's doing them? :D LOL! EDIT: or did he get scared off?
Carissa: Maybe…or else…lightbulb flashes he'd better not have!
Sam: sniffs Fine. When I get off the computer I'll do them, okay?!?
Rachel: You PROMISE?????
Carissa: Breathes a sigh of relief I was worried you had left. Thank you…now you have to do them.
Carissa: @Sam: Just let me know when you have finished doing your jumping jacks and what you thought of them
Carissa: I have to go as well. Bye all.
Carissa: Oh, Sam, don't forget and let me know when you have done them.

Matthew: Wow, it took us a year to get to 100 pages on Social Chatting 1, but I think it's going to be more like about 2 months for Social Chatting 2! I think a lot of people suddenly decided to get more social! :)

Danielle: Lol I'll never b able to think about hugs without thinking about the hilarious, awkward conversation. Lol :)
Carissa: Same here. I'm just glad that Sam isn't here or he would have started it all over again by asking me for a hug shakes head Just be glad that it wasn't you he asked for a hug and had that awkward (and hilarious) conversation with :D
Sam: Can I have a hug?
Carissa: Oh no…not again :D sends you a hug
Carissa: Did you seriously have to start that /again/!? :)
Sam: Thank you, thank you! receives hug
Ian: Apparently he did. :)

Nicolas: IIIIII'MMMMM BAAAAAACK!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Hello again, everyone! We finally made it back from our trip last night. Sorry that I wasn't on here as much as I said I would be—we didn't have as much Internet connection as I thought we would have. But anyhoo, I'm back, and I have a lot to catch up on! :D
Bethany P: Glad y'all made it back safely! :)
Sam: You're back? Already? sighs Party's over everyone, you can all go back to your daily lives!
Nicolas: @Bethany—Thanks! It was so much fun to meet you guys again. :)
Sam: snickers maliciously Anyhooler, how was it? I hope you didn't terrorize Bethany and her family too much.
Carissa: @Sam: Of course they didn't terrorize us. Have you done your jumping jacks?

Bethany P: Anyone on? :)
Matthew: I'm on… but I thought you weren't getting on the forums much anymore, Bethany.
Bethany: Haha…that's right. I really shouldn't have put that, because I'm not planning on being on here for more than a minute.
Though, to answer your question from earlier, my studying is going well, Matthew.
(just had to do that, because you put my name in, which I think sounded weird. :|)
Matthew: Don't know why it would… but whatever. :P
Bethany: Just because, I was the only one on, and I knew you were talking to me, and you still put my name.
(and just so that you know, my evening was free because our Church picnic got canceled because of pouring rain, so that's why I'm on here tonight. But, if you see me on here any more this summer, please tell me to get off :D )
Matthew: Well…. I'm not sure if I'd have the nerve to do that. lol :P
Bethany: Oh, don't say that! You have the nerve to do…because you had the nerve to pull me into the square dance last year, and have my older brother agree with you! :) Besides, if you end any comment with a smiley face, I'll think it's funny.
Please, I'm serious, feel free to do it.
Matthew: Alright… but only because you say so :P

Carissa: @Sam: Quick question..I have to leave soon…have you done your jumping jacks? Please do them pitiful face
Carissa: Sam…where are you?
Danielle: I told u he leaves whenever U ask him that :) lol

Carissa: @Sam…you are completely ignoring me. Just do your jumping jacks.
Madi: lol…flash him a pitiful face! :P
He's going to do them though…
Carissa: Lol If I do those so much he will be so used to them and therefore it won't be his "one weakness"…to use his words
Sam: Happy now Carissa? I did 'em!
Danielle: Looks doubtingly Sam!! Did u really?
Sam: Yes I did! You can disbelieve me all you want, 'cuz this Jedi knows he did them!
Nicolas: jaw drops YOU'RE. KIDDING. faints
Carissa: eyes widen in shock and jaw falls to the floor THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They weren't thay bad…were they?
Madi: WHA?!?!?!?!?! Seriously?? Wow! Congrats. :P
Sam: Not really. My legs were saying something different though, but I think that was a by-product of playing outside for so long yesterday.
Carissa: WOW! I'm still in shock. I just can't get over it. You finally did them!!!!!!!!! I guess that means I don't have to ban you from getting cyber hugs…as Danille suggested :D:):)
Sam: So I get a hug now, right?
Carissa: I suppose I must. sends you a cyber hug But you weren't supposed to start that up again.

Danielle: Yeah LOL it took us a year to get through S.C. #1 …….. Then I showed up. :P :) lol JK!!!! :)


Margaret Eddy

Wow. I got quoted! Granted, it was by Sam, but I was starting to suspect that no one would "Like" my brilliantly scintillating comments.



  • gasps *

I didn't know what discrimation ment???????????


Wait, when was that posted anyways?????


Rebeka B.

Sauroc: Actually I am here to tell all of you to stop: greeting each other, saying "bye" to each other, and above all, sending hugs! Do not send or receive hugs! I cannot stress this enough, if someone sends you a hug, do not receive it, do not acknowledge to the sender that you are aware of the hug. Contact a Specialized Hug Destroyer Department, and request that they send a SHDR crew to investigate the threat and properly destroy it. If you are sent another hug by the same person, again, do not receive the hug. Contact SHDD, then contact your local police/state trooper department and alert them of the serial hugger. They will send out an emergency alert via radio and television. If you hear the alert, shut down all forms of media and electronic communications. If you have already received, or accidentally receive a hug, contact the SHDD, then seek medical attention.
To you serial huggers out there: Start prayin' we don't hear about you… we will hunt you down, and prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law…

Sam: cocks shotgun Man after my own heart.


2 Corinthians 5:17

From the quotes topic……..

"""""""""I can't think of any, Rosie!"


-Samuel Meshibotheth Elliot"

-Noah Cassidy"


-Sarah Frisk :P"




-Aleas Derohi"

-Matthew Minica


Barachel the Buzzite of the Kindred of Ram

Under LE's intructions…

From Brickmaster 2.0

(Sam) OOC: Impossible to have fun tasering you? I beg to differ!

(Me)Go ahead, make my day. leaps through the air(slo-mo;) at Sam

(Sam)OOC: I'm gone dude!

(me) it's a REALLY big leap

(Sam) as you are jumping in slow-mo, I attack you with a katana multiple times, slicing you apart in mid-air

(me) Oh oooh aah! remembering I am a pacifist I wasn't attacking you, I was trying to hugs you! eats banana of life and heals

Oh. Well I was looking forward to saving the days. I really would like to save some days

looks at sam's knife in table wow! he's dramatic!

stoops down to get eye-level with the table Is that sharp? we could find out!

slams both katanas into table Ha! see, we can do it too!

From Danielle

(Carissa) She called you a-a-a…Oh I can't!!
(me) Tell me. Just spell it

(Stefani) you are not ugly
(Me) It's also a matter of comparativeation. Compared to brad Pitt, of course I'm good looking.

From Daniel (aka LORD Elrond)

We refuse to call you lord, in fact, I don't believe you are Lord. there.

From introductions:

Kevin's not a girl. She's a boy.

(me, to dani)

if your grandma's ex-boyfriend's cat had died, you would still be 'lol'ing

(Dani) "I just heard from the Cassidys. Noah died today. lol"

"North Korea just bombed Rhode Island. lol"

"I've just lost my job, and our house has been taken away. lol"

"Antichrist has come. lol"
(on a new intro)
(John)My wife and I………..

When I saw that, "wow, they're starting them young these days!"
From Noah Cassidy

(me)No, I don't think.

course he doesn't think

(when I changed my username to 'half a banana'):

(christian) By the way, Noah, I don't like your new username. xD

I despise bananas, and if I saw half of one….. I might gag. xP

(me) It's the good half

(nicolae)attacks Noah simply because he wanted him not to :P

dies to death
to be continued
