Roy Phillips

Started by Roy Phillips

Roy Phillips

I'm remaking my IY page, so I hope you all know me.
I'm a child of God known for being a Survivalist and Swordsman, so naturally camping and combative fencing are two of my favorite activities. I also like drawing, knife tricks and knife throwing, park-our, rope climbing, thinking, and eating chocolate. Especially eating Chocolate.

As a introverted homeschooler Memverse has been a great why to met people and make friends.

(leaving this where i can find it:)
1.)”*” bold
3.)”-”cross out
4.)”^”small type up
5.)”~”small type down
6.)”@” different font
8.)”+” underline


Hiruko Kagetane

Hey Roy!

Being the geek that I am, I stumbled across Terra Prime Lightsaber Academy a while back; a group of guys who teach sword skills with lightsabers, basically. I was wondering, since you're a sword person, what you thought of the fighting styles they use. Their YT channel is here:

And they do have a website, but they're remaking it. Lemme know your thoughts. :)


Roy Phillips

The video showed some basic swordsmanship, which I scrutinized mercilessly.
And as the credits rolled there was someone doing what looked like a Swordforum (dance like drill thing) so I'm thinking they have a back ground in chines(?) sword martial arts.

From what I've seen the difference between Chines swordsmanship and European swordsmanship is little more than the look and feel. Chines has some jumping and spinning (that they never really use) but the moves and stances are pretty much the all same. so yeah not bad.

I'm not a big starwars fan, but if they're open to learning and treat it as a science (rather than a magic) I'm all for it and I would love to spar with them!

These are the notes I took while watching:

Just three guards? Well, I guess that makes it simpler for beginners.
Those three are also called The shovel, plow, and wrath guards.

The front and kneeling are good basic stance. But the Dewback rider I'm not so sure about. It seems like one of the positions you'll end up in but be out of quickly and definitely not a good starting position.

Why pause between stances? When Your feet are close together (making you unstable) the opponent can knock you over, and if you pause he has opportunity to see what your doing.

True, about power of the strike coming from the body but isn't a light-saber just a beam of light (basically like swinging a flash light).

For the cho(?) cut he goes from the plow guard into a hanging guard, to the wrath guard, and then cuts from the wrath guard. So its basically a down ward cut.

The parries were good in that they used minimum motion, but they didn't go into an offensive position, maybe it was just to keep it simple.

Once again I like what their doing and its really cool.


Esther Grace

Hey Roy, I have a sword question. Would a sword (just your generic Middle Ages style sword, nothing special) ever be used for defense (in addition to a shield) as well as offense?


Roy Phillips

well It largely depends on the Context. manly the kinds of shield and armor used.
with a large Viking shield It wouldn't make much sense (unless the shield had hooked or was other wise preoccupied). However the sword would be use to guide and control the other persons weapon after the strike lands.

if its a buckler then the answer is most certainly yes. in fact one the oldest manuscripts I.33 clearly shows the swords binding together with the shield as a prominent secondary tool.

when using the sword to defend the other sword should strike the flat side so that It doesn't damage the edge of yours. then turn the blade so that the bind up and you can feel what he's doing.

If you can watch youtube I would suggest doing a search for sword and shield fighting with Roland Warzecha he has reinvented a vary convincing fighting system based on center grip viking shields. Thrand and Thildum have also uploded a lot of their work.

Btw this kind of sword is called an Arming sword.


Esther Grace

No, I was writing an article and wanted to use a sword as an example. I just wanted to be sure my example would work.
