Smaug the Great and Terrible

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Deleted user

Hello, my name is Josh. Some people call squish. If you know anyone called Dubstep he's my brother. I am 10 years old. I love LOTR. I have read the Silmarrillon
Unfinished tales, Lord of the Rings 7 times, Hobbit 3 times. And read Redwall and Ted Dekker books. And I have listened to the soundtracks for Fellowship of the Ring, and Two Towers, And I go to GCF (Grace Christian Fellowship). And I Believe That The Only Way to Heaven is thru JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!


Alex Watt

Welcome Josh!

Wow… sounds like you're a huge Tolkein fan! That's fantastic you're such an avid reader at 9 years old… Reading is such a good habit.

The Silmarrilion is on my to-read list :)

P.S. Sorry for the delay in approving this topic.


Rebeka B.

Does your family have a lot of nick names or what? jk :) Welcome!
I saw when you posted on your brother's IY… I couldn't see your post because it was not varied but I was figuring on it being one of his relations. This morning I found out I was right! lol
