
Started by Lishia


Hello fellow Memversers!

I am Lishia, I love the LORD with my whole heart and I strive to serve Him in what I do.

I like to read and blog. I review over at myrainydayreads15.blogspot.com and I would love it if some of you would check it out. I am also on G+.

I like animals… cats, dogs, peacocks, parrots, you name it!

My favorite Bible books are many… I really like Philippians, 2nd Timothy, Matthew, 1 John…. My "life verse" is Proverbs 3: 5-6. :)

Looking forward to memorizing with you all!


Alex Watt

Welcome to the forums, Lishia! I have approved your first post; all future posts will be automatically approved.

We're glad to have you. Those are great books, great verse, and I hear you on animals :)


Esther Grace

Welcome to Memverse, Lishia! I love 1 John - we studied it for Bible Bee the year before last. Do you do Bible Bee?



Welcome, Lishia, to the MV forums! We are all kind of crazy but we love each other and have lots of fun! Certain users on here like to tease but you'll get used to them after a while…and if you don't like teasing just don't respond and they won't bother you. But, yeah, we're all pretty much insane around here. :P

Some main topics on here are the social chatting ones. We have a new one each month and that's the place where we can just chat and have crazy conversations. Then there's the MUL (Memverse User List) that tells about each user. The MV Government is a fun place as well…each person has a different position in the government. :P And last but not least we have the Happy Birthday thread…where we have a list of everybody's birthday and some MV "holidays".

My name is Carissa…or Cari as some people here call me. If you ever have a question I'd be happy to help answer it if I can. :) I hope this site is an encouragement to you and lots of fun! :D


Esther Grace

Thank you @Esther Olson! What is Bible Bee? Is it like a AWANA?

I'm not sure how to compare it to AWANA, since I've never done that, but the Bible Bee is sort of like a spelling bee. We memorize Bible verses and study a book of the Bible over the summer to prepare for a written test in August. Here's the website if you want to know more: http://biblebee.org/
A lot of us Memversers are doing or have done the Bible Bee. :)


Roy Phillips

Hi, I'm Roy Phillips; a connoisseur of all things bladed; toys, tools, weapons, you name it. 
Enjoy your stay, there is plenty of insanity for everyone.



Oh! That's cool. :) I don't want to reveal my age here, but let's just say I am probably older than the average Memverser. :P



Thank you, Carissa! That's pretty interesting, thanks for the heads up on the insanity!
The forums sound interesting!

This site seems to be a lot of fun!



Yes! This site is so much fun! The people on here are awesome! :D

Noahpool likes to tease, jsyk. ;)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Welcome to memverse! :D

Most of us here on the forums are around 10-20 years old, mainly teenagers. =) If you didn't know, each Wednesday and Saturday there are live Bible knowledge quizzes on here. Check out the Quiz tab for more info =)

A lot of us do the Bible Bee…if you're anywhere from 7-18, you should totally do it! Each summer, you study a book of the Bible, plus memorize verses. If you make it to the next round (called Nationals) then you have more material to study, and get to meet lots of awesome people at the Nationals! :D There are prizes too, if you make it to the Finals. It's tons of fun!


Hannah Hope

Hi Lishia!! Welcome to MV!! :D. What are some of your favorite books to read?

Quite a few of us like to tease and act crazy a lot. Jsyk. :D



Thank you!

That's sounds like fun. I sometimes work those days, but maybe I will be able to make it to some. :)

That sounds like fun! Its too bad that I didn't hear about that when I was a couple years younger!



Thank you!
Well, my favorite book is the Bible! :)
But I also like the classics - Alcott, Austen, etc. How about you?

:) Thanks for the heads up!



Hey Lishia! It was great to have you join the conversation yesterday on SC! Feel free to join the conversations there at any time! :)


Sarah B.

Ditto to what Carissa said! :D Getting on the Social Chat is how people really get involved. :)



Thanks, Carissa!
I will try to join more often! I hope to come to a quiz sometime soon too….


Hannah Hope

Ok!!! Do you like Sherlock Holmes? Umm… I don't really have favorite books, ^other than the Bible of course!! :D^ cuz I like such a wide variety, just about anything I can get my hands on, I guess. :D Except for math books. :D. Do you play any musical instruments/sing?

Sorry for taking so log in replying…. :D



I have never really read Sherlock Holmes! Are they good?

I do sing and I play the piano! How about you?
Sorry I took so long. Memverse wouldn't load for me for several days!


Hannah Hope

Yes, I've only read the original ones which are pretty old, and they are really good. :D

Ok!!! I don't sing, but I play the piano, guitar, flute, saxophone, and I recently pulled out my clarinet which I haven't played in about 3 years. :D

It's fine, internet can be sooo fun sometimes. :P



Arg! Sorry I haven't responded in forever!

The originals are always better than the remakes!

It is so fun to pull out old instruments! What is your favorite instrument to play?


His Servant

Hello Lishia! I don't believe I have ever welcomed you to the forums. I can be kinda sporadic on the forums, so I don't always see the new members profiles. But, I did see your comment on the WW2 topic. I'm definitely interested in talking with you more on that topic about what you believe regarding the topic, since I hold to the same views. Have you, by any chance, read any of the Uncle Eric books regarding those beliefs? =) Those are probably some of my favorite history books I've ever read. =)

And by the way, my name is Bethany. =)



Hello, Bethany!

Oh, yes. I am also very sporadic on the forums!

I have not read those books, but they sound interesting! I studied history at a Christian college, which is where I formed many of my opinions (whether they are right or wrong I don't know, ha!).

I look forward to talking more about WW2 with you. :)


His Servant

I'm a home-school graduate, but never been to college. =) I have done a lot of studying on my own since graduating, and have truly been fascinated by the World Wars, mainly WW2. Honestly, I'm fascinated with all world history, but I've given a lot more time to the World Wars.

If you ever have a chance to read those books, I'd recommend it. Though I strongly like the books and recommend them to others, I don't exactly believe in his fundamental premise for the books. I think he gives strong content in them, but the area he comes from is off, I believe. That is where I have gotten a lot of my views regarding the wars as well, along with a bunch of other books and writers.

I don't have much time to study WW2 as I would like, since I'm currently studying through the Hellenistic world, in my attempt to cover all world history, but I do try to give WW2 some time in my schedule each day. ;)

And you can answer this on the WW2 topic, but do you know much about the Unconditional Surrender terms that we made against Japan, in which, I believe, we dropped the bomb on them for? If you have any thoughts regarding that, I'd definitely be interested in hearing them, as I haven't studied that topic as much as I would like. And, if you do have any books or articles relating to the topic, I'd be interested in hearing titles as well.



I will try to check some of those books out when I have a moment to breath! :)

I really wasn't big on history in High School or college. But I do remember a bit from my school days. :)

I will respond on the WW2 topic. :)
