What you like about where you live...

Started by Madi


So what is your favorite thing about where you live. What is your least favorite? What is the weather like most of the time?

My favorite thing about where I live is: It's always green!!! I also like our mild weather. We don't have super cold winters nor do we have super hot summers…

My least favorite: Hmm….Our oceans are cold? I don't really know. :P

Weather: Rain, rain and more rain. (We complain a lot, but it's really 'cause we like it so much!! :P) I love the rain…just not the clouds. That might be my least favorite thing. It's always gray.



My favorite thing about where I live is the awesome neighbors and friends around here. We live in a town of about 20 houses :). And we live just a day trip from three major cities.
I think my least favorite thing is the unreliable internet. It can take ages to load the verses for review here. We are in a valley.
The weather here is dry. And very hot in the summer. But now it is Fall down under and quite a nice temp. Fall here is not as colorful as the US.


Ruth Smith

My most favorite thing about where I live is the people that live around me!!!! I'm SO blessed to have such great friends who encourage me in Christ, and support me in times of difficulty.

My least favorite thing about where I live, is the lack of Snow in the Winter, and the lack of sun in the summer:) I have learned to tolerate the rain, but it would be nice if it would come down as snow more often:)

Our weather is mostly rainy, and cool. Sun is a welcomed rare occasion, and snow is even less frequent:) but, I think I could tolerate any weather, as long as there were friends around me :):):)::):):)


Ian R.2

My favorite thing: A tree, in my backyard, that I love to climb.

Least favorite: No pool, or water park near by. :(

Weather: Mostly cloudy, and plenty of rain.


Margaret Eddy

I thought you really liked gray! I like the clouds even though, yes, I do complain about them. Besides, it's always a good conversation topic in Washington. "It's raining" is something you can say when you don't know what to say, and it gives everyone around a sense of unity and friendship when they all agree: "Yes, it is raining."
"It's been raining all week"
"yes is has been raining all week"
And everyone looks out into the rain and feels agreeable.

I'm just a little black rain cloud…


Margaret Eddy

The one setback about the sky really being gray is that the preschool curriculum writers are SURE that the sky is actually blue. So your kid (or sibling that you are teaching) ends up getting a point off even though they were right.
I would think that if they live where the sky is blue that they would also call the grass "yellowish grayish brown", but no, they call it green!
The ways of preschool curriculum writers are past finding out.



Where I live the grass is green and the sky is blue… most of the time we see either of those. And we get snow, and sun, in fact its sunny right now. I shall enjoy making all of you jealous. JK.



If my gravatar updates, theres a good pic I (might have been another member of my fam.) took of our great state. Green, Blue, Snow, and Sun!


Margaret Eddy

No I didn't. What state competition thread? I thought I was being profoundly original.
Actually, I got it from a Calvin and Hobbes. Maybe Calvin and Hobbes got it from the state competition thread.


Matthew Minica

I think my favorite thing about South Texas is the nice weather for much of the year. Even in the wintertime, it can get up to 70 degrees! Though, that doesn't mean it's always that way - South Texas weather can be quite unpredictable, especially in the winter, spring, and fall. In the summer, though, you can at least predict that it will be hot. :)
Another nice thing about this area is that we are not in a danger zone for hurricanes, tornadoes, or earthquakes. Oh, yeah, and I also like Texas politics. (Back me up Emily!! Haha JK JK)
My least favorite thing about where I live… I don't know. Either the fact that it's pretty far away from just about anywhere else in the US, or the fact that we never get any snow around here. Some of my younger siblings have never seen snow.
Speaking of weather, we got a big hail a couple days ago! Some of the hail was as big as marbles!



I like pretty much everything about OR… okay okay, so it is pretty liberal!
I love that we have so many friends here! OK but we have tons of friends all over the US!


His Servant

Favorite thing about where I live….I could list a lot! The summer showers, that it gets humid (I know, don't laugh!), the abundance of trees, the wildlife and the nice hot summers we get :) :)

Least favorite? I could kind of list a lot as well…the freezing weather in the winter, the abundance of snow, the hard ground which is hard to plant in, and the big city, and all the traffic.

Weather? Spring and Fall – beautiful! Summer – perfect….HOT ALL THE TIME! Highest I've seen it was 115. Winter – freezing. You'd wanna stay in with some hot chocolate.

And, I like that MO is sort of central in the US…that way it's not too far away from things, though CA, TX, OH and NC sound a long way away….

[BTW, though I say I really like hot states, I don't like AZ, which is where I was born. It's dry heat, and I don't like that….]



@margaret: I like gray for certain things…like my bedroom blankets and pillows and my clothes…but not the sky… :P


2 Corinthians 5:17

Bethany - you like it hot and humid?!?!?!?!?!?! :O I CAN NOT stand hot and humid weather….and I heard we live in the 2nd most humid place in the USA. here in the summer, you step outside and in one minute you're covered in sweat. :P
And I wish we got more snow! :|

But one of the thingsI like about living here, we're close to the beach, mountains, blue ridge mountains, etc.



Yeah NC kinda my dream state! :) lol whenever me and my brother would play modern PLAYMOBIL our families always lived in North Caralina! Lol (and were panthers fans!) ;) (and we pretended they were good. Lol :) :P)


His Servant

@Carissa – Yes it is! 0 degrees is way to cold for me!

@Rachel – Yup, I do….I've been to AZ enough to know that I don't like dry heat. Why don't you just come to MO in the winter and share the snow with us? :) We'd be happy too!


His Servant

Yeah! That's what I'm trying to say, but she doesn't believe me! MO winters describe the word "extreme cold" perfectly :D



So it seriously goes down to 0? that's ridiculous!

I mean, I don't want you to hate where you live, but the weather is a lot warmer in the PNW… Okay, but it is wetter and you have to get used to it!

Out of curiosity, how far are you guys from St Louis? Just wondering because we went there a few years ago… You do have a kind of cool arch!


His Servant

Yes, it does get that low :( But, we have really hot summers as well – up to 115!

We live in KC…about 4 hours away from St. Louis :)



Ouch! That's too hot! It'll once in a while get up to 100 here… but normally our summers are around 70-90… Personally, I like it!


2 Corinthians 5:17

Bethany- I'd love to! :D the problem is, I don't drive yet, and sometimes you don't know for sure if its going to snow or not until it happens! :D I should mention it to Daddy…. :D wouldn't it be fun if it was snowing while at Nats? We could have a BB contestants snowball fight! :D


Hiruko Kagetane

One of the things I DON'T like about where I live, is that all of my church friends live like, 45 minutes away from my house, and most of them even more!



So I see this discussion about the climate of your area.
@Jordan I do hope you were jokeing when you said ridiculous about it getting down to 0 degrees.

I have personally seen (I mean felt) at least down to 50 below here (I walked to churchin it). While that would be no record for this area, it also isn't quite the normal, it happens every year or two. Ususally we get a spell where it stays between 30 and 40 below for a week at a time. (I have been talking in Farenheit, but -40F is the same as -40C.)
It doesn't get up to 115 here but i'm glad, and dry heat, and dry cold are sooo much better than the humid and rainy winter stuff.
Edit: O and all this about where I live, I like.



I was not joking! I would seriously freeze if it was that cold…. I'm sure of it!



I like where I live, because of the change of seasons, hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Also people have common sense out here. I wish I lived in a bigger city sometimes, but there are advantages to living in the country.


Ruth Smith

We are always trying to get the Strangs to go skiing;) I'm sure it would take care of the dislike for the cold:)

I've been skiing three times this year, and if we owned skis, we would probably go alot more often;)
