Sarah Frisk

Started by Sarah


I've been on these forums since they started, and still most people don't know who I am. It's probably about time that I did something about that. Here goes:

My name is Sarah Frisk, but you probably figured that out. I'm 16 years old. I have two siblings: Bethany, who is on Memverse, and Zeke, who is five years old, so obviously he isn't here. Yet. I have a Spanish account, Porque Él Me Amó Primero, that I also use, so if you comment anywhere and Porque Él Me Amó Primero responds, don't panic– that's still me. My many hobbies include reading, arts and crafts, ballet, playing the piano, and chatting on Memverse.

A few random facts about me:

I have a ton of allergies. I'm allergic to everything outside except willow trees, and my food allergies include: life-threatening egg allergy, mild wheat allergy, and sensitivities to kiwis and cantaloupe. I have three different allergy meds that I take regularly, and I sometimes have to use a fourth one. My mom says my allergies are probably some of the worst in the world. I never really decided whether or not I should be proud of that. ;-)

I have a blog at Really, it's not a blog, just a webpage where I post things that I've written every once in a long while. My other blog ( gets updated a bit more regularly.

My hair is super-curly. Also, I have to wash it every day, because it gets really messy overnight. The only way I can get it anywhere near tidy is by wetting it down, and unless I use conditioner every time I wet it down, it gets all stiff and crunchy.

I'm hoping to get my bachelor's degree by the time I graduate high school. I currently have 42 college credits. I'm considering going into either editing, chemistry, or music therapy for kids with special needs.

My eyes can be either blue, gray, or green, depending on a lot of factors.

I have been given a whole host of nicknames by my family. Most of them have something to do with bears.

I am an avid music arranger. I have an account on Musescore under the username SJF11275, but I don't post anything there anymore because you can only upload five scores with a free account, which limit I have already reached. I'll try to keep an updated list of the scores I have available–if you'd like any of them for yourself, I can email them to you. You'll need to have the free Musescore software installed to open them, though. :-)

I literally always have at least one song stuck in my head. I can have just one playing, up to five alternating in 5-second-or-so bursts, or two playing at the same time.

I like the taste of plain butter, garlic, and tomato paste.

I believe God is calling me to be a missionary to the Mormons in Utah.

According to Katie S, I smell a little bit like basil.

I'm not really afraid of anything. I am, however, easily startled.

Even though I'm 5'7, I'm probably going to be the shortest in my family.

I have an unusual fascination with sheep and wombats.

(Updated 11/8/15)


Emily H

:) That's kinda sad about all your allergies :( Will you be able to go to Nationals this year if you qualify, do you think?



I don't really know. Both last year and this year, my parents told us that unless Bethany makes it, we aren't going to go, mostly because Bethany's never gone and the trip is really expensive.

And don't worry about the allergies. I used to be allergic to milk, peanuts, shellfish, you name it. :-) Thankfully, I dropped most most of them by the time I was three.


Emily H

Yeah, it is really expensive :( Bethany was soooo close last year though! I hope you both qualify this year :) I didn't get to see you hardly at all in 2011…

That's good you got over most of them! My brother has several allergies, but not nearly as many as you do. And I'm just allergic to cats :P (as far as I know)



And I'm just allergic to cats :P (as far as I know)

Good for you! We need more people like that in the world today!! :P JK
When I show disinterest in cats or look horrified when I see them in a house, people always ask me if I'm allergic…I always say, "I wish!" :P Then I could ask people to put the cat out for my allergies. :P :P



I'M NOT AFRAID OF THE HORRIBLE CREATURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many times must I tell you people this?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Do I need to scrape up why I don't like them and tell you over here?! :P :P :P :P



I'm going to revive this topic by posting Katie S.'s question of the week on it. :-)

Suppose you're stranded on an island made of Styrofoam that's full of rotten mangoes and swarming with mean, ugly cats. How would you signal for help?



Katie's most recent Question of the Week:
Suppose you're the size of a baby carrot. You're not actually a carrot, but you're the size of one. You're trapped inside a casserole made of ingredients you're allergic to that's about to go into the oven. How do you escape?

Friday night Bible Study is, quite honestly, the most entertaining place I go every week. We get to write down Greek/Hebrew words along with their definitions (some are over a page long) while making up a few words and phrases of our own, such as "commadealio" -Katie S. and "advanced in ears" -Elise. Plus, we usually end up talking and being our totally crazy selves for about half the time.



Katie's Question of the Week:
Suppose the world has run out of fuel, and so people need to find a new method of transportation. A vote is currently being held to decide between giraffes and penguins. How would you vote?

Also, as I posted under "Prayer Requests", Mrs. Travis, our Bible study leader, has eye surgery this Wednesday and the following Monday. Please keep her in your prayers!




?????? And only be able to go through water less than 5 feet deep? Pffft, No. Just No.

In answer to your question Ms. Sarah, go with penguins, very cold hardy -especially good for use in Alaska-, they eat fish, not leaves, which means you will be able to feed them in the winter(unlike giraffi). Also, If you wear a wet suit, you will be able to go under water on them.

Look, I hope you understand; I'm not choosing penguins just to disagree with you Cari, just 'let the facts speak for themselves so to speak. Also know that I'm not angry at you for not considering these points first, you're just over eager sometimes. :) Jk



It's actually Katie's question. :-) At dance, we were mostly thinking about what would work best in Minnesota's climate. I agree that penguins are a good choice in cold weather, which we have, but they wouldn't do so well in 85-90 degree summers, which we also have. Plus, penguins are small, and probably wouldn't be able to carry a human. Unless, of course, you use them in a similar fashion to sled dogs, but again you have the problem of what to do in hot weather when there's no snow. Most of us were thinking giraffes.



LOL! :) I understand that, Thordragon :)
The reasons I picked a giraffe…

  1. It would look very silly if we were all seen to ride on penguins
  2. I REALLY don't want to go under water with them
  3. Giraffes can go so much faster
  4. Here where I live penguins wouldn't do so well in the summer (It's VERY hot)

But I guess there are pros and cons to both :)



Question #1–Burn the cats. That should send up enough smoke.

Question #2–Use your allergies to your advantage. Keep sneezing as hard as you can until you are propelled out of the pot.

Question #3–Giraffes for land travel except for in snowy areas, penguins for water travel and snowy areas. But of course, I don't understand why you couldn't just use reindeer or moose.



Good ideas, Nicolas! In response to your question on Question 3, Elisa did ask why we couldn't just use horses. Katie's response: "Because the vote's been narrowed down to giraffes or penguins." I don't know why she chose giraffes and penguins when reindeer or horses would have made more sense. But, I don't really know where any of her strange ideas come from. :-)



Well, if she had said horses or reindeer it would have been quite easy to decide…it just makes it more fun when she does weird things like giraffes and penguins…


Ian R.2

Question 1: Kill the cats first (I'm not sure if I be able to do that. killing animals is not my thing.) then grab some Styrofoam for kindling, and burn them.

Question 2: Run to the side as hard as you can in order to knock the bowl over, or in order to alert the person who is carrying the bowl to realize that something's in the casserole.

Question 3: Giraffes, since the largest penguins out there are only three feet high, and don't think they would be able to carry my weight. :)



Wow, this post is very overdue!

Katie S. was not at Bible study on Friday. Sadly, that means that I have no question of the week :'-( However, I do have some of our really off-topic discussions, so I thought I'd share those instead. (Some of these were started by Greek words; for the sake of clarity, I'll put those down too.)

(Greek word: Eisphero) Elizabeth: The Egyptians were really weird.
Katie T.: Oh, yes!

(Greek word: Ekphero) Katie T.: I'm telling you, this is all about the pharaohs!
(You really have to have heard her say that to fully understand how hilarious it was.)

(Greek word: Ploutos) (A little bit of background- the word ploutos means rich, so we decided that the word implies the rich people are deadened by all their possessions. Please don't ask me how we came up with that idea.)
Katie T.: I guess that makes sense, since Pluto is basically just an ice chunk.
Elisa: I must have been taught wrong, then, because I always thought that Pluto was a rock.
Katie: Well, it is a rock.
Elisa: But you just said it was an ice chunk.
Katie: That's not what I meant! It's a rock covered in ice. Really, all the planets are rocks; just some of them have a lot of chemicals in the atmosphere, so you can't land on them.
Elisa: A couple of years ago, I had to write a story about a personal adventure in space, and I had myself land on all the planets. I guess I got that part wrong.
Sarah H.: Is Pluto still considered a planet?
Katie: Not really. Most people think it's a dwarf planet. It used to be a planet, but the scientists discovered a whole bunch of other little planets, and they didn't want to add them to the list of planets, so the just took Pluto off the list so they would have less planets to memorize. At least, that's what I think happened. But in my book, Pluto will always be a planet.
leads to 10 more minutes of discussion about outer space

Elisa: What's behind that door over in the corner?
Katie: Oh, it's just stairs.
Elisa: I so want to climb them!
Katie: There's nothing interesting up there. It's a storage area, with a whole lot of boxes. There's a bell too.
Elisa: There might be mice up there.
Katie: There might.
Elisa: What's that vent at the top of the wall for?
Katie: I don't really know. I think the other end of it is up in the little storage room.
Me: Katie, don't tell Elisa anything else that's at the top of the stairs, or we really won't be able to keep her from going up them.
Katie: Oh, so I should keep the magical jewel a secret?

Jacqueline: So, to get back off the bunny trail-
Sarah H.: I like bunnies!
(I can't even read that without cracking up!)

The more Karissa, our dance teacher, and I talk to each other, the more uncanny similarities I find between the two of us. :-D



Katie's back! Which means we have a Question of the Week again! Here it is:
Suppose you have the body of a duck. You have your own head, but your body is that of a duck. You're in a lake that doesn't have any water in it, but it's full of pizza instead. There's also an alligator in the lake, and it's chasing you. How do you defend yourself?

And here's last week's:
Suppose you're inside a gigantic box with an army of guinea pigs, and they're attacking you with squirt guns filled with pickle juice. You want to fight them back, so you go to choose a weapon, but your only choices are a banana or a waffle. Which do you pick?

Hey, some of these questions would make great "What Would Happen If" scenarios! ;-D


Ian R.2

Question 1: Simple. If I'm a duck, I can fly away. :)

Question 2: I would throw the waffle first to distract them, then knock them out with the banana. :P



  1. Don't see how a lake can be a lake if it's full of pizza, but I'd just fly away from the alligator. Unless it's a flying alligator, in which case I would simply cover its eyes with cheese from the pizza and then fly away.

  2. I would use my fists. They're guinea pigs, for crying out loud.



  1. What if you're stuck in the cheese? We were thinking something along the lines of: If the pizza has been in the lake for a while, it must be pretty stale. So, you would shove a pizza really far back in the alligator's mouth, so that it couldn't close its mouth. Then you would walk out.


If the pizza was stale, you couldn't be stuck in the cheese, because it would be hardened. Also, you can't stick your hand down an alligator's throat without getting it bitten off. :P



You wouldn't stick your hand down the alligator's throat. You'd stick the pizza down the alligator's throat. suddenly realizes something Why are we discussing this anyway? The situation is already so impossible that unrealistic solutions probably won't hurt anything. ;-)



True, true. But I don't get how you can stick a pizza down an alligator's throat without sticking your hand down his throat. Unless you just throw it in, in which case it wouldn't get stuck. So… oh, whatever. :P



Katie's Question of the Week:
Suppose you're in a desert, and a whole bunch of clowns on bicycles are throwing cabbages at you. How do you fight them back?


Ian R.2

You throw sand in their eyes, so they fall off their bicycles, then you knock them out while their down, and then you run away. :)


Mommy's Helper

Katie's Question of the Week: Suppose you're in a desert, and a whole bunch of clowns on bicycles are throwing cabbages at you. How do you fight them back?

You stop supposing. Duh!



It's Friday night, so you all know what this post is about… the Question of the Week!
Suppose you have a bowl of oatmeal that's singing opera. How do you get it to stop? (Just a note- eating the oatmeal doesn't count, because it would still keep singing, you just couldn't hear it anymore.)
Linnea: I would tell it that its singing is really bad, and then it would be embarrassed and would stop.
Katie: But that would insult it!
Linnea: It's OATMEAL!


Everett C.

Solution #1: Oatmeal doesn't sing opera.
Solution #2: If it does sing for some reason, throw it into a black hole.
Solution #3: Split the oatmeal's atoms.



Solution 1: Of course it doesn't! That's why it's doing it in a Question of the Week!
Solution 2: It would just keep singing inside the black hole, so that doesn't count.
Solution 3: How would you do that?

Fake Trouble- I love the pic! ;-)


Everett C

Solution 1: Okay…
Solution 2: When something falls into a black hole it is completely destroyed.
Solution 3: Throw it into the Large Hadron Collider or a cyclotron.
