Noah Cassidy

Started by BREAKING NEWS! It's...ah...nobody important. nevermind.

BREAKING NEWS! It's...ah...nobody important. nevermind.

Hi, Im Noah. I have 6 siblings, 2 sisters and 4 brothers, and my oldest brother has Downs Syndrome. (he is a really great guy) I have competed each year of the Bible Bee and last year I made it to Nationals for the first time and I hope to make it back this year. I Also advanced to the National Spelling Bee in 2012. I own my own window washing business, and I like playing basketball, video games, chess, and film making. My favorite novels are Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, both of which I have read almost ten times.



Welcome to Memverse, Noah. I remember seeing you at nationals. And your mom gave me one of the bookmarks y'all made.



I am Carissa P. Three of my siblings made it to nationals as well as did I. I was a last time junior last year…I'm a first time senior this year. What about you?



I remember seeing your family a lot….and I knew exactly who you were because I studied the contestants page so much that at nationals I would walk around and when I saw a contestant I knew right off who it was :D Oh, and at the opening ceremony y'all sat right across from us in the other row :D



That's okay. I know who Matthew Evans is but I have never met him. And yes, I did see you with him. I saw y'all a LOT (sorry for the caps) at nationals! Did y'all do the square dance?



Yes, we did go. I would never have gone but some of our friends pulled us…literally…into it. So we did it and it was lots of fun…except for my embarrassing moments (which I always have lots of). How is your Bible Bee studying going? How many of your siblings are competing? Are you excited about being a senior? Just wondering…are you introvert or extrovert?


Matthew Minica

You CAN dance Noah!!!! Well, you might not be able to do ballet or dubstep or all those kinds of difficult dances, but if you can walk putting one foot in front of the other, you CAN do square dances!!! I was actually at a square dance just last night and it was SO much fun!! I have to warn you though, it's a lot more fun when you know more or less a lot of people at the event. Otherwise when they get into those "mixers"… it's not quite as much fun, though I still enjoy it.
I was actually one of the friends who helped convince Carissa (as well as Bethany, Amy, and Emily) to do the square dance last year. That was pretty funny, Carissa, you paid the $1 fee to get in but you weren't even planning on dancing until we convinced you. :) You didn't regret it did you?? :D


Matthew Minica

Haha, yeah right. :) For the record, I don't watch Disney unless I'm on vacation and my little sibs are watching and I have nothing else to do… and even then, it's only Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc McStuffins and stuff like that. :P The only movie I remember watching that had that kind of stuff in it was "The Runner from Ravenshead" which is a CHRISTIAN movie!!
Just wanted to set the record straight. (Did I say anything in my previous post that even implied "believe in yourself"??) :P Okay, maybe I said "You CAN!" but of course you can! Have you even tried square dancing?

EDIT: Sorry for the (comparatively) long post. You'll soon recognize me as long-winded. :)


His Servant

The only reason I paid the $1 was to get my older brother out. And that's the truth, Matthew!

You could ask all my friends, because I told them all straight out, that I wasn't doing it.


His Servant

You got your brother out of what?

I tried getting him out of the square dancing room…but it didn't work.


His Servant

@Matthew - depends on whoch way I look at it. Spending time with friends…of course I enjoyed it. The actual dancing….yes and no. There were several dances I did NOT care for. My favorite one was when you were supposed to walk around and find a new partner…though Courtney and I stayed partners that whole time…so liked the shocked look on your face when we told you :)


Matthew Minica

That was an interesting one… Yeah, I was wondering how you found each other again so quickly. You weren't really supposed to do that. :)


His Servant

Well its done now and it can't be changed. And besides…I've never did any sort of dancing before, so I didn't know you couldn't…Courtney could have told me, but I don't think she wanted to find a new partner either…that I know of.


His Servant

Gravatar didn't work. I deleted the post because I stuck out around your dancing ones.

Yeah…Matthew and I should probably stop talking about this on your topic….


Matthew Minica

Yes, I know, I'm just giving you a hard time. :)

EDIT: Agreed. Sorry Noah. Do we need a dancing topic… or wait, might that be a little controversial? Probably be better to put it on Social Chatting.



Yes, that was funny, I guess! No, I didn't regret it except for a few awkward moments…
