Hi Everyone

Started by Coni


I'm not sure I am worthy to comment on this forum or not. It seems like everyone is well versed on scripture and it's intimidating - :) But anyway, I go to a nondenominational church called Fellowship of the Woodlands and sometimes I go to Lakewood Church where I was saved at the age of 24. I love to read the bible, and worship and praise Jesus. I work full-time and I have two boys (19 and 16) and a wonderful husband.

I work very hard and have only a small amount of time. With that said I have a hard time memorizing and if anyone could help me with good tips it would be appreciated.

CJ :)



Hi Coni,

Welcome to Memverse! I find that just reading the verses over a lot helps. Also if I work on them right before I go to bed I practically have them all memorized in the morning. How I normally memorize is working phrase by phrase. I say the first phrase until I can say it perfectly then I add the next phrase.



Matthew Minica

Welcome to Memverse, Coni! I think everyone who is interested in memorizing Scripture is worthy to comment on this forum. :) My advice is to start small, so as to not intimidate yourself with your goals. Maybe you can give yourself a goal of something like 3-4 verses per week for starters. Then as you become more confident, slowly increase your goals. Your ability to memorize (my mom calls it the "memory muscle") will increase with practice. You will be amazed with how much your brain can accomplish.

And just to let you know: About 90-95% of Memverse users (at least on the blog) are preteens and teenagers, many of whom participate in the National Bible Bee, like myself. Just forewarning you. :)


Rufus Apelles

Welcome, Coni.
I think that some of us "more mature" folks like you and I may not memorize at the rate that some of the Bible Bee contestants do.
My rate is much less than Matthew's "3-4 verses per week". I have a passage that has taken MUCH longer than that! But, I do try to have regular time on MemVerse and to see my verses at other times throughout the day. For example, I have been reading 1 John 1 while I brush my teeth.
For those of us with busy families and work responsiblilites, be comforted knowing that God knows our hearts and motives. He is the One Who brings the blessings.

Keep up the good work.
Rufus Apelles



Welcome!!! I have written out verses and have them hanging around my house. For example, I have the Sermon on the Mount in my laundry room. It has helped me maybe it will help you. Just keep at it.


Phil Walker

Coni, I find listening to the audio Bible and also listening to Scripture songs helps with memorizing and meditating on the Scripture. What are you memorizing now?
