The ocean

Started by Owen Hoang

Owen Hoang

I like the ocean and I wondered what other people like about the ocean So here you go a chat about the Ocean I started learning about the ocean when I was 5

I will also quiz people just for fun and other people can quiz other people


Owen Hoang

My favorite sea creature is the killer whale or also called an orca. I always liked the ocean and how fish breathe underwater and how mammals can survive in the big blue ocean or how the biggest creature in the world was in the ocean.
When I was 5 my brothers and me watched a dolphin show called flipper. I started liking the ocean then we went to the georgia aquarium and then that was when it all started. I studied it harder than I studied school. For years I collected things about the ocean. Now I have a big binder about the ocean. It feels heavy as a school backpack. Then a month ago we went to sea world san antonio and that was where I got to see orcas with my own eyes. And yes I have watched orcas on tv. We saw belugas and pacific white sided dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, coral reef and of course fish puffins and penguins. That day was so fun but many people think I just like the ocean because it rhymes with Owen. It doesn't even rhyme with owen. so you now know most of my story of liking the ocean. And I hope that other people like the ocean as me. From the tiniest phytoplankton to the big blue whale everything in the ocean has its own purpose. I hope people will use this so we can learn more about the ocean. Who knows? maybe there is more creatures in the sea. Its a big ocean out there. over 70% of the earth is water. So enjoy this topic I am always wanting see something new. And surprisingly I haven't been to the ocean before. Could someone tell me what it looks like to be in the ocean with your own eyes? Enjoy God's creation.


Everett H

Hey Owen! Wow, that's neat that you like the ocean so much, but it is to bad you've never been there. I like whales, but I would never want to "meet" one (or be one). How would you like it if your heart was the size of a small car? :P When I see the ocean it's hard to imagine how large it is, when it goes on as far as you can see. And that is only the top of the water in it. You'll have to go there sometime yourself to see it. Also I think it looks a lot different from the east coast than it does from the west coast or from on an Island.

But also, just think the reason the ocean's size or strength or whatever else we see about it that makes it so amazing even exists is because God created it, and He is more amazing in, and is the creator of every attribute we see in creation. That makes the ocean even more exiting when you know that God Himself put it there, and that it was His idea!


Owen Hoang

Cool Everett I should go there sometime thanks for telling me. Yes, God did make the ocean very very big. And it is incredible because God created it hope we can talk more on this topic. (And yes it would be weird to have a heart as big as a car.) : )


Piece of Peace

Hey Owen! I love the ocean and things in the ocean. Especially sting rays and sharks and dolphins. =) I think it's wonderful how much of our economy depends on the ocean. And the moon is amazing how it controls the ocean.
