Country Girl

Started by CountryGirl<3


Hey everybody! I have posted on here on and off for like a year and a friend has been asking me to make one of these so here it goes!

My name is Rebekah Marshall but I go by Becky. I am a born again child of God, I love Him with all of my heart and my main goal in life is to serve Him and share His love to the best of my abilities.

I live on a 60 acre farm in Ohio and I LOVE IT!!! My favorite things to do are ride my horse, snowboard, and sing/play music. I am 17 (almost 18:P) and I will am graduating from high school this year. YAY! I think that about sums me up lol:)



Hey Girl! Yeah I know I haven't been on in like forever… I've been super busy with school the past few months:P


Sarah B.

It was only a few years ago you, Mary and I joined Mv. LOL! Never regretted it once…… um… at least since I came back. ;)


Sarah B.

Let me warn you about Carissa's warning about a warning about Noah and Sam!!! They do tease something horrible!!


Sarah B.

I really like your username. Wish I would have thought of that before you! :p

IKR! It's the best! Why back when we had names like: Cowgirl4Christ, PrincessCowgirl, and AngelCowgirl! xP :D


Abigail Rose

Let me warn you about Carissa's warning about a warning about Noah and Sam!!! They do tease something horrible!!

And its all false! She just teasing when she gives the warning! :p



Let me warn you about Carissa's warning about a warning about Noah and Sam!!! They do tease something horrible!!



Sarah B.

Hey Abi, instead of copying her username you could think up one of your own… or I will. :)
Do you like any of these:
CountryWonderGirl (too long?)
Lady Country (but you can't have that one because I'm the "lady". :P jk)



Hey I'm not amazing at guitar either… I just mess around;) I don't mind at all if you copy my username;) doesn't bother me one bit…


Jessica Rankin

Hi, Becky!
Hope you and your family are doing well. :-)
My dad is teaching me how to play old-time fiddle, and it's fun. :-)
Do you like to read, or write stories?
Do you have any horses? If so, what breed and what color are they?


Sarah B.

Hey Becky! The other night Lev was looking at your grad. picture. I asked him, "Who is that, Levi?" He shouted, "BECKY!" really loud! It was so cute!


Sarah B.

REBEKAH! Get on Memverse Forums soon, or I'll email you an epistle! xP

Actually, I think I'll do that anyway! jk LOL!

Edit - Email sent! Now to wait for you! starts waiting LOL!


Sarah B.

Remember the first time I met you? It was so funny when Andrew scared you so bad! xD Oh! And remember the "Cherry Willow"? You were so funny when you tried to jump without screaming (because you couldn't!)! There! Now you get to remember something funny about me… Be kind now! xP LOL!
