Shaggy (da JR!)

Started by Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

age: 12
I accepted Christ when I was 6 (or sometime around then!:)
I play violin and drums
I like animals
I have 1 sis
My pet mouse died
My parents were divorced so I have 2 dads
1 mom though!
a bunch of grandparents
I am a Jew
I love to fish, hunt, and hang with friends.
Someday, I hope to..uh…grow up.
I also hope to feed my grandmothers donkey an apple
I want to grow up to be an actress or singer(stupid, I know!)
If I put my hair just right, I look just like Justin Bieber (its a curse!)
I take Shotokan karate
what else do I put here… ?



I play violin too, not drums though. How long have you played? I haven't been very consistent with practice, but have been at it for maybe 12 years.
what else you put here? maybe why you joined MV, why your pet mousie died, where you buried it and whether or not it was cremated etc…. Oh, just kidding.


Sarah B.

It could be she joined Memverse because her mouse died… she was just bored and lonly.

We can fix that! XD


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

lol, do not worry, I still have a bird 2 keep me company!!!! :) his name is Logan and he is the original angry bird!!! :) JK he is pretty cool… although I think he's going 2 die soon 2… XP


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

I have Jewish heritage, my great-grandmother fled from Israel to Russia (so she would not get killed I guess). Most everything about me is Jewish, I LOVE locks and I love to speak as much Hebrew as I can right now, and I love to recite prayers in Hebrew, etc. :) Thanx! :) We like to keep the Jewish holidays too. :)


Sarah B.

I took Hebrew as my language in high school! :) it's definitely more interesting then Greek (apologies to Greek lovers - it's my personal opinion)! We celebrate many of the Jewish holidays as well (if we don't "celebrate" we at least recignize them)! :) What is your favorite holiday? Mine is Passover!

I said it has been interesting getting to knlw you because it's always interesting getting to know new people here! ;)


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

I play violin too, not drums though. How long have you played? I haven't been very consistent with practice, but have been at it for maybe 12 years. what else you put here? maybe why you joined MV, why your pet mousie died, where you buried it and whether or not it was cremated etc.... Oh, just kidding.

sorry! I have played for eight years. (despite the fact that I am not the most talented!) Do you use the Suzuki method?


Sarah B.

I actually like the horseradish we have… but ours isn't a very strong horseradish. Do you keep an extra setting for Elijah (isn't that who it is)? We don't do that part… My brother loves Matzo (he says he could eat it all year long)! :)
Do you celebrate Chanukkah? That is one that we don't really do… just because it was not commanded by God like the other ones (but there is nothing wrong with it). :)


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

We sometimes keep an extra seat…but not always. Yes! i love Matza, matzo, or matzah (3 different ways to spell it!)!!!!!!!! And matza ball soup and hiding the matza…etc.! we do not really celebrate Chanukkah… :)


Sarah B.

Some people think this is weird but, one of my favorite parts is at the end when we all say "Next year in Jarusalem!" It always gives me shivers! :)
Do you do the hiding of the afficoman (sorry, I don't remember how to spell it)?
^You don't have to answer this if you don't want to but - how do you do some of the things if your parents are not together? How do you do the part where the youngest asks questions of the father? I imagine it must be hard. :(^


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

well, we usually either do it with a group, or we go to someone elses house…I never hide the Afikoman, but it is fun to watch the younger children find it! :) one year, when I was little, i found it, but gave it away to a child younger than I because he knew where it was and looked so sad!



Man, you started when you were four? I have used some Suzuki stuff, but that was a really long time ago, so not really.
Another thing you could put up there if you are still trying to find interesting -useless- information for other people to read, your own blood type (unless of course that would be a breach of privacy). Based on what my parents are, I think I am an A+, but I think there is also a chance I am O+ as well.


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

Q:^You don't have to answer this if you don't want to but - how do you do some of the things if your parents are not together? How do you do the part where the youngest asks questions of the father? I imagine it must be hard. :(^</blockquote>

A: I have a step-Father!



When I was six or seven, I went to a violin teacher which might have been using some Suzuki stuff, but I cant remember. After one or two years we moved , and there were no reasonably priced teachers about, so we used Jaffe Strings DVD videos from abeka. I went through their first year, and then went maybe halfway through the second one. Sometime after that we were involved in a youth orchestra, and went to a violin teacher during that time. But over all most of the time has been not regular teaching or practicing.


Eunice Sophia

Hi JR! How do you do?

That's nice you are a Jew.
I always get Israel updates in mail. They are in tough situation. We are praying for Israel.

I like the song - 'Am Echad' by Ari Goldwag and those sung by Fountainheads.

Do you also memorise Scripture in Hebrew?


Shaggydog (Bloodhound)

Hi JR! How do you do? That's nice you are a Jew. I always get Israel updates in mail. They are in tough situation. We are praying for Israel. I like the song - 'Am Echad' by Ari Goldwag and those sung by Fountainheads. Do you also memorise Scripture in Hebrew?

no, I can only speak a little and say a few prayers…but I am learning! :)
