
Started by Rachel the Alaskan

Rachel the Alaskan

Okay, this is completely edited:

Hello, my name is Rachel (still), I'm 13, and I live in the 'wilds' of Interior Alaska. Our family owns 40 acres with another family from church, which we built our house on (ourselves). We are going to have another sibling VERY soon, which is super exciting! :)

I have done Bible Bee since I was 7 (so every year) and I made it to Nationals in 2010 and 2012. I got to meet many of you last year (2014), which I was glad of!

I play piano (I guess most homeschoolers do… XP), handbells, am learning violin, and play a very small bit of clarinet, which doesn't sound very good because the one I play on is approx. 70 years old and all metal, so…..

I use emoticons and ……'s a lot, so please don't be alarmed at that. XD

I'm homeschooled, and in kind of a lot of grades (;D), and our family goes to a Bible church here in Fairbanks. (http://upbchurch.com/) I became a Christian when I was 8, and I strive to be more like my Savior.

I really like to cook/bake lots of things and be funny.

I like to play board games (Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, Bible Pictionary) and card games (Speed, Dutch Blitz, Egyptian Rat Race).

I'll add more things if I think of them. :)



Back on topic……….

I would say "Welcome to Memverse" but you've been on here a while already ;-) Anyways it was nice getting to "officially" "meet" you! And, on a side note, I don't like any of those things either!!



lol…that was totally sarcastic. :P That's what the winky face was there for. :)
I say that all the time, so I just expect people to recognize it. I'm sorry, I forgot y'all don't hear my every-day-speeches. ;)
I mostly say it when people tell me I'm funny. "I do try…" always follows. But when peoples do something and don't do it very completely I'm always like, "They try, they try…" :P



We also have split personalities

From what I've seen, Sam has a split personality with Gollum, you have a split personality with Deadpool. So if you are "one", together you have a quadruple-split personality!! :P


Rachel the Alaskan

She's doing well! We're all driven past distraction now with waiting, though. ;) Her due date is the 9th, so we're getting close! I'm soooo excited!!!!!
