What was your hardest verse and chapter to memorize and how did you finally master it?

Started by John project

John project

My hardest verse as of this date was Jn 6: 22 and my hardest chapter was Jn. 17

I'm not sure why Jn 17 was so hard, maybe because there were a lot of similar sounding verses in it that kept tripping me up.

I tried every memorization trick in the book. But in the end the only thing that worked was to spend up to 2 hours at a time in repetition till I had it. And still, if I don't keep on it, it will begin to fall apart piece by piece.


His Servant

I know how you feel…it happened to me during Bible Bee last year. Ezekiel 34:11-16 was totally my hardest one EVER! Read the passage, and you'll see why :)

I was supposed to be learning 13 verses a day, but when I got to that, that "13 verses a day" came to a screeching halt. It took hours each day, for 3 days (not even memorizing anything else during those days!) and even then didn't have it mastered. Maybe it's because I don't normally memorize in Ezekiel, but for some reasion that was definitely my hardest.

After that, it was Matthew 1:21-23, Luke 4:16-21 and Isaiah 61:1-3 (and the last two, are cross-references…extra hard!).

[One of my easiest ones was Nahum 1:2-8, but that might be besides the point….]


His Servant

Oops…I guess I forgot to answer the other part of your question :) Well, on mastering it. I think just quoting it a lot each day for several months, finally did it. Though, I don't think I would ever say that I got it done perfectly. I mean, I could quote it fine, but I wouldn't prefer quoting it in my oral rounds at Nationals or Locals!

Sorry about my mistake.


Matthew Minica

I didn't really have much trouble memorizing any verses before Locals last year, just with keeping them perfect. I remember one passage that I really had trouble with in Nationals, though - Isaiah 53. Like Bethany said, all of my other memorizing came to a screeching halt. I think it took me about 5 days to learn that one. After learning it, though, it really wasn't too hard to master.


His Servant

Ahh…Matthew! I remember working on Isaiah 53 too…it wasn't my easist, by any means :) I had tried using a different way of memorizing on that one for the first time – I remember sitting in my room for about 3 hours before our service meeting on Sunday and had a really hard time on it. I put it aside for a few days, but when I came back to it, I memorized about it in 30 minutes :)

So, yeah, some verses are easy and others are very, very hard.


John project

Oh yeah! I forgot about Isaiah 53 that was a tough one for me as well. And I haven't reviewed it in about 20 years, not in its entirety anyway.

But Memverse is helping me dust off a lot of verses and chapters that I haven't touched in a long time. And its amazing how fast they are coming back to me. Thank you Jesus!


His Servant

@COS – I think two of the reasons that it was so hard for me was because it repeats a lot of the phrases over again…just in a different way, and because I don't normally read in Ezekiel…

One of my easiest this year is Proverbs 24:29-34 :)


Jo B

I remember having a bit of a struggle with the wording in Isaiah 53 too - quite a few repeated words, so part of it was remembering which ones came where. I'm quite a visual learner, so writing it out helped.

I also focused on maths words!! So v8 'he was TAKEN AWAY', and v12 'a PORTION among the great, and he will DIVIDE the spoils with the strong, because he POURED OUT [practical maths - rel to volume!] his life unto death, and was NUMBERED with the transgressors' !!! Thinking maths (or 'math' to you in the States!) helped my brain remember the right words anyway!


Ian R.2

The hardest passage to memorize for me was Ezekiel 36:23-27. I just pushed on through with the method that i used for other verses, and I was finally able to memorize it.
