
Started by mysteryperson


Greetings, everyone! My name is Chelsea India. I've recently trusted Christ as my Savior, and hope to find some fellowship on Memverse.
If anyone would like to email me, my email is on my profile. :)
A little about myself:
I'm homeschooled, and just turned 17 on July 19th, and I have 4 siblings. I love to read, anything I can, but a special favorite of mine is Narnia. :) I love to play the violin! I graduated this spring, and plan to go to college in the next couple of years, but I can't decide if I want a degree in Music Education or English. :)
If ya'll can, I would appreciate if you would pray for the salvation of my parents. They've agreed to go with me to church this Sunday, and I hope God speaks to them!


Alex Watt

Welcome to the forums, Chelsea! I have approved your first post; all future posts will be automatically approved.


Esther Grace

Welcome to the forums, Chelsea! I'm Esther. :) Happy (late) birthday!
I love to read too - the Narnia books are a favorite of mine too. Which book do you like best?
I play the violin as well! How long have you played, and do you play any other instruments? I've played violin for almost three years, after many years of piano.



That is so wonderful Chelsea! Welcome to memverse! I myself have only been on a few weeks but am having a lot of fun talking with other Christians as well!
I love music also! I play piano in church and I'm attempting to teach myself guitar. I am almost 15 and I have 6 siblings! You'll fit in well here! I'm very excited to talk with you!
That's wonderful that you asked your parents to go to church with you and that you just accepted Christ as your Saviour! That is such an amazing testimony! Will be praying for you! Do your siblings go to church with you? Let us know how we can pray! I hope we can talk soon!


Rhoda K

Hi Chelsea, welcome to Memverse!
I hope that Memverse encourages you as you get to now the Lord! I would encourage you to keep going with reading and memorizing Scripture. Even though I've been saved for three years, using MV in the last several months has helped me a lot.

Can you share your salvation story with us? How did you find a church to go to? Will be praying for you and your family. Rhoda xx


Roy Phillips

Welcome to the forums I'm Roy Phillips; a connoisseur of bladed tools, toys, and weapons.
I love listening to violins and I will praying for you.



Well actually, the story is quite funny. My friend and I were playing Monopoly, and she told me that if she won, I would have to go to church with her. I was fine with that, since she's only won once before. And the she won! So I went to church with her, but didn't really get it, so she went over Matthew with me. I came back to church the next week, and during worship, something clicked, and I got it! After church I prayed with the pastor, and now my friend and I are doing a study on Galatians. :) 2 of my siblings also believe!
Roy: What kind of weapons? I do archery… :)
I play the guitar, viola, cello, and clarinet, but my favorite is the violin. I tried singing, but I can't sing on tune….;)
Thanks for praying, everyone! The prayers are greatly appreciated!



Well actually, the story is quite funny. My friend and I were playing Monopoly, and she told me that if she won, I would have to go to church with her. I was fine with that, since she's only won once before. And the she won! So I went to church with her, but didn't really get it, so she went over Matthew with me. I came back to church the next week, and during worship, something clicked, and I got it! After church I prayed with the pastor, and now my friend and I are doing a study on Galatians. :) 2 of my siblings also believe! Roy: What kind of weapons? I do archery... :) I play the guitar, viola, cello, and clarinet, but my favorite is the violin. I tried singing, but I can't sing on tune....;) Thanks for praying, everyone! The prayers are greatly appreciated!

That is absolutely amazing! I would love to talk with you! I'm so happy for you and you have no idea how much that encourages me! Chelsea, warning: several people like to tease and I think Roy is teasing but you will have to talk with him to find out! He told me that also!


Roy Phillips

weapons? Mostly medieval/Renascence poky, smashy, staby, slashy, kinds. Right now I've been doing throwing knives and quarterstaff.
I've done Archery a few times and it's fun! I would like to try making a pvc bow some time but it'll have to wait till winter though.
wow, you've done a lot! whistling is like the best I can do music wise.



Chelsea! I'm so sorry we couldn't see your posts! They hadn't been approved yet or something! I was looking over when we were chatting earlier and saw that you posted! I feel so bad! I tried posting a few things on here awhile ago when I first joined and I was so frustrated cause I couldn't figure out why no one was answering! Then I did a introduction forum and it got approved! Sorry again that I didn't see your posts but I'm glad I can now! Hopefully we can chat later! ;) good bye for now!


Rhoda K

Wow, Chelsea, that's a neat story! I also was born again in church, but I had been going twice a Sunday for fifteen years. :)
Are your siblings older than you or younger? Brothers or sisters? How long have those 2 been believers?
I'm really encouraged by your testimony and willingness to share with us. =)
I play piano, harmonium and percussion.
Any more prayer requests? Have you seen the prayer requests forum?
Rhoda xx


Sarah B.

Welcome, Chelsea! I'm so glad you became a Christian and found Memverse! I will be praying for your parents… and that the Lord will use you in the lives of those around you. :)



Brothers. I'm the only girl. :( They're 18 and 15, and they've been trying to convince me to go with them to church for about months…
Cool! I really like the piano, but I don't really play it much. Nope, No more! :) Thank you so much for praying, Rhoda!


Rhoda K

I have four younger brothers (ages 14-4), and no sisters. Do people ask you what it's like having no sisters! They ask me, and how should I know? I've never had sisters to compare with… :-)
How did you end up in a home-schooling family of five without your parents being Christians? Most of the home educators and big families I know are Christians.



Hi, Chelsea! Welcome to the forums! I am so glad to hear that you believe in Christ! As I'm sure you know, that is the best thing that could happen to you! I'll pray for your parents.

BTW, I have a lot of brothers, too (six) :). But I also have two sisters.
