doulos - me

Started by δούλος


O.k. so I don't feel comfortable sharing my real name online but you can call me Nathan or doulos or whatever you like.
I live on the plains of rural South Dakota, you know little house on the prairie type thing. :)
I am going to be working at Wall Drug this summer, which I am looking forward too, I don't really know anybody though which I am kind of nervous about.
I love running, it's one of my favorite pastimes along with memorizing God's Word, trying to take time out of my busy schedule - just finished college! Yay!
I'm also desperately searching for the truth about worship, what theology is right and wrong. Trying to learn how to more effectively follow the Living God!
For my future plans I really want to be involved in missions work, and go to seminary like probably Bethlehem Baptist.
Looking forward to getting to know you guys!
However, I've also learned that sometimes the internet can be a fairly dangerous place. So be careful, but I think sometimes risks are worthwhile.



Hey Nathen! :) I think u have been here for a while so would it b right to say 'Welcome'? :) lol JK :)



yep! That's the place :) If anybody is there feel free to call on me. I love Brothers and Sisters as visitors. :)



Hey Nathan/doulos! It's nice to get to know you a little more!

If you could have a whole day to yourself, to do with as you please, what would you spend it doing?

Do you mind explaining to me what Wall Drug is? I've never heard of it before, but it has an intriguing name. :)

What kind of missions work do you want to do, or feel God has called you too? I feel a calling to missions work as well, and would like to work with children. God hasn't revealed many details to me yet, but I will continue to rely on Him.

What are you memorizing in the word of God right now?



Hey ServantoftheKing!
Actually, I'm the oldest of ten and have the afternoon free, what I'm doing this afternoon is working on my Chinese, catching up on verses, Listen to John Piper, and maybe talk with friends. :)

Wall Drug, I've never actually been there before so Rachel would probably have a better idea than me. But it's basically a huge tourist trap that gives out free water and 5c coffee.

I have a heart for south east Asia. I'm not sure which age group, I love them all, so I haven't really decided which group. Or felt a calling from God to one specific group.

And for memorizing I'm just trying to catch up on Scripturetyper right now! When I'm done with that I'll probably memorize some out of whatever Bible bee book they choose. :)


His Servant

Hi Nathan! Great to read your introductory post :) I saw you at Nationals, but never met you….

Can you do Bible Bee this year?



Working on Chinese -not something I would ever do with my free time. :D But if you plan on working with people in southeast Asia, I'm sure Chinese with be useful to you there. Do you know any other languages? I'm learning Hebrew, both biblical and modern. I'm sure it's not as hard as what you're learning, though!

Is Wall Drug a Christian tourist destination? It sounds pretty interesting. I bet you'll have a lot of fun, and many changes to spread the gospel with the people you meet. It will be good practice for what the Lord will have you do later.


His Servant

You mentioned that you like listening to Eric Ludy…have you ever heard Paul Washer? If so, have you watched his 3 minute clip titled "Live for Eternity"? SO powerful!


His Servant

It's my prayer too - that Christ alone would be my passion. It's put me to shame to read about Olympics, because we don't put as much energy into pursuing Christ, as they do for pursuing the gold medal. How much we need to strive after the Giver of Life!



Um, I tried to learn Hebrew before. :) Historical, So I know some of that, I know some Greek words too. I also took Latin and Spanish in high school. But I can speak none of these languages fluently.



And Wall Drug is not a Christian tourist stop. I'm hoping to share the gospel with the people I meet. That the Lord would give me openings. :)
I really want that. It's also good practice because these people come from all around the world. My manager, I ran against his son in XC said that "I had to be careful when I share the gospel." even though he's a christian. I'm really praying that there would be some good situations.
