
Started by Aliran


Hello. My name is Aliran, which means "stream of water" as in John 7:37. I am a student at STT Setia in Indonesia. I am new to Memverse, but have been memorizing for several months. In fact today I will be quoting John 15 in English at a local church. Does anyone know that chapter? I am still learning English. My English is usually not very good. Mr. Phil Walker is helping type this message.


Alex Watt

Welcome to the forums, Aliran! I have approved your first post; all future posts will be automatically approved.

That is great to hear! I know parts of John 15, but not the whole chapter. Thank you for sharing it with your church!



Welcome, Aliran! :) It's great to have you here! That's great! I know parts of John 15…but not the whole thing. :)



Welcome to Memverse, Aliran! I like your name; it's much more interesting than mine. :-)
I used to have a lot of the book of John memorized for Bible Quizzing a few years ago, but I don't remember that much of it anymore. :-(


aliran lase

thanks for your approving, may i know what your favorite verse? I hope to learn for you, everybody and in this program….


aliran lase

colossians 3:23 "whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD not for men." this my favorite verse, for everything that I do, I always remind this verse, that what I do only for the LORD in His majesty……


Roy Phillips

Hi, I'm Roy Phillips; a connoisseur of bladed toys, tools, and weapons. 
My favorite Bible verse is 1 Chronicles 11:23.


aliran lase

Rachel, thank you, please forgive me if there are something wrong in my words….. because my english is not very good, but I really want to know, and now I learn so much for everytimes…….

may I know, how much you have memorized and what chapter….



That is such a great verse! I have a hard time picking my favorite verse… There are so many good ones! :)


aliran lase

that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life 'john 3:16b' free to belive in Him but the reward that He gave to us are everything…… thank you JESUS…… we believe in YOU, we belong to YOU for YOU have prepare for us are great loved from the beginning…… Amin
