Your Salvation Testimony

Started by 2 Corinthians 5:17

Christian Alexander

This is the testimony that I submitted to my church a couple of weeks ago as a prerequisite for baptism. I'm actually already a member of the church, and I had already submitted my testimony a few years ago, but at that time I believed that my previous baptism was valid. Now, however, I have come to the understanding that I was not saved when I was baptized before. So I have submitted a revised testimony, and I am going to be baptized (along with the Wright brothers) on March 3rd.

Here is my testimony:

Now, some of you may be wondering, why am I putting out another testimony? Aren’t I already a member of the church? The answer to that question is yes. And I do believe I was saved when I became a member of this church back in December of 2009. The issue is, I believe I was a brand new Christian at that time, and I was not saved when I was baptized in August 2008. So I talked to Pastor Waters about my predicament, as well as my desire to be “re-baptized,” and he suggested that I make a revision of my testimony, along with an explanation, and then I could be baptized in the normal tradition. Just a year or so ago, my testimony would have started with me telling you how I prayed a prayer with my mom, lived a very religious life, had an additional experience at camp one year, and got baptized. However, as I’ve grown in my love for God and hatred for sin over the last three years or so, I’ve come to a realization that none of my religious activity from before late 2009 was truly coming from my heart. I was a self-righteous hypocrite who put on a show on the outside, so that people would never have reason to question who I was on the inside. I used the external affirmation of my family and friends as my superficial assurance that I was saved, but at the same time, I still had great struggles with assurance. My idea of salvation was something along the lines of, Jesus died so that I didn’t have to die, so I need to ask Him into my heart so that He will build a bridge from me to God, and I can go to heaven when I die. I had very little understanding of my sin and how offensive it was to a holy God, and I definitely had no concept of repentance—only regret because of the consequences that came from my disobedience. On the outside I was pretty clean, but on the inside, I was a rebel who couldn’t wait to get out from under the watchful eyes of my parents so that I could do whatever I wanted to do. I had a very antinomian mindset that helped me to rationalize my sin, because I figured that God would just have to forgive me for it. And I often fell into legalism as well, believing that my acceptance with God hung on my performance on any given day. I believe the turning point in my heart was when I heard Pastor Waters preach a sermon on Matthew 5:20—“For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” I remember thinking, “Man, I’m going to have to step it up quite a bit. I’m nowhere near as righteous as they were.” Of course, I missed the whole point of the passage—that I have no righteousness of my own; that the only righteousness I have to trust in is that of Jesus Christ, Who took my punishment upon Himself and lived a perfect live on my behalf. I can’t pinpoint the exact time of my conversion, when I came to understand and believe these truths, but I’ve looked back over things that I wrote down during my Bible studying time in the fall of 2009, and I’ve concluded that it was around that time period that God took a hold on my heart and drew me to Himself, without my permission. He used verses that I was memorizing for the Bible Bee, as well as the preaching from our faithful pastor, to give me a real knowledge of my sin and to equip me with a mindset of daily repentance and trust in Christ. Coming to this church has been the biggest blessing of my life, despite my original hesitance and even hatred of the thought of leaving our former church, where I felt accepted, despite my lost condition. By the grace of God, I am continually growing in love for my pastor and my church family, who never cease to encourage me in my walk and give me that semi-weekly encouragement that I need to keep on the narrow road. I see the evidences of the Holy Spirit’s work in my heart, and although I often kick against the goads of His conviction and illumination, I know that I am being sanctified more and more every day, “shining ever brighter unto the perfect day.” (Proverbs 4:18)

His Servant

Here is my testimony! So very thankful for the Lord's mercy and kindness toward me! This is what I shared with my Church family on the day I became a member of our Church.

For my entire life, I was brought up in a home that my parents taught the Bible. We went to church on Sunday, had family devotions each night before we went to bed, and my parents had me read my Bible and pray each morning. Although I did all those things, I really didn’t want to, but just did it because I had to and wanted to look like a “good person”. I always tried to look good in front of others who were not in my own family.

Each Sunday, I would try to act well, and be very kind and act liked truly loved my siblings, but I really didn’t. During the week, things were completely different. I was mean, and didn’t treat them very well at all.

When I would get in trouble for things, I would try to cover them up, that way I wouldn’t have to get punished by my parents.

Then, one night, my older brother told us that he professed faith in Christ. I could tell a difference in his lifestyle from that point on. He was kind to us, and did things for us, which he didn’t use to do. I thought that was all good, but didn’t think that I was old enough “to become a Christian” I thought things like “I’ll wait until I’m older” and “I’m okay the way I am”. My life continued to be a sin filled one, and one that didn’t glorify God in the least.

A couple years later, my older sister also told me that she had come to know the Lord. As in my older brother, I noticed a change in her life also. This time, I had more of an interest in what was going in their lives. Although I had an interest in their conversation, I wasn’t brave enough to ask them about it all. I would sit and talk with my sister a little about Spiritual things, and even desired a little to start thinking about these different issues. I started reading the Bible and praying about these things; and even talked with my dad about these things. He gave me a book to read about hell, sin and other such topics. I felt a small conviction and concern for my sin. Then, one day, I prayed and asked the Lord to forgive me of the wicked things I had done. I thought at that time that I had come to know the Lord, but looking back now, I do not believe that I truly did. My lifestyle never changed. I continued in my sinful ways, and didn’t really desire God or the Word. I was afraid to share with others what I thought back then, had been my conversion. My mom was telling me in the car one day, that after one is saved they should be glad and happy to share with others about it, but I was not that way. I didn’t get in conversations much with others about the Bible, and didn’t really desire to talk about it.

It wasn’t until we moved to the Church that I attend now, that I realized that all these things were truly a reality. I saw each Sunday, people coming to the service, to learn, encourage others but mostly to glorify God. I saw people that didn’t just come to the service, because they had to, but because they wanted to and desired to. Each Sunday, I sat around the table and listened to them discuss things from the Bible, and truly saw that these people loved the Lord with all their heart. I watched them each Sunday about their love for the Lord, and my desire became stronger to know this One, who others loved so dearly.

I started to have a strong desire to know the Lord. I searched the Word, for truths from the Bible, and verses that talked about seeking the Lord. “Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.” –Psalm 119:2. Proverbs 2:4-5 - if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.” I started seeking the Lord and praying about all these things. There was a period of months, where I read much from God’s Word and pleaded with the Lord to save me from the wickedness that I was living in. I saw my sin more and more how wicked and terrible it was, and it grieved me deeply. I do not know the exact date, but somewhere in that period of time of seeking (late 2010 and early 2011), I truly do believe that I came to know the Lord as my personal Savior.

Since that time, I have had an even greater desire for God and for His Word and to know Him on a deeper level. I still sin, but I hate that sin now, which I once loved doing. Now, instead of practicing sin, and I am striving to live a life that is glorifying and honoring to my King – Jesus Christ.

–Bethany P.
Romans 1:16


Ruth Smith

Today I was blessed to be able to share my testimony at church. This isn't exactly what I said, but this is the mental rough draft that I spoke from. I'm interested to hear your comments:)

The Testimony Of God's Grace!

I would like to start by sharing one of my favorite verses with you;
Matthew 6:33 " But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you"

For many years I believed this verse with a very limited understanding of what it meant. Since I was raised in a good Christian home, read a Proverb every day, and prayed when I needed help out of difficulties, I considered myself to be a petty good Christian girl, and I was certainly glad I didn't have the problems some people had. But, deep down inside I knew I was just as sinful as anyone else, and even though I did have good actions on the outside I knew my heart was desperately wicked. I knew I wasn't saved, I still tried to act good, so no one else would notice my faults.

Suddenly, and without warning, my world of hypocrisy and deception was revealed when in the summer of 2010 my Mom accidentally happened to find the National Bible Bee website. She was super excited about the whole idea of having us dig into the Word together as a family, so she signed us up for the program, and thus began what I would like to call the great change in my life. I remember that first Bible Bee meeting clearly, because I went to it thinking that since I had memorized Psalm 119 about 10 years before, I would probably be great at this Bible Bee thing, and I was sure it would be super easy. At the end of the meeting I went home in shock over the fact that I had to memorize 800 verses and keep them memorized in less than 10 weeks.

Within 2 weeks of starting the Bible Bee I couldn't take it anymore. Studying the Bible, and memorizing verses for most of the day, was too much for me to handle. My heart knew I was a fake, and the only way out of feeling guilty was for me to try to find a way to get out of the Bible Bee. So, I formulated 10 reasons why I didn't want to do the Bible Bee anymore. I decided to present my reasons to my Dad, and be done with the Bible Bee once and for all. However, much to my surprise, my Dad didn't agree with my desire to stop the Bible Bee, and instead, he asked me to think of 10 benefits to completing the Bible Bee. I took some time to think and pray about my Dad's request, and I was amazed at how quickly the reasons to continue the Bible Bee came, and far outweighed my greatest problems with it. I realized that God wanted me to continue in the Bible Bee, even if it was going to change me.

Over the course of 2010 God used the study of Colossians in the Bible Bee to show me myself in the light of His grace. Never before in my life had I realized the reality of my sin and the great debt I owed to such a magnificent God who created all things and by whom all things consist. Over the course of my time in the Bible Bee I grew closer to God than ever before, and learned what it means to completely surrender to Him. I recognized my inability to love God on my own, and I learned the true meaning of a relationship with Christ, and how sufficient He is to satisfy every longing of my heart. Since competing in the Bible Bee I have had my share of struggles, temptations, and challenges, and I have recognized my inability to live one moment without the strength of Christ. God has used the Bible Bee to bring me to a complete realization of Salvation. I have been equipped with His word, and a personal relationship with Him to face all the challenges and struggles that life may throw at me, and no competition can accomplish that.

There's no limit to what God can use to in your life to draw you closer to Him. Just like God used the Bible Bee to show me more about Himself, He can use it in your life to cause His name to be glorified. We must use every opportunity we have to truly seek God's kingdom first. The goal of life is to love Christ, live confidently in His word, and go on glorifying Him forever. And I would be the first to say that the Bible Bee has accomplished this goal. Through personal Bible Study and Memorization to in depth Family discipleship, the Bible Bee is guaranteed to challenge, inspire, and equip you and your family with a new outlook on life, and a new perspective on your relationship with God, that will last far beyond the competition, because it is based on the Word of God itself, and nothing can be better than that!


Priscilla K.

I grew up in a Christian home, so I've heard the gospel all my life. When I was three and a half years old, I accepted Jesus as my own personal Savior. I was young, but I knew that I was a sinner and that sin has consequences. By God's Grace, I am what I am.


Sarah B.

I think this thread has been dead long enough!

I was very young when I accepted Christ as my savior. I don’t remember exactly when I was saved, but I don’t regret the decision to make Christ Lord. Since I was raised in a Christian home, I heard the gospel and the plan of salvation repeatedly. When I was three years old I remember my Dad reading to us in Deuteronomy about Moses’ death. We had been reading through the Bible, and the first five books took us forever to get through. Moses seemed to be the main character for a long time! We followed him from being a little baby in a basket floating down the river to being the leader God appointed to lead the Israelites. So when we read about his death I felt it was the end of the world! Why did he have to die? Dad explained to me that everyone dies because of sin. Sin separates us from God and brought death into the world. There is only one way to really live and be reconciled with God, which is: believing in the payment Christ made to wash away our sins. I don’t know if that was when I was saved, but it was the first time I remember understanding that salvation is only possible through Jesus Christ. At age six, I was baptized at a Grace Brethren.
I never really took my faith seriously until when I was 13, and my mom had a miscarriage. This incident made me depend on God so that I really made a serious decision to serve the Lord with my whole heart.
When I see how much I have grown in Christ, I am thankful to the different people who impacted my life. My dad and mom taught me how to submit and live with integrity. My friends, who encouraging me, prayed for me setting examples for me, and challenging me. There are also people I have grown to respect who set examples in my life though their brief or long-term acquaintances.
I am thankful that God has blessed me with so many Christen leaders and mentors who care about me in my spiritual walk with Christ.


Rose Tyler

I was three, and going to Wanamaker Woods Nazarene Church with my family. It was March 3rd, 2000 and I was at some children's event. I don't remember all the details, but I have a little card thingy that says, "On March 3, 2000 Elizabeth Lindsay asked Jesus Christ into her heart and to be The Lord and Savior of her life." Signed by my children's pastor.

On March 29th, 2010 I was on a ten day "Journey to the Heart" where I became a fisher of men.

February 11th, 2013 was the day that I chose to "take up my cross" and follow Jesus, even unto death.



I've been meaning to post my testimony on here for awhile, but when I wrote it down on paper, it was six pages, so I thought that I should probably condense it some.

One of my new favorite passages is Titus 3:3-7. Verse 3 says, "For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another." I think (know, actually) that this accurately describes me before I was saved. I was not a "good" child. Some of my earliest memories include taking something from my brother, getting up from nap time when I wasn't supposed to, and being spanked. Although I often wish that I had been good for my parents' sake, God used this for good. I knew that I was bad. I wasn't deceived into thinking that I was good enough, or better than others.

I remember one night when I was five lying in bed thinking. We had just finished Family Devotions, so I probably had the Gospel on my mind because of that. Right there, in my toddler bed, I trusted in Christ and prayed for forgiveness from my sins. Praise the Lord for grace to the lost! “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. " (Luke 10:21).

(The following paragraph is what made my testimony so long on paper. I've condensed it a lot, and left out some things.)
After this, the Lord continued to work in my life. He used the deaths of good friends to draw me closer to Him, and make me rely on Him. Shortly before I turned eleven, the Lord convicted me of my need for baptism, and I was baptized in mid July. In 2013, God used the Bible Bee to change my heart about Scripture memory and study. I no longer see it as a duty, but as a gift from God! In 2013 my family also joined Pleasant Plains Baptist Church (we had been in a house church before that, but that's a long story). At this church, I have grown much closer to God. I have heard so much biblical teaching, and I praise God for PPBC!

Well, that's all for now, but God isn't finished working on me yet (Philippians 1:6)! I would really love to hear some of the rest of your testimonies.

If you don't know Jesus, please repent of your sins and believe that God raised Jesus from the dead! If you do, you will have eternal fellowship with God! If you don't, you will die eternally and be separated from God.

Romans 10:9-10
Jeremiah 15:16
Ephesians 2:8-10
Titus 3:3-7


2 Corinthians 5:17

Anna, may I re-post your testimony on my blog? Or possibly, invite you to be a guest poster and you do it yourself? :) It was so sweet!
